Ten days later, at midnight.

Xie Wanjin hurried to the boundary of Wuzhou. On a snowy night, he asked the green guards to take him directly over the wall into the city and go to Changnian Township restaurant.

At night, the streets were empty and there were few pedestrians.

Wearing a white fur cloak, Xie Wanjin braved the snow to the back door of the restaurant and knocked three times.

A moment later, the door opened.

"Fourth childe!" the factotum who ran to open the door in the snow saw that he quickly sideways welcomed the people in. While closing the door, he said strangely: "now the new year is coming, how did you come to Wuzhou City?"

At this time, the books of all places are going to be sent to Dijing. The fourth childe should be too busy to leave. It's really surprising to come to Wuzhou twice in just a few months.

Xie Wanjin didn't answer, but asked, "where's Wei Song?"

"The second shopkeeper is inside." the factotum led him to the yard.

Xie Wanjin turned and walked upstairs. He only whispered, "let him come and see me."

When the sound fell, he had stepped up the steps and walked to the elegant room on the second floor.

The factotum was stunned for a while and immediately called someone to go.

It was already late at night. Even the restaurant had few guests, and most of the lights in the building were out.

The fourth childe followed his memory to the elegant room where Rong Sheng came together last time, opened the door and went in.

The window of the house was not closed. As soon as he entered, the wind and snow came face to face, blowing the sleeves and the cold into the skin, which was very much like the feeling given by the man at the beginning.

Cold and inhumane.

Xie Wanjin took off his cloak, threw it on one of the chairs, walked to the table in the dark and sat down.

There was no light in the elegant room, and there was no one. It was quiet.

The fourth childe just sat quietly.

On his way here, he knew Rong Sheng was not in Wuzhou City. The third brother sent back the news that he had disappeared.

Xie Wanjin is not surprised at all.

Rongsheng has always been like this. The Dragon sees the head but not the tail.

What's more, they said that two months had passed, and Rong Sheng didn't promise to wait here for him to come back. There was nothing to say after he left.

But the fourth childe just wants to come back and have a look.

After sitting alone for a moment, he touched the torch and lit the lamp on the table.

The fire jumped and lit up the whole room.

Xie Wanjin looked around and murmured, "I cherish things very much. I didn't smash anything."

The national master stayed in Wuzhou City for many days and has always lived in this elegant room. Even if others leave, Wei Song and others dare not let others use this elegant room again.

The furnishings in the house are still the original objects, and even the tea lamps on the table are the ones he used when he was there.

When the fourth childe swept aside the beauty couch, he suddenly saw a piece of stationery on it, pressed with a purple jade token, which was very conspicuous.

He hurried over and picked it up. There were only a few words written on it:

The world is excellent, especially Xie Si.

Today I go to Hanchuan, but fortunately I will return soon.

If you are unfortunate, your soul will return.

Don't read.

When Xie Wanjin finished reading, his eyes suddenly became sour.

He raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows. "It's like asking you to praise me on weekdays. It's just like asking you to kill yourself! At this time... It's like praising me at this time..."

The fourth childe stopped halfway and sighed, "what are you thinking?"

He read a few lines of the letter again, and was so angry that he hurt his heart. "Don't read it yet? How afraid are you that I will annoy you and disturb you?"

The man was not with him at all, and naturally it was impossible to answer him.

But at this time, two women in purple jumped into the window and fell to the ground, "I've seen the fourth childe."

Xie Wanjin took a look at them and knew that they were from the National Teacher's residence. He had met several times before and looked familiar.

He was a little surprised and said, "Why are you still here?"

Shouldn't they go to Hanchuan with Rongsheng?

The older maid on the right answered, "it was the national master who told us to stay in Wuzhou City and be sent by the fourth childe!"

"He went alone?" Xie Wanjin frowned. "Did you let him go alone?"

Hanchuan is so far away that I don't know if I can find it.

I don't know how he recovered from the injury on his leg... He can't show his martial arts. How can he go alone?!

The maid in purple bowed her head and said, "I can't disobey the order of the national master."

Xie Wanjin crumpled the letter paper in his hand into a ball and wanted to throw it out. His hands were lifted up. He didn't throw it in the end.

He closed his eyes, calmed down, slowly flattened the letter paper, folded it and put it in his arms, and then said in a slow voice, "no wonder you do this. Get up."

Rongsheng's temper is known to the fourth childe. He is determined to go his own way. No one can persuade him. These people have no way to blame them.

"Thank you, fourth childe." the two ladies in purple got up and said to Xie Wanjin, "the national master has left many people in the city. What's the use of the fourth childe?"

Xie Wanjin raised his eyes and said, "go and call people together first. After dawn, come with me to find him."

Cold rivers are hard to find, and it is convenient for many people to explore the way.

A look of consternation flashed in the purple maid's eyes, "but the National Master said..."

"I don't care what he said!" the fourth childe directly interrupted him and said angrily, "he doesn't know where to go now. Since people have reached the childe's hand, they have to listen to him and let him stay."

The two ladies in purple immediately: "..." Mr. Xie is really a wonder in the world!

If someone else gets a hand for no reason, they always have to doubt it for a long time and try it several times before they dare to use it.

Instead, he kicked himself away from the original master's orders.

However, if it were not for Xie Si, would the master give them to others?

While talking here, footsteps came from outside the door.

Xie Wanjin waved to them to go, "you do it."

Two ladies in purple stepped down.

The visitor also opened the door and came in.

"Fourth childe, why did you come here alone this big night?" Wei Song had gone to bed. After being woken up, he hurried to wear his coat and came over. "Does chief Fu know you're coming?"

"I know."

Xie Wanjin only said two words.

The third brother knew he was coming, but he didn't know he would arrive in the middle of the night.

Wei Song glanced at the fourth childe's face and said tentatively, "four little..."

Just after he said two words, he swallowed his wife's two words and changed his way: "the distinguished guest of the fourth childe left more than ten days ago. I haven't let anyone else in this elegant room. I just stood outside the door and looked at it without moving anything."

"Well, I can see." Xie Wanjin was in a very complicated mood, raised his hand and rubbed his forehead.

After a while.

He suddenly remembered something and asked, "when he left... How was his leg injury?"

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