Xie Wanjin raised his hand and rubbed his temples. After he was not so dizzy, he opened his eyes to see Xie Heng.

When I saw it, I found warm wine on the side.

The fourth childe's heart immediately calmed down and said with a smile, "of course I know I'm back. My eldest brother cares about me day and night in Dijing. How can I be a brother and not come back?"

"Be quiet."

Although Xie Heng said so, the radian of thin lip rising has been a little unbearable.

"Yes, listen to your majesty, listen to your majesty." Xie Wanjin bowed his hand and turned to ask Wen Jiu, "sister-in-law, did these Tianchang brothers talk in their sleep and call my name?"

Warm wine smiled with curved eyebrows and eyes, "yes."

Xie Heng couldn't help glancing at her, "ah Jiu."

Wen Jiu took a look at Xie Heng and added slowly, "he said that when Wan Jin comes back, he must reward him with 40 big boards. He can't be less at once and fight to death."


Xie Wanjin didn't expect it to be like this. He suddenly had a bitter face.

Several palace attendants in the imperial study bowed their heads and laughed.

The fourth childe couldn't help saying, "it's better not to dream about me."

Xie Heng bent his fingers and knocked on the table and said in a deep voice, "hmm?"

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin quickly cleared his throat and said again, "elder brother, do you know why I was assassinated this time?"

Xie Heng stared at him and said nothing for a moment.

"It's because..." the fourth childe almost said the sentence "elder brother pit me" again. Fortunately, he stopped it in time. "Elder brother, you let them go back first. When we are together, let's close the door and say it ourselves."

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corner of his eye and raised his hand slightly to signal the people to step down.

A group of palace maids bowed their heads and retreated.

In such a large imperial study, there were only three people left, Wen Jiu, Xie Heng and Xie Wanjin.

The fourth childe raised his hand, touched his chin, pondered and asked, "elder brother, did you have a secret order to let me do something when I pass by Wuzhou?"

Xie Heng said, "it's true."

"This secret edict almost killed me!" Xie Wanjin clapped his hand on the imperial case. "Elder brother, do you know your handsome brother who can earn money and carry things can hardly come back..."

"The secret order about your being intercepted and killed has not yet reached Wuzhou."

Xie Heng took another memorial and smashed it on the fourth childe's head. He directly interrupted him.

The fourth childe paused slightly, "so..."

"It's because those people think you've gone where you shouldn't go." Wen Jiu said slowly, "so you'd rather kill by mistake than put it by mistake."

Xie Heng nodded and asked calmly, "so, fourth childe."

He knocked on the desk with the memorial, and changed his address as usual, "Royal Marquis, what are you doing in Wuzhou?"

Xie Wanjin opened his mouth and said, "naturally, it's because I noticed that the people in Wuzhou have changed. I went to find out for my eldest brother. What's the risk involved? Even if it's going up the knife mountain and down the volcano, I I don't hesitate. I don't blink as a brother! "

Xie Heng was not annoyed either. His thin lips gently hooked up and said, "you say it again."

The fourth childe immediately stopped his posture, leaned against the corner of the imperial case, and whispered, "brother Rong and I went all the way north. Whatever we go, we just arrived at the boundary of Wuzhou that day."

Xie Heng raised his hand and took a picture of Xie Wanjin's head. He said in a deep voice: "fortunately, your boy is very lucky, otherwise what will you do with your grandmother and your aunt?"

"Elder brother... I was wrong."

The fourth childe admitted his mistake very quickly.

Xie Heng somehow suddenly thought of Xie Xiaoliu a few days ago. He couldn't help getting angry, "each one doesn't worry!"

Warm wine picked up the fragrant tea beside the table and handed it to him.

Xie Heng lowered his head to drink tea, and his complexion was a little slow.

The fourth childe quickly handed ah Jiu a feeling of "gratitude for the rescue".

Who knows, she added slowly, "take a sip of tea and train him later."

Xie Wanjin was speechless: "...."

Or how to say that husband and wife are one heart.

There was no room for anyone else in their eyes.

He watched Xie Heng drink two mouthfuls of tea and was about to speak again. He hurriedly took the lead and said, "the remaining evils of the former dynasty do exist in the boundary of Wuzhou What's more, this time in Wuzhou City, I went to Peking University's King's court. Elder brother, guess what I saw in Jeremiah's study? "

Xie Heng ignored him and said:

Fourth childe has many words and likes to sell off. Who is used to it?

Wen Jiu saw this and asked, "is it surnamed Zhao?"

Xie Wanjin quickly waved his hand and said, "it's not a living person."

Xie Heng raised his eyes to look at him. He couldn't help asking, "what dead man did you see, so fussy? ”

"It's not a dead man either." the fourth childe raised his hand and patted his mouth. "It's a portrait! There's a portrait of Xiao Liu hanging in the dark in Jeremiah's study!"

When he mentioned this, he felt his anger directed at his head. "This old man was really tired of living. At that time, he was so angry that he really wanted to burn his nest! How old are the old people? How old do you want Xiao to miss our little six? Do you want to face? No, I'll screw his head off!"

Xie Heng was lost in thought when he heard him say that there was a picture of Xiao Liu hanging in the dark in Jerusha's study.

The fourth childe was making a noise in his ear, and he turned a deaf ear to it. After a while, he said, "are you sure that's the portrait of Xiao Liu?"

"Elder brother, what do you mean by this?" Xie Wanjin was stunned for a moment before he felt a little angry Hesitated and said, "can you say..."

Xie Heng said, "Xiao Liu is only thirteen years old. She's just a yellow haired girl. She hasn't grown up yet. What does Yelu Huaxiao think of her?"

Wen Jiu also felt strange, "is there a mistake?"

"I can see clearly that the man in the picture is very similar to Xiao Liu." Xie Wanjin said, suddenly thinking of something, "or..."

Xie Heng looked at him and said in a low tone, "my aunt was only fifteen years old when she was kidnapped more than ten years ago."

"Grandma cherishes Xiao Liu most because Xiao Liu is most like an aunt... "Xie Wanjin said more and more and felt his back cool." where did the people who took her away take her? "

"Da Jin."

Xie Heng only said two words and stood up slowly.

In those years, Xie Heng's parents went to Dajin to save their kidnapped sister. Unfortunately, they died in a foreign land. Only domestic slaves returned to Xie's house with the bodies of Xie Heng's parents and pregnant Miss Xie's family.

In those days, they fled and returned. Only a few days later, their aunt died of dystocia. Even the biological father of little six and seven didn't leave a word.

They don't know what happened during Dajin.

Xie Heng was still young at that time, and there was no way to trace those things. Later, when he was older, Da Yan was weak for a long time and was frequently occupied by Da Jin. There was no way to investigate the old things many years ago.

I didn't expect that today, because Yale hid a portrait, he was given a chance to trace the events of that year

Xie Heng pondered for a moment and immediately said, "it is said that Zhou Minghao entered the palace!"

The fourth childe was surprised and couldn't help asking, "elder brother, why did you suddenly let Zhou Minghao come?"

"Let him help ah Yu." Xie Heng's eyes were slightly heavy, "I want Ye Luhua's life!"

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