Qingqi, who had heard the news and wanted to come into the hall to have a look, heard his majesty say hug, silently closed his hand and turned to look at a group of imperial doctors.

But these doctors didn't have as good an ear as he did. Seeing this, they asked, "why don't you go in again?"

Qing Qi said helplessly, "I just pinched my fingers and calculated. It's better not to go in for the time being."

Many doctors: "

You're a doctor. What are you doing?

And inside the hall.

Warm wine reached out and hugged Xie Heng. His tone became soft involuntarily, "hug, hug as long as you want."

"HMM." Xie Heng answered in a low voice and smiled contentedly.

Wen Jiu raised his hand and gently painted a skim and a press behind him. After a long time, he gently shouted "Xie Dongfeng."

Xie Heng's heart clicked, but his face didn't show, "huh?"

Wen Jiu asked in a low voice, "are you hiding something from me?"

Xie Heng didn't answer for a moment.

She couldn't help asking again, "is this your sudden coma related to me?"

Warm wine is too clear. Thank Dongfeng.

Although we promised not to deceive each other.

But I'm afraid I can't change this problem in my life.

If she doesn't ask directly, Xie Dongfeng doesn't know when he will hide it from her.

"Ah Jiu." Xie Heng raised his head and touched her earlobe. He smiled low and his voice was a little dumb in his illness. "Did you secretly go to see ah Yu's trial?"

Warm wine didn't react at once, and his eyes showed some confusion.

Xie Heng said with a smile: "your appearance of asking questions just now, quite a bit of the posture of the chief assistant interrogating the prisoner. I looked at... My heart was sudden."

Warm the wine. Now I understand.

Xie Heng is beating around the Bush saying that she is fierce.

Wen Jiu raised his hand, poked Xie Heng's eyebrows, pretended to be cold and said, "then don't you honestly explain to me?"

Xie Heng picked slightly from the corner of his eye, "then I have to think about how to explain."

"I think you want to figure out how to lie." Wen Jiu said, sitting up sideways and staring at Xie Heng, "you'd better tell me the truth, otherwise..."

Xie Heng said first, "otherwise what?"

Wen Jiu saw that he hadn't told the truth, so he wanted to ask this. He couldn't help grinding his teeth and said in a deep voice: "serve the punishment!"

"What kind of punishment?" Xie Heng asked with some amusement, "kneel abacus?"

Wen Jiu took a deep breath, pulled the long hair scattered on his shoulders behind him, and then raised his eyes to look at Xie Heng. His eyes were very serious.

She said word by word: "if you don't say it, I'll go to the shops in the north and south of the river to check the accounts. No one can't come back for three or five years. Then you'll stay in the palace alone."

Before the words fell, Xie Heng stretched out his hand and hugged her, "that's not good!"

"I don't care if you can." Wen said, "if you don't tell me the truth, I'll leave Beijing today."

"Well, well, I'm afraid." Xie Heng was helpless and couldn't help laughing. "Please hurt me and don't punish me, okay?"

When he spoke, the ending tone was slightly elongated, like jade dew quietly falling on the tip of warm wine in the morning.

Some itchy, and quietly hide a little sour.

She raised her hand and poked Xie Heng's face, trying to make her voice sound serious.

So she only said one word to Xie Heng, "speak!"

Xie Heng cleared his throat, "when you were in the Western Chu, the poison of hating bones often broke out. Rong Sheng said there was no way to eradicate it. At that time, the people under me found the records about the poison and said that the happy event might be solved..."

When Wen Jiu heard this, he couldn't help but say sadly, "so it's really because of me. ”

"I haven't finished yet. What are you anxious to do?" Xie Heng said with some laughter: "No one has tried this method before. It doesn't necessarily happen, and I was fine at that time. Besides, I suddenly fell into a coma this time. It's clear that those old stubborn people, ah Jiu, don't you know. They really eat the weight and are determined to block me up. They talk about it over and over again every day and make me angry."

He said half true and half false, secretly looked at the warm wine, and then continued: "I want to be in a coma for two more days, and I don't want to see their old face again!"

"What nonsense!" Wen Jiu raised his hand and gently patted him on the mouth. "Can you order it yourself?"

Xie Heng hooked his lips and smiled, lowered his voice and shouted to her, "ah Jiu."

"Young lady."


Wen Jiu was confused by his cry. Regardless of what he was "interrogating" again, he immediately broke his work. Wen Sheng asked, "what do you call me to do?"

Xie Heng raised his head to kiss her lips, gently licked the gap between his lips and whispered, "I'm hungry."

The moment the words fell.

The bright yellow curtain weft on the side of Wen wine body was blown by the wind, and slowly fell half down, blocking the light, and the Dragon couch instantly became dark.

She and Xie Heng were very close, and their breathing almost blended together.

The surrounding medicine smell is not gone. It is mixed with light incense.

Warm wine coughed twice, pressed Xie Heng with one hand, pulled away the scattered curtain weft with the other hand, and slowly said, "come on, pass the meal. ”

The Chamberlain outside hurriedly answered.

After a while.

Wen Jiu ignored Xie Heng's faint eyes and said again, "Your Majesty is awake. Let the imperial doctors come in."

"I obey your orders!"

Outside, a group of imperial doctors who had been guarding for a long time quickly answered.

As soon as the doorkeeper opened the door of the temple, the people rushed in with medicine boxes.

Wen Jiu got up and got down. After trimming his clothes, he sat on the edge of the couch with Xie Heng behind him.

She deliberately refused to see him.

Xie Heng lowered his voice and whispered to her, "what do you want them to do?"

He didn't have to warm wine to answer, so he answered himself, "they can't cure my disease. You have to hold it in your arms."

Wen Jiu glanced at him helplessly and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "what nonsense? People have come in. You need a face."

"Oh." Xie Heng answered, and the ending tone rose slightly. He reluctantly looked at the people not far away, and said in a very serious tone: "all Qing stopped, bowed his head and turned around."

They didn't know why, but they did.

"Now they can't see." Xie Heng looked up at her, smiled and whispered, "kiss me secretly."

Wen Jiu looked at him helplessly and funny.

At this time, it was midnight. The bright moonlight fell on the eaves, and some fell into the hall, overlapping with the dim lights.

Xie Dongfeng's amber eyes were full of light, reflecting her appearance.

Warm wine negative hand, close to his ear, whispered: "thank Dongfeng..."

Before she could say anything behind her, she was kissed by Xie Heng.

He pushed away reluctantly and leaned on the couch. His eyes looked at her faintly, "if you don't move, I have to move."

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