Ye Zhiqiu said without thinking, "how can they compare with you!"

For her, three strings are not just beautiful.

From the first glance to the longer and longer time she had known each other, she felt that Xie was different from anyone in the world.

He is unique and no one can compare with him.

But this... She didn't know how to say it to Xie.

So I can only look at Xie Xuan with determination, hoping that he can see some sincerity from his eyes.

Xie Zhen did not look at her. He only looked at her for a moment and didn't open his eyes. He whispered, "they treat you better than me."

When ye Zhiqiu heard this, he was shocked and asked, "what?"

"I have a bad temper and don't like to talk..." Xie Xuan said, suddenly looked up at her and said seriously, "I'm not good at all. Don't put your mind on me."


Ye Zhiqiu didn't know what to say.

She was so anxious that sweat came out from her forehead. She was in a hurry. She opened her mouth for a long time before she made a voice. "Why do you suddenly say such words? You're very good, you're very good... Really."

It's true that Xie Yu has become more and more indifferent to the people around him since he became the first assistant, but that's his business. He never forms a party for personal gain.

Moreover, he has always been clean, not greedy and lustful. Xie Wanjin often goes with Zhou Minghao and them Drink and enjoy singing and dancing. As the chief assistant, he devoted himself to government affairs every day and shared his worries for his eldest brother wholeheartedly.

Such a man actually said he was bad.

Ye Zhiqiu especially wanted to hug him, but he didn't dare to go too far. He could only look at him and say with great certainty: "don't look at those people who are afraid of you, that's because they are afraid of being caught out by you for doing something wrong. In fact, they all like you very much. Of course, they certainly don't like you as much as I do..."

"Ye Zhiqiu." Xie Yu interrupted her faintly.

Ye Zhiqiu suddenly regained consciousness and found that he had slipped his tongue again.

She raised her hand and patted her forehead. She was very upset:

Why can't I hide things so much!

Xie Xuan looked at her with her eyes as black as ink. After a long silence, he said again, "if you just like my face, that's all. ”


Ye Zhiqiu couldn't understand at once.

What does chief Fu mean?

Xie Yu said, "beauty and ugliness are only temporary. I don't like it for long. Even if I can't get it, I won't be sad. At most, it's just a little unhappy."

After hearing this, ye Zhiqiu thought seriously, "do you mean If I only like your face, I'll like it later? "

It's like a dream!

Xie Yu took a breath and saw that he couldn't talk to her. He simply stopped talking and closed his eyes and leaned against the carriage to have a rest.

Ye Zhiqiu sat and watched him for a long time.

In fact, she knows what Xie Yu means.

Just don't waste your mind on him. It's impossible in this life. What you can't get is what you can't get.

But ye Zhiqiu pretended to be stupid, just pretending not to understand.

It's not easy to meet someone who is pleasing to the eye, not to mention Xie, who can make her look amazing and like more and more?

Moreover, she is now the Mo Yi Hou of Dayan. Few people in the world know that she is a daughter. Getting married itself is an unlikely thing.

It's good to have such a person you like every day and say a word or two from time to time. How can you expect more?

That is, Xie Yu thought too much for fear of delaying her.

Who would have thought that the expressionless chief assistant was so gentle in his bones.

Ye knew that Qiu thought about it and couldn't help looking at Xie Yu more secretly.

Seems to like him better?

What should I do?

Neither of them spoke, and the carriage suddenly became quiet.

Zhou Minghao led a group of green guards out of the city and went to the South seven cities. The two in the carriage didn't know what they were talking about, but they were obviously frightened by Ye Zhiqiu's intermittent voice.

He wanted to get together and listen to the excitement, but later he had followed the eye line, which had to be done first.

The new year is approaching, and the snow in Wuzhou is even greater.

Not long after the green guards drove their horses out of the city, they were covered with snow, but they didn't want to take care of it. They just rushed on.

After leaving the city, there was a vast expanse of snow and few people.

They flew across the snow field without stopping for a moment.

In winter, the days are short and the nights are long, and the sky soon darkens.

"The front peak is a good place for ambush." Zhou Minghao slowed down and rode to the side of the carriage. Together with the first two people in the car, "if the people of the Yan family want to ambush the chief auxiliary, they must be there waiting for the rabbit."

Xie Zhen had been patrolling all the way before. He shouldn't have delayed here for so long. That is, the old fox hid his tail tightly and ran into good luck. When Xie Heng made a mistake, the chief and auxiliary talents couldn't forcibly cut off his life.

The Wanyan brothers and sisters hate Xie Yu to the bone. They will certainly not miss any chance to kill him.

This is the only way from Wuzhou City to Nanqi city. According to the distance, it must be dark here, and there is a favorable place for ambush.

It's strange that there is no ambush there.

Xie Xuan didn't open his eyes, but said faintly, "I'll lure the enemy in front."

Zhou Minghao was startled when he heard the speech and hurriedly said, "Lord Shoufu..."

"We'll just go there, and the chief assistant won't go there." Ye Zhiqiu tried to persuade: "there are several carriages. They can find one less. It's not too late for you to go when we clean up the ambush first."

Xie Yu said, "my life is life, but your life is not life?"

Everyone was silent.

Xie Xuan slowly opened his eyes, raised his hand to lift the driving curtain and looked not far away. In a cool tone, he said, "with Yan Lingyun's temperament, I'm afraid he still wants to catch me alive."

Ye Zhiqiu frowned and said, "then you can't pass!"

"If you want to catch him alive, you can't kill him as soon as you come up." Xie Xuan put down the curtain and said calmly, "our winning face is even greater."

"But..." Ye Zhiqiu wanted to say something more, but Xie Yu raised his hand and said no more.

She had to shut up.

"Let the rest of the carriages go to the back," Xie said to Zhou Minghao through the curtain

"Yes." Zhou Minghao whispered and immediately rode to the front to arrange.

In the twinkling of an eye, several carriages changed their positions in the front. Xie Xuan's car came to the front. A group of green guards accompanied him around, and his look gradually became dignified.

Ye Zhiqiu raised his sword and held his breath to listen to the movement outside

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