Xie Wanjin roughly told his elder brother what he had encountered outside during this period, and focused on what happened in Wuzhou City. Watching Zhou Minghao enter the palace and take orders, he immediately set off for Beijing. Only then did he relax a little and go back to Xie's house after having dinner in the palace.

The first thing the fourth childe did when he returned to the house was to go to Donghe hospital. He personally fed medicine to Mrs. Xie, accompanied her for a while, coaxed her to sleep, then exchanged eyes with Xie Yucheng and walked out gently.

When he walked out of the courtyard, the night was deep.

Rich and noble walked on the side with a lantern and wanted to speak to him. Seeing the thoughtful appearance of the fourth childe, he could only shut his mouth silently.

Xie Wanjin was thinking about what his elder brother mentioned to him today. He couldn't help worrying about Xiao Liu a few days ago.

The little girl has grown up day by day, but she is only tall and has no heart.

It's really sad.

The fourth childe walked through the corridor, thinking about how to make her sister have more eyes, and soon came to Xie Zishu's attic.

The lamps under the eaves were shaken by the night wind, the porch windows were half closed, and there was a little light in the room , The little girl is obviously still awake.

"You don't have to go upstairs if you go to have a look at Xiao Liu," said Xie Wanjin, lifting the corner of his brocade robe and walking to the pavilion.

Pearl, who was standing outside the door, heard the footsteps. As soon as she looked into her head, she saw Xie Wanjin. She immediately saluted and said, "fourth childe..."


Xie Wanjin put the index finger of his right hand to his lips, made a silent movement, and then gently waved his hand to let several maids back.

He walked to the window by himself, stood still and looked into the room quietly.

Everyone was a little confused, but the fourth childe always had a deep friendship with Miss Liu. He came so late for a surprise, so they all obediently retreated.

When Xie Wanjin looked at it for the first time, he felt that he might be dazzled.

He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. Then he opened his eyes and looked again.

There is only Xie Zishu in the room single.

She is sitting under the lamp doing needlework, stitch by stitch, with a serious look. She is quiet and has a somewhat gentle, quiet and beautiful appearance.

It was completely different from the time when people had to play coquettish and cheat before being pressed to embroider.

It's like a different person at the moment.

Xie Wanjin stood and looked at it for a while. He raised his hand and twisted it on his arm. Only then did he gradually relax.

His first reaction was: This is not a fucking dream!

Then I was puzzled: what's the matter with my little six?

Is it true that the little girl has grown up and has something on her mind, just as her elder brother and ah Jiu said?

The fourth childe thought more and more and felt worse. He raised his hand and gently knocked on the window lattice twice.

Xie Zishu looked up and smiled at him. For a moment, her eyes were full of stars. "Fourth brother, you're back."

The girl got up and came, stretched out her hand and opened the door.

Xie Wanjin also walked quickly to the door and stretched out his hand to hold it Little six, he found that the little girl was not the same as before. As soon as he came back, he threw himself into his arms.

Today, she just stood quietly by the door and looked at him. Her gestures were like a picture.

Beauty is beauty. Good is also good.

But the fourth childe's heart was full of time and space.

But the smile on his face didn't fade. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Xie Zishu's shoulder and walked into the house. He smiled and asked, "why did our little six suddenly ask to stop their feet and stay in the house to start needlework?"

Xie Zishu tilted her head to look at him and said slowly, "nothing, I suddenly found..."

Her words stopped when she said nothing more.

Xie Wangang just went to the table and sat down. Seeing this, he couldn't help looking up and smiling and asked, "what do you find?"

"I found that I should grow up." Xie Zishu looked at her fourth brother like a star, "how can I drag my brothers back."

"Silly little six." Xie Wanjin heard the speech and couldn't help but raise his hand and rub Xie Zishu's head. The rising radian of the corners of his lips became larger and larger. "Your four brothers are not afraid to drag back your eldest brother and third brother. What are you afraid of?"

He said, looking at the little girl's serious and firm appearance, he couldn't help adding, "isn't your sister spoiled? Otherwise, why do you think your brother has become so powerful?"

When the fourth childe said this, he raised his hand and pinched Xie Xiaoliu's cheek.

He smiled in his peach blossom eyes, and his voice was gentle. "My brothers are indomitable and just turn their hands over the clouds and rain, just for you to be happy and carefree every day."

Xie Zishu looked at him quietly.

Xie Wanjin was reflected in his clear eyes.

The tip of the little girl's nose was a little sour, and her eyes were gradually red.

She sniffed and whispered, "I know."

So over the years, no matter what happened, she couldn't help crying.

Every day is happy.

It is because carefree carefree has gone too far that we will forget that there are many dangerous things in the world and do what fools will do.

Xie Wanjin felt a little distressed when he saw her like this. He quickly stretched out his hand and hugged the little girl. He said softly, "well, no matter what happens, there are brothers. You say you want to grow up and want to be sensible. The four brothers are also very happy, but we don't have to shut ourselves in the house all day and do things you don't like, do we?"

When the little girl heard the speech, her voice became smaller. "In fact, I don't hate doing needlework so much."

The fourth childe was speechless immediately: "... Did you before?"

"In fact, the first time I let my fourth brother embroider the handkerchief, I made a bet with my eldest brother. The eldest brother said that if you were really willing to make needlework for me, I would have red bean cake for a month." Xie Zishu said and secretly observed Xie Wanjin's face.

After a while, he added cautiously: "later, I thought it was troublesome..."

Xie Wanjin was so angry and funny that he didn't know what to say.

Xie Zishu paused for a moment and said, "it's good to read more books."

"OK." the fourth childe raised his hand and touched his chin. "These four brothers don't care about you. Can you tell the fourth brother the little secret hidden in your heart?"

"What little secret?"

Xie Zishu had an expression of 'I don't understand anything'.

Xie Wanjin looked at her and said slowly, "it's the little secret that you sneaked out of the house a few days ago and have to ask for foot ban after you come back."

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