Xie Wanjin accompanied a Niang in Donghe hospital. Not long later, old lady Xie came , The family sat in the room and talked for a while.

thank Although the old lady looked much calmer than Mrs. Xie, she hardly looked away from the fourth childe when she spoke.

Xie Wanjin said a lot with a smile and couldn't help looking out the door.

When Mrs. Xie saw it, she couldn't help asking, "what are you looking at? Her eyes are staring. Her neck is stretched!"

"Where's Xiao Liu?" Xie Wanjin asked, "does she know that the fourth brother is back? Why doesn't she come?"

Mrs. Xie glanced at him and whispered, "which pot doesn't open !”

The fourth childe was speechless at once: "... Where did this come from?"

Xie Laofu said humanely: "Xiao Liu ran out secretly a few days ago and worried your eldest brother. He went out of the palace to find her all night. I don't know what to say. Xiao Liu said he would be banned for a full year and didn't even go out of the yard. He hasn't gone out for several days now."

Answered mammy Wang on her side : "Miss Liu was in a hurry to see the fourth childe. She was about to leave the hospital with one foot. She also remembered that she was forbidden to walk. At the moment, she was lying by the attic window and staring at Donghe hospital."

"And this?"

Xie Wanjin was in a state of bewilderment.

But the fourth childe thought: If Xiao Liu just sneaks out to play, how can the elder brother hurry out of the palace all night?

The first thing here is certainly not that simple.

Old lady Xie said a few more words about Xiao Liu. Xie Yucheng echoed in a warm voice, "it always has to go through things to grow up. Otherwise, it's young and ignorant."

"If I could, I'd rather she be innocent all her life." old lady Xie sighed, "but things in the world are changing. Who can tell what will happen in the future?"

The fourth childe comforted with a smile: "don't worry about grandma. Xiao Liu is still young. It's just to teach slowly in the future."

Xie Yucheng and Mrs. Xie also comforted the old lady.

For a time, the atmosphere in the room was relaxed and warm.

Xie Wanjin suddenly remembered what happened in Wuzhou. He immediately got up and said, "grandma, father and aunt, I have something to tell my elder brother as soon as possible. I'll change my clothes and go into the Palace first."

Several people shouted "good" and watched him go out.

When the fourth childe returned to the yard, he specially passed Xiao Liu Xie Zishu's attic. Sure enough, he saw the girl by the window and looked at him eagerly.

Xie Zishu waved to him and shouted, "fourth brother."

Xie Wanjin stood still outside the window, deliberately accepted the smile on his face, looked up at her and said solemnly, "I have something to say to my eldest brother. I'll settle with you when I come back."

Xie Zishu immediately: "

The fourth childe saw that she was no big deal, but she was a little thinner. The beauty tip became more and more obvious, so he didn't stay much. He went back to his yard and changed his clothes.

Before he went out, he asked the rich to invite the seventh childe.

Before long, Xie Zian came over and asked strangely, "what's the matter with the fourth brother looking for me?"

When he went out today, he met his fourth brother. After walking back and forth in the house, he delayed going to school Kung Fu, I simply stayed at home and read by myself.

Xie Wanjin stretched out his hand to hold the young man's shoulder, drew the man closer, leaned over and whispered to him, "the fourth brother has an important matter. No one can trust him. After thinking about it, only my little seven can do it."

Xie Zian said: it sounds very difficult.

But the more difficult things are, the more it seems that he has grown up in the fourth brother's heart and can share important things.


Xie Zian thought so, and his face became more and more dignified. "Fourth brother, please tell me. I will help you do it well."

"That's OK." Xie Wanjin said, "don't go anywhere today. Just keep looking at it for me."

"What? Right here?"

Xie Zian deeply suspected that the fourth brother was playing with himself.

But he has no evidence.

Because when the fourth brother said this, he looked very positive, which was completely different from when he used to deceive people with bad water.

"What is this?" Xie Wanjin raised his hand and patted the boy on the shoulder twice. "The fourth brother is serious. Look at her. Don't let her come up to my father's mother. Grandma can't do it. I'll tell you other things when I come back."

Xie Zian looked at his fourth brother for a long time and couldn't help saying, "fourth brother, do you just want someone to look after your daughter?"

Xie Wanjin was confused. "Xiao Qi, what are you talking about?"

"There are so many nannies in the mansion. Who can take care of you? I can't remember?" the seventh childe looked at his fourth brother with an expression of 'I've seen through you long ago'. "Do you think I can take care of people better than them?"

The fourth childe raised his hand and knocked on Xie Zian's head, "I let you look at her, just look at her. What do you want to do so much?"

The latter raised his hand and rubbed his head. Some wronged said, "it's not because he was cheated too much by the fourth brother."

Xie Wanjin choked and couldn't help knocking on the head of the seventh childe. He couldn't help asking, "have you secretly pressed Xiao Liu's heart on you these years?"

Mingming's seventh brother used to be easy to cheat.

The seventh childe slightly raised his eyebrows. "It's not because her brothers spoiled her."

"Well, don't gossip and hurry."

Xie Wanjin sent him to watch and forget. He himself went into the palace to see his eldest brother.

It's cold in October in Dijing.

The fourth childe took the Royal jade into the palace and smiled at everyone. Even the soldiers guarding the palace gate couldn't help saying "just come back, Royal Hou".

Along the way, the palace attendants stopped to salute and greet him. The young maid secretly looked at him and blushed quietly.

Xie Wanjin has serious business today. He doesn't waste much time with anyone. He goes straight to the imperial study.

At this moment, the eldest brother has gone down to the imperial court. The third brother is not in the imperial capital. The government affairs have to be done by your majesty. At this time, it should be in the imperial study.

When the fourth childe passed by, he saw the prince guarding the door.

When Wang Liang saw him, he immediately smiled on his face, quickly turned to the inside and said, "tell your majesty, the Royal marquis is back."

The next moment, a voice came from inside, "get in."

Xie Wanjin gathered his sleeves and walked to the door of the imperial study. Suddenly, he turned and stepped in, and then turned several times to his Majesty's imperial case.

When he stood still, he felt dizzy and couldn't stand.

The fourth childe quickly stretched out his hand to hold the table before he barely stood firm , Rao did not forget to look up and smile at Xie Heng, "elder brother, I rolled in. ”

Xie Heng closed the memorial at hand, picked it up and knocked on the fourth childe's forehead. His tone was slightly heavy and said, "do you still know to come back?"

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