In the sound of strong wind and snow, there are killing machines everywhere.

The mountains in front piled up and the road became smaller. As the carriage drove into the narrow place, more than a thousand people suddenly appeared in the surrounding snow and surrounded the cars and horses in an instant.

A group of green guards pulled back and stood, and the carriages and horses driving the carriage also quickly tightened the reins and forcibly stopped.

The car shook and it took a long time to stabilize.

The leader of the other party was a man in his early thirties, dressed in general armour and with a team of people, who came immediately and said in a loud voice: "we have been waiting for the chief auxiliary for a long time by the order of the princess. You must go to our Nanqi city on this road. Now you happen to go with us!"

Xie Xuan raised his hand, lifted the curtain of the car, looked at the man, and said expressionless, "it's OK."

The general was stunned.

I didn't expect that the legendary chief auxiliary would be arrested like this.

Ye Zhiqiu, who was sitting on Xie Xuan's side, took a quick look outside along the angle raised by the car curtain, immediately pulled out his sword and stepped out of the window.

In the blink of an eye, she killed the general.

The red blood fell into the snow, and the man fell off his horse.

The general opened his eyes when he was sealed with a sword, and his face was unbelievable until he died.

There were at least a thousand people in ambush here, and Xie Xuan's party, including the civil servants and entourage in the carriage, totaled 180 people.

The difference in the number of people is so great that the general of Dajin doesn't think ye Zhiqiu can turn out any waves at all, so he dares to show up and surround people.

Seeing this, Zhou Minghao immediately shouted, "kill! Make a quick decision!"

A group of green guards pulled out their swords one after another and started fighting in an instant before these people recovered.

Not long ago, a large area of blood appeared in the vast snow.

Ye Zhiqiu killed the enemy with his sword in the vast snow. The enemy's blood splashed on her face. She didn't care, but just touched it, For a moment, he kept killing the soldiers ambushed by Dajin.

No one knows if there is anyone behind them.

No one can guarantee that the old fox of jeriva will suddenly step in at this time. They must solve these ambushes as quickly as possible.

Xie Xuan sat in the carriage and looked at Ye Zhiqiu and Zhou Minghao They fought hard, and the splashing blood and flying snowflakes fell to the ground.

At such times, he regretted that he was a literati who could only lift a pen but not a sword.

In those days, the elder brother fought with a sword in all directions, and all countries bowed their heads. What a hero?

Now he can only sit here and watch the bloody rain outside.

The third childe looked at the scenes outside the carriage, and his eyes became darker and darker.

At this time, ye Zhiqiu, who was trembling with the crowd, suddenly looked back at him.

Across the long snow, she seemed to notice something. She killed several people with a sword. Then she jumped to the side of the carriage and suddenly pulled down the curtain to block Xie's sight.

"Hoo..." Ye Zhiqiu leaned against the carriage, gently relieved, and then whispered, "don't always look at me, you see my hands are soft."

Xie Yu was full of melancholy and was suddenly broken up by her sentence.

Scattered without a trace.

Ye Zhiqiu had only a moment's space and soon joined the fight.

Xie Xuan didn't look out any more. He just heard Zhou Minghao and the green guards shouting loudly: "Lord!"

He couldn't help raising his hand and holding his forehead. Suddenly he didn't want to see what was happening outside.

The third childe simply closed his eyes. He only knew that ye Zhiqiu had been guarding the side of the carriage and constantly cutting the people who rushed to kill in front of the carriage.

I don't know how long it took.

The night gradually thickened and caged everything into the dark.

The blood gas around was getting thicker and thicker, and the sound of fighting gradually decreased.

Xie Xuan heard Ye Zhiqiu order the carriage, "drive the carriage over there."

When he heard this, he knew that the fight outside was over, and immediately he was going to lift the driving curtain and talk to people outside.

I didn't know that as soon as his hand touched the curtain, ye Zhiqiu outside the carriage raised his hand and pressed the curtain, "it's dirty here. Don't look at it."

She paused and said, "I'll take care of it."

Xie Yu didn't say anything more.

Ye Zhiqiu said to the coachman, "go over."

The coachman who had just seen a battle shook his hands and drove his carriage around the piled bodies to the open space.

Ye Zhiqiu turned and told the crowd, "put some of our clothes on these people."

Zhou Minghao asked a group of green guards to invite all the civil servants out of the carriage, move out the flying lights already prepared in the carriage and start assembling.

Hands are divided into two sides, each doing things quickly.

Zhou Minghao went to Ye Zhiqiu's side, raised his hand and patted Ye Zhiqiu on the shoulder. "Brother Ye is really brave. I'm ashamed of myself!"

Ye Zhiqiu wiped his face and said with a smile, "it's just a quick decision."

She is different from Zhou Minghao. When Xie Heng fought in the four directions, ye Zhiqiu was the main general and had long been used to fighting. Now she is not afraid of such a scene. She is only afraid that Xie Yu will see her more far away in the future.

Zhou Minghao couldn't understand this state of mind.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't want to say more.

But Zhou Minghao suddenly said with a smile, "brother Ye is coarse and fine. I will find a good marriage in the future!"

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at him and couldn't help raising his hand and patting him on the shoulder, "thanks for brother Zhou's good words."

After only a few words, they were very busy.

Ye Zhiqiu went over and gave a hand to the Qingyi guard who dressed the body, looked around, "almost, that's it."

Zhou Minghao personally went over and brought the people together several parts of the flying lamp.

The night was dark and everyone did not light a fire, so they quietly did all this in the dark.

After a while, ye Zhiqiu saw that everyone was almost busy. Then he turned and walked to the place where Xie Xuan's carriage stopped.

She raised her hand to signal the coachman to come down, stood in front of the carriage and shouted, "three strings !”

As soon as the sound came out, ye Zhiqiu wanted to slap himself.

What's the name again?

Always thinking in my heart, I can't help it!

Xie Yu raised the curtain without saying a word. He was still expressionless, as if he hadn't heard what she had just shouted.

Ye Zhiqiu breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly reached out to help him and whispered, "be careful. The snow is very slippery."

Xie Xuan didn't speak. She gave her a hand in the arm and got out of the carriage.

"Hiss ~" Ye Zhiqiu forgot that he had a wound on his hand. At this moment, he just met it. He couldn't help taking a breath of air-conditioning in pain.

Xie Xuan glanced at her. "What's the matter?"

"No, it's all right!" Ye Zhiqiu dared not say to him. He quickly changed the topic and said, "you stand aside."

Xie Xuan didn't do it. He thought and stepped aside.

Ye Zhiqiu pulls out his sword and is about to start. Suddenly, he thinks of something Generally, he said to Xie, "why don't you... Turn around?"

Xie Yu's eyes looked at her like ink, "I look at you, you're soft?"

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