Xie Xuan stopped, and a crowd behind him also stopped.

Ye Zhiqiu, Zhou Minghao and a group of green guards behind them unconsciously clenched their weapons, and the accompanying officials were sweating hard.

There was a long snow in the courtyard. The north wind blew so hard that the sleeves of Shoufu adults turned over. He still looked like normal to yeluva. "I have stayed here for a long time. Naturally, I want to go to the seven southern cities."

"I'm going to Nanqi city?" yeluhua smiled suddenly when he heard the speech. "Why did the chief assistant say in advance that the king would also like to give a banquet to send you off. It's snowy. Let you go like this. Isn't it not that the king's hospitality as the host is not good?"

He said this politely, but the guards behind him were fierce. They would face each other with swords at the command.

For a moment, the atmosphere was tense.

Xie Xuan brushed the wind and snow between his sleeves and said in a cool tone: "Your Majesty is too polite. If my official is paid by the imperial court, I have to share my worries for you. If there are important things in the seven southern cities, it's natural to rush there as soon as possible. As for the banquet to see you off, you don't have to."

Jeremiah looked a little surprised. "What did the chief assistant find out about the seven southern cities?"

"It's important for the imperial court." Xie Xuan said expressionless, "no comment."

"Lord Shoufu said yes." Jeremiah said with a smile, "it's the king who has surpassed. ”

Xie did not answer.

The people behind him were silent.

Yeluhua looked at him again for a moment. Seeing that there was no change in the face of Shoufu, he slowly turned to his side, raised his hand and motioned the guards to make way for Xie Yu. He smiled and said, "since Shoufu is in such a hurry to leave, it's inconvenient for the king to stay more. Let's send you out."

Ye Zhiqiu, Zhou Minghao and others don't know what medicine this man sells in the gourd, but the more this time, the more stable they are. They all learn from the expressionless face of Shoufu adult and don't enter strangers.

Xie Xuan did not refuse either. He nodded slightly and said, "please."

"Please." Jeremiah raised his hand and motioned to Shoufu to go first, and then looked back at Ye Zhiqiu and the people.

Ye Zhiqiu looked up and smiled at him.

Zhou Minghao also showed some dandy strength when he was the son of the world, and a fake smile piled up on his face.

Yeluhua was stunned and couldn't see why. He had to turn around and go out with Xie.

The guards of Peking University King's court and a group of green guards were divided into two lines, each following behind them, passing through the wind and snow between the houses to the gate.

As he walked, he suddenly opened his mouth and asked, "did Lord Shoufu still pass through Wuzhou when he returned?"

When ye Zhiqiu and Zhou Minghao heard the speech, their smiles were stiff.

Qi Qi scolded in his heart: old fox!

Xie Yu said in his usual tone, "nature."

"The king must be well prepared to welcome the first auxiliary." yeluhua smiled and exchanged greetings.

Xie Ying responded coldly, looking the same as usual.

After a while, the crowd came to the gate.

Several carriages were already waiting in front of the steps, and more than a dozen boys were waiting with their horses.

"The king stopped." Xie Xuan turned to the Lord and said, "send it here."

The latter smiled and arched his hand. "The king will send it not far away. It's easy for Shoufu to go all the way."

The guards of the king's court saluted one after another.

Xie Yu said faintly, "see you later."

Ye Zhiqiu, Zhou Minghao and others behind him saluted and left.

A moment later, Xie Xuan and a group of people turned to go out and got into their own carriage. Ye Zhiqiu was worried. He took the lead in jumping into the carriage to help Xie Xuan lift the curtain and followed him into the same car.

"Why does this yeluhua talk so much?" Ye Zhiqiu listened to his questions. After talking all the way, he was a little angry and wanted to say something more. Suddenly he saw Xie Yu raise his hand to her lips, motioning her to keep silent and quickly shut her mouth.

Xie Xuan sat down in the carriage and said in his usual tone, "let's go."

Everyone outside answered "yes" in unison, turned their horses and set out in the direction of going out of the city.

Behind him, Jeremiah stood at the gate and looked at them.

The deputy general on his side whispered, "Your Majesty?"

Jeremiah raised his hand and put it down again. The guards retreated one after another. Thousands of archers hiding in the dark and on the eaves also stopped.

The deputy general couldn't help asking, "Xie Yu is very deep in the city. If you don't kill him today, I'm afraid it's hard to find such a good time in the future."

Jeremiah watched the carriage go farther and farther, and suddenly smiled“ If a man like Xie Xuan is an enemy, he must be killed. But if he goes to find Yan's trouble, he will not be the enemy of the king. "

The deputy general wanted to say something more. Yeluhua raised his hand and motioned that he didn't have to say more. He said with a smile: "the king is careful these days. He hasn't left a trace. He can't find anything again. He doesn't want to stay here. It's normal to waste time 。”

His eyes fell in the distance, and Xie Xuan's carriage was about to turn.

Ye Zhiqiu sat in the carriage, holding his breath. Under the sign of Xie Yu's eyes, he looked back at the Peking University King's courtyard through the gap in the curtain.

I saw the archers coming down from the eaves around me. If the chief assistant hadn't dealt with them properly just now, if what he said was wrong, they would have been shot into hedgehogs at the command of yelowa.

At this moment, it can be said to have escaped death.

They all rode forward as if nothing had happened.

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help looking at Xie Xuan from top to bottom for several times. When he looked at it, he was angry and didn't panic.

Xie Xuan could not help frowning and asked, "what do you think of me like this?"

"I don't know... Just want to see it." Ye Zhiqiu whispered, "I've been in the water for a few times. Suddenly I feel that I'll make money by looking at you more."

When she finished, she saw Shoufu's face becoming more and more expressionless. She couldn't help scolding herself in her heart: just look. Why do you have to say it to make him unhappy?

Why are you not smart?

Xie Xuan didn't let her roll down this time. He just stretched out his hand to help his forehead and closed his eyes painfully.

Ye Zhiqiu was worried for a long time. He didn't see that Lord Shoufu threw his face at him as usual. He couldn't help glancing at him secretly.

Well, the third childe doesn't scold her now.

He secretly had a headache.

"Why don't you talk about me?" Ye Zhiqiu reached out and touched the scabbard, feeling something bad in his heart. "If you're not happy, just say I am. Don't bear it yourself , How hard it is to bear it... I can't change it anyway. It doesn't hurt to let you say a few words. "

Xie Xuan couldn't help but open his eyes and look at him, "Ye Zhiqiu."

"I'm listening." Ye Zhiqiu has an excellent attitude, "you say."

Lord Shoufu put back his sleeves and said, "haven't you seen a better person since you've been down the mountain so long?"

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned when he heard the speech.

Xie Yu also said, "which of Zhou Minghao and Qin Mo is not a young talent, good-looking and good-natured. You say you like good-looking, but they are not enough for you?"

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