Wei Song thought for a while, considered it carefully and said, "I think it's almost good."

"You watched him go out by himself?" Xie Wanjin asked again immediately, "what does he pretend to be like? You can see it?"

Wei Song choked and said bitterly, "fourth childe... Naturally, I can only see the surface. I really don't know whether it's good inside or not."

Xie Wanjin raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows. He didn't speak again for a moment.

He also knows that he asked. It's strange. No wonder Wei Song.

But this flustered, inevitably some anxious.

Wei song was quiet for a moment and said, "it's late at night. The fourth childe will rest here today?"

"No." Xie Wanjin calmed down. As he walked to the side, he picked up the fox fur and put it on his body. At the same time, he said, "I'm going to go to the third brother. This house... Still keep it as it is and don't let people move."

Wei Song repeatedly said yes, and then said with some worry: "it's not good for you to go to the Peking University King's court at the moment. Recently, the guard there has become more and more strict..."

Xie Wanjin disdained: "who can those broken guards stop? ”

When Wei songton: "

The sound fell.

Xie Wanjin turned out of the house and walked downstairs.

Wei Song hurried up and said something about recent events in Wuzhou City.

The fourth childe told him to be careful as he walked out. If necessary, he should go first.

Wei song is a smart man. How could he not know that something big was about to happen when he heard such words? His face turned white at the moment.

Xie Wanjin went out without changing his face.

He went out through the back door, raised his hand and shouted down the green guards standing on the roof watching the wind, "go and find my third brother."

The green guards reached out and carried it Four childe sentences flew up and walked on the eaves and walls towards the Peking University King's courtyard.

Xie Wanjin closed his eyes and the wind and snow came face to face, cold and piercing.

As expected, yeluhua added several weights to the guards of the Peking University King's court. The green guards took the fourth childe around the eaves of the house, drilled into the space, crossed in, capsized and entered Xie Xuan's house.

Lord Shoufu was already sleeping. When he heard the news, he immediately closed his clothes and sat up.

Xie Wanjin gasped for breath holding the table and said in a low voice, "third brother, it's me."

Xie Xuan got up and stayed, walked towards him, and said in a cool voice, "why is this time?"

"A little hurried." Xie Wanjin slowed down and waved to the Qingyi guard to step down first.

The latter flew into the dark, and there were only two brothers left in such a big room.

Xie didn't light the lights either. It was dark all around. Only the snow outside refracted in a little light.

Xie Wanjin raised his hand and stroked his heart. He was quite positive and said, "third brother, go back to Dijing quickly."

Xie Xuan's eyes changed slightly, and immediately asked in a deep voice, "what's the matter with your eldest brother?"

"I didn't know why I was in a coma." the fourth childe whispered, "Rong Sheng sent Li Cangnan to Dijing a few days ago. I think it's his eldest brother..."

He didn't want to say anything about his eldest brother, He paused and said, "just in case, the third brother should go back first."

Xie Xuan had received a secret letter from Dijing two days ago. When he learned that his elder brother had been in a coma, he recalled what he had said to Rong Sheng last time. He was very upset.

Tonight, I heard from the fourth childe that Li Cangnan was already in the imperial capital, and his heart sank. A handsome face became more and more expressionless.

"Third brother?" Xie Wanjin shouted to him when he saw that he didn't speak.

"I know," Xie Xuan said in a deep voice, "I'll try my best as soon as possible Finish the business here and go back to Dijing. "

Xie Wanjin said, "that's good. Be careful yourself. I'll go first."

He just didn't feel at ease, so he came to remind the third brother.

As for other things, chief Fu's ability is much better than him. Naturally, he can't say anything more.

Rong Sheng is still more worried.

Hearing the speech, Xie Xuan could not help frowning and said, "where are you going? ”

Xie Wanjin shook the snow on the fox fur, raised his eyes and said, "I'll find Rongsheng."

"Do you know where he has gone?" Xie Xuan looked up and looked at him with his eyes as black as ink. "Where are you going to find him?"

The fourth childe sighed, "I don't know. I have to find it. The eldest brother has to rely on him to save him."

Xie Xuan went to one side of the table and sat down, poured a cup of hot tea and handed it back to him.

The fourth childe seldom saw the third brother so considerate. He was flattered for a moment. He hurried over to pick it up with his hands. He held his warm hands and said, "I haven't seen you for a while. How can the third brother be so good?"

Xie Xuan didn't answer his words, but said in his usual tone, "are you really just for your eldest brother?"

Xie Wanjin was stunned when he heard the speech, and the hot water in the teacup shook out, He was so hot that he almost couldn't hold it. He was worried that there were all yelhua people outside, so he had to hold it. He gritted his teeth and said, "what's the third brother talking about? I'm not for my eldest brother... Who else can I do for?"

Xie Yu asked faintly, "who do you think it's for? ”

"Third brother!" Xie Wanjin didn't dare to play here with the chief assistant. Guess what I guess.

If I had changed my spare time in the past, I would not be able to delay at all now.

He said reluctantly, "I'm not only for my eldest brother, but also for brother Rong. Now their lives are tied together. I have to find Rongsheng for my eldest brother. For myself... I have to find him back!"

That's what I said.

Xie Xuan naturally had nothing to say, only asked, "how sure?"

"I don't know." Xie Wanjin said, "I can only see luck."

Xie Yu was silent.

After a while.

The fourth childe smiled and said, "if you are lucky, that childe is not afraid at all. I have been inferior to you and your eldest brother in everything since I was young. But in terms of luck, no one in the world can be better than me. Do you think so? Third brother."

Xie Xuan took out a brocade handkerchief from his sleeve and threw it to him. He whispered, "yes, the fourth childe is blessed."

When Xie Wanjin put down his tea cup and reached for his handkerchief, he suddenly heard him say this and was stunned.

Then, he couldn't help laughing, "third brother, if you want to say good words with your eldest brother to make people feel at ease, you should at least smile. You said with a straight face that the fourth childe's fortune Changlong said like the fourth childe driving a crane to the West."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Xie Xuan shook his sleeve and the wind was on the fourth childe's face.

The latter reluctantly wiped his face, "well, what the third brother said is good! What the third brother said is wonderful. Am I wrong?"

Xie Xuan didn't want to pay attention to him anymore. He took out a white jade flute from his sleeve and gave it to him. He turned back to his couch and said in a cold voice, "go, go."

Xie Wanjin was stunned. "You white jade flute... Just give it to me?"

This white jade flute is the only thing left to him by the third brother's biological mother.

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