Xie Wanjin was stunned for a moment, but the back showed helplessness: "how do I know? The third brother doesn't write to you every day? You can ask him, ask Zhou Minghao, or ask Ye Zhiqiu. Just grab me in the imperial capital and ask what's going on?"

The fourth childe wondered if his eldest brother was mad.

Xie Heng stood in the frost fog in the morning, slightly narrowed a pair of Danfeng eyes and said in a deep voice, "Rong Sheng's whereabouts are mysterious. Even if ah Xuan and they are together in Wuzhou City, the news they know may not be true."

"That's right." Xie Wanjin did not deny that Rong Sheng's whereabouts were indeed a mystery, "but... I After returning to Beijing, I broke off contact with him. I don't know whether he is in Wuzhou City or not. "

Xie Heng heard the speech and didn't speak for a moment.

The fourth childe looked at his eldest brother inexplicably, "what do you want to do when you suddenly find Rongsheng?"

Xie Heng glanced at him, slightly frowned and said, "do you have a way to let him come to the imperial capital?"

Xie Wanjin was more and more confused when he heard this.

He looked at Xie Heng for a long time, suddenly noticed something, lowered his voice and asked, "elder brother... Are you really..."

"Don't talk nonsense." Xie Heng interrupted him directly, "just ask if you can recruit Rong Sheng?"

Xie Wanjin is a little embarrassed. He calculates the days. The two months Rong Sheng said have passed. He may not be in Wuzhou City at the moment.

Moreover, the national master himself is difficult to protect. How did he come to the imperial capital?

Xie Heng saw that the fourth childe didn't speak, so he couldn't help but raise his hand and knock on his forehead, "speak."

"I'm afraid he can't come right now." Xie Wanjin reached out and rubbed his forehead. A few worried colors appeared in peach blossom eyes. He asked in a low voice, "elder brother, do you know your body is dead, so..."

Xie Heng rewarded another explosive chestnut to the fourth childe and said with a sneer, "I can't see. You really want to be my brother?"

"You have wronged me."

Xie Wanjin was afraid that he would knock himself again. He simply fell back and the whole person leaned against the tree.

He is used to laziness in his daily life. His posture has a special style. He glances around lazily. The people in the inner palace are far away and their voices are quieter. Those people can't hear their brothers.

The fourth childe whispered, "if elder brother is all right, what do you want to do with Rongsheng? If you are full and want to find a pastime, you must find him."

The hand under Xie Heng's sleeve gently closed into a fist, "there's nothing right now, but I've been in a coma this time. It's hard to ensure that I don't come back next time. I'm looking for Rong Sheng, just in case."

Xie Wanjin stood up straight and said, "brother, in this case, you'd better keep it to cheat a bar."

Xie Heng was speechless for a moment.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why the third childe didn't talk much on weekdays.

There is a brother like Xie Wanjin at home. There is really nothing to say.

Unfortunately, the fourth childe doesn't know what his eldest brother is thinking.

He said with great emphasis to Xie Heng, "elder brother, tell me the truth. If I really can't, even if I go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire, I'll find Rong Sheng for you."

"That's not necessary. ” Xie Heng slightly picked his eyebrows and felt a bit of meaning. His tone was slightly slow and said, "if you want to go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire, don't go."

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

Xie Heng didn't say much to him, so he turned and left.

The fourth childe rushed to him and grabbed him. He spoke very quickly and said, "isn't that what you said? Elder brother, why are you serious?"


Xie Heng said only one word, and the ending tone lengthened slightly. He turned and looked at him.

Xie Wanjin cleared his throat and said solemnly, "brother, it's a big thing for me. I'll bring you back whether I need it or not."

"HMM." Xie Heng raised his hand and patted the fourth childe on the shoulder, "go."


Xie Wanjin made a formal salute and turned away.

But he didn't take a few steps. Suddenly he remembered something. He turned and asked, "when is the elder brother going to tell ah Jiu the truth?"

Xie Heng picked his eyes slightly and asked, "which sentence I told her is not the truth?"


Xie Wanjin thinks he has a thick skin, but in front of his eldest brother, it seems that he is not a bit bad.

He stood there with a tangled look and said, "if you were so confident, you wouldn't take me out to talk about it secretly under the pretext of going to the political hall."

The fourth childe spoke more and more quietly. He seemed to be talking to himself in the back.

But Xie Heng's ear force was excellent and he didn't miss a word.

He stood with his hands on his back, his sleeves fluttering in the wind.

Xie Hengguang thought of ah Jiu, and his eyes involuntarily became gentle. Facing the morning light, he looked up at the rosy clouds in the sky and said slowly, "what can't be said? Why should she worry?"

Xie Wanjin whispered, "you're not afraid. Something really happened to you at that time. You scared ah Jiu, elder brother... You don't know what ah Jiu became yesterday..."

"Can you look forward to my eldest brother?" Xie Heng interrupted: "looking for Rong was just in case. Now let her know. I don't know how long to worry. I won't have anything at that time. Instead, I'll worry about her. How good is that?"

"I'm talkative, right?"

The fourth childe raised his hand and touched his chin.

This daughter-in-law is a charming girl in the palm.

My brother is roadside grass.

It's too far.

He didn't say it, but it was all written on his face.

Xie Heng looked at Xie Wanjin with long eyes and raised his hand slowly. He hadn't touched him yet.

The fourth childe ran away like a smoke.

As he ran, he said, "I can't delay doing business for a moment. I'll go now!"

It's the twelfth month, and it's getting colder and colder.

Xie Wanjin ran out of sweat on the way out of the palace. On the way back to Xie's house by carriage, it suddenly snowed.

The strong wind slowly rushed into the window with snowflakes.

The fourth childe opened the curtain of the car, reached out and caught a few snowflakes, and looked at the glittering and translucent water droplets melting in the palm of his hand.

A little cold seeped into his skin, making him more and more sober.

This soberness makes it easy to think of someone.

Xie Wanjin wondered whether Rong Sheng was in Wuzhou City or left for Hanchuan alone.

He is now sending a letter to the green guards to stop him. Is it in time?

Or, if I set out for Wuzhou today, can I catch up with him?

The fourth childe thought back and forth, and the carriage went to the door of Xie's house.

The coachman reined in his horse and looked back and said, "fourth childe, I'm home."

"OK." Xie Wanjin answered and lifted the curtain.

As soon as he got out of the carriage, he saw a gray haired old man sitting on the steps with a medicine box.

When the man saw the fourth childe, he immediately got up and said, "you're back. I've been waiting for you here for a long time."

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