Xie Heng had no choice but to pretend that nothing had happened, Let a group of imperial doctors come forward to feel his pulse.

It's strange that the man has been sleeping for so long that they can't tell what's wrong after taking their pulse one by one.

Just say to clear the fire to dryness and take more care of yourself.

Wen Jiu always felt something wrong after listening to it, but Xie Heng waved his hand and asked everyone to step down.

"I'll leave."

All the people said what they should say and bowed their heads and retreated.

Xie Heng got up and stayed as if nothing had happened. He reached out to her and whispered, "you see, I said earlier, but I was angry with those old things. It's no big deal, right?"

Wen Jiu hesitated and said, "can't they see it? Don't make an order to call folk doctors to see it?"

"Empress." Xie Heng shouted to her in a decent manner, "don't ignore anything every time you worry about me. If I really have such a will, I will be sick by the people in the market. ”

At that time, Dayan, who finally settled down, was afraid that he would fall into turmoil again.

Although Xie Heng didn't say this.

But Wenjiu already knew very well.

She couldn't insist on doing so. A pair of Yingbo eyes stared at Xie Heng, and many words were silent.

"You look at me like this..." Xie Heng raised his eyebrows slightly and asked with a smile in his voice, "do you want to kiss me again?"

Warm wine suddenly speechless: "...."

Just at this time, the waiter outside the temple announced that the meal had arrived.

Wen Jiu smiled, raised his hand and ordered the tip of Xie Heng's nose "Come in," he called softly

Behind the sound, the waitresses carrying delicious food poured in and soon filled the table.

The brave palace man secretly looked up at his majesty.

I saw him frowning, very wronged.

"Don't you mean hungry?" Wen Jiu smiled gently, took him to the table and sat down. He served him dishes himself. "Eat quickly."

Xie Heng was in a coma for a long time. Although he didn't eat, he was filled with soup and medicine.

Actually, I'm not very hungry.

But I have to finish all the dishes that ah Jiu brought me.

Warm wine and add some dishes to him from time to time. Although you should be instructed by the imperial doctor, your majesty should clear your heart and reduce fire. This is a table dish Almost all of them are vegetarian, but fortunately, the imperial dining room has done it carefully and the dishes are quite pleasant.

She ate with me and some.

While they were eating, the waiters announced: "Your Majesty, your mother, the Royal marquis is is coming."

The sound did not fall.

Xie Wanjin had already stepped into the hall, strode forward and said with a smile, "elder brother is awake. You've been angry for a long time, but you scared me."

Wang Liang, who came in after him, couldn't help but bow his head and smile when he heard this.

Xie Heng raised his eyes and looked at him, "do you want Wei to lie down again?"

"How can I?" Xie Wanjin explained, "I'm just too happy. I'm easy to gossip when I'm happy. My eldest brother knows me. Don't worry about me."

Xie Heng ignored him and ate slowly.

The fourth childe raised his hand and touched his chin. He was just about to start talking.

He was preempted by warm wine. "Are you hungry? Sit down and eat together?"

They tossed about in the palace for a long time. As soon as it was dawn and the palace doors were almost open, Xie Wanjin came.

This man really put his eldest brother at ease.

But his mouth is very cheap.

"Ah Jiu still hurts me." Xie Wanjin smiled and sat down on Xie Heng's side. "I've been comforting my grandmother and the family all day. I'm too anxious to drink tea."

Warm wine called for someone to add dishes and chopsticks to him.

Xie Wanjin said slowly, "my grandmother, my father's mother, and little six and seven were all going to come to the palace to see my eldest brother, but I think the eldest brother should be no big deal, so I told them not to come first. There are so many people outside. If you see all these people in our family coming to the palace, you can't tell that there will be a rumor about what happened to my eldest brother."

That's the truth.

But the fourth childe said so with a smile, so he didn't deserve to be beaten.

Xie Heng was full for seven or eight minutes. As soon as he heard this, he put his chopsticks directly, slightly hooked his lips and said, "since you're here, let's go to the political hall together."

"Ah?" Xie Wangang took a lotus roll and heard this before he could eat it. The smile on his face suddenly collapsed, "I haven't eaten yet."

Xie Heng got up slowly. "I don't think you're hungry. Let's go."

"I... don't look hungry?" Xie Wanjin was confused.

But he knew that his eldest brother was never very reasonable.

So the fourth childe immediately turned to warm the wine and said, "is the elder brother angry or... Confused? He was stunned by the anger of those old ministers. He just woke up and wanted to go to the political hall. How can he bear it?"

When he finished, he bowed his head and ate breakfast quickly.

"This is also very reasonable." Wen Jiu also had this worry. He looked up at Xie Heng and said in a warm voice, "what's important for them to send to the bedroom hall? Just tell them to do it after you review it. Don't hurry to go to the court?"

Xie Heng said with a smile: "I'm fine. I'm full of sleep and eat well. I naturally want to do business. Not to mention..."

She paused a little and continued: "at that time, she suddenly fell down in the political hall, which must frighten the ministers. Instead of lying here and watching them come here to see each other and meet those crying people, I have to appease them. It's very troublesome. It's better to sit in the political hall so that they won't disturb your purity."

Wen Jiu smiled, "whatever you like."

Xie Heng raised his hand and pinned the green silk scattered on her shoulders to the back, with a gentle tone, "You go to sleep for a while. When you wake up, I'll come back."

Wenjiu nodded, "OK."

Xie Heng turned around with a smile, picked up Xie Wanjin who was eating breakfast and went outside the hall.

"Elder brother!" Xie Wanjin choked and said helplessly as he walked, "elder brother, let's have something to say. Let go of my collar first. I, I'm out of breath!"

As soon as Xie Heng came out of the hall door, the tenderness in his eyes faded away.

He threw the fourth childe under the tree and looked down at him, "what can you do if you say less?"

"What can't be done?" Xie Wanjin whispered, "I just feel flustered."

Xie Heng raised his hand to slap him on the forehead.

"Elder brother, elder brother!" Xie Wanjin hurriedly saw this Hold your head in both hands, "let's talk! It's too close here. I'll cry if it hurts too much. Ah Jiu can hear me when I cry."

The fourth childe grasped the life talisman of ah Jiu.

You have to use it when you should. It's not vague at all.

Xie Heng raised his hand and silently put it down again, carrying it directly behind him.

He looked at the fourth childe in front of him, his eyes were dim, and asked in a deep voice, "Rong Sheng is still in Wuzhou City now?"

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