Ye Zhiqiu paused and admitted with some embarrassment, "isn't it?"

Xie Yu was a little helpless and silently turned to the other side.

Ye Zhiqiu raised her eyebrows slightly, turned with a sword and stabbed the horse on the back. The green guards nearby followed suit one after another, making the horses of several carriages crazy 。

Just a moment later, the horse neighed up to the sky and suddenly began to run wildly. Five carriages were dragged in the snow and knocked to pieces.

Xie Xuan and ye Zhiqiu looked around. The horse dragged the carriage into the boundless night and fell off a cliff from afar.

The neighing sound startled the snowy night, and only for a moment, the four fields returned to calm.

When all the cover up was done, ye Zhi put the sword into the scabbard in autumn and turned to Xie Yu and said, "OK, Lord Shoufu."

"HMM." Xie Yu whispered.

It's dark all around, Each other's faces looked a little fuzzy under the flying snow.

"Lord Shoufu! Brother Ye!" Zhou Minghao shouted to the two people not far away, "the flying lights are installed. Come here quickly, we'll start right away!"

"OK!" Ye Zhiqiu answered immediately, took Xie Yu and flew up to the flying lamp.

The coachman who was still sitting there immediately ran over.

This time there were not many people. Zhou Minghao prepared two flying lanterns. The green guards protected the civil servants on the left. He took the helm of the right one. When ye Zhiqiu and Xie Xuan came up.

Zhou Minghao reached out again and pulled up the backward coachman, and immediately ordered the people, "light the fire! Go!"

Hearing the speech, the green guards immediately lit the fire, which suddenly lit up all around. The huge flying lights slowly rose into the air and returned home in the wind.

Ye Zhiqiu stood on top and looked at the snow getting farther and farther away. He was a little relieved. "This flying lamp can travel thousands of miles a day. Are we going to sleep?"

"Brother Ye thinks pretty." Zhou Minghao couldn't help smiling bitterly when he heard the speech. "Now it's a snowy day, not more sunny than usual."

Hearing this, ye Zhiqiu unconsciously turned his head and looked at Xie Yu.

Now your majesty is in a coma, and the fourth childe has no news again.

Although he didn't say anything, he must be very worried.

Lord Shoufu is looking down at the snow field below. His eyes are deep. No one knows what he is thinking.

Ye Zhiqiu raised his hand to pat him. His fingertips almost touched Xie Yu's shoulder and took it back.

There was blood in her hand. She didn't see anything in the dark below just now. She forgot to rub it with snow. The white fox fur on Lord Shoufu's body is clean, but she can't get dirty.

Ye Zhiqiu coughed softly. "Don't worry too much, chief assistant. We're all on the flying lamp. We'll go back soon."

Xie Yu Looking back at her, I only heard a faint "um".

Ye Zhiqiu felt strange when he saw him like this.

It seems that the person who said so much to her in the carriage was not Xie Yu at all, but an illusion after seeing him after she had been wishful thinking for a long time.

Ye Zhiqiu feels that he really can't see Xie Yu anymore.

If she goes on like this, she may become stupid.

"Lord Shoufu and brother ye should sit down for a while." Zhou Minghao opened his mouth at the right time to break the strange atmosphere and reminded him intimately: "the road is still far away. It's windy up, so don't get cold."

A group of green guards followed I'm used to running east and West. I sat down in all directions early, balancing the weight and observing the movement below.

Only these two pestle the hair dryer, Zhou Minghao really can't see it.

"Sit down, Mr. Shoufu," said Ye Zhiqiu, sitting directly on the board.

Seeing this, Xie Xuan sat cross legged.

As the flying lights get higher and higher, the surroundings become colder and colder.

Ye Zhiqiu was afraid that Xie Yu would see her hands full of blood, and secretly carried her hands behind her.

The first auxiliary adult handed her a brocade handkerchief, "don't hide it, wipe it."

His tone was as calm as usual.

But ye Zhiqiu did not know how, and suddenly his heart beat like a drum.

She stretched out her hand and took the brocade handkerchief, but she was not willing to wipe the blood for a moment.

This is a three string handkerchief.

Seeing that she bowed her head and pondered for a while and didn't move, Xie Xuan couldn't help asking, "why not?"

"I'll cover it for a while!" Ye Zhiqiu looked up and smiled at him. Her hair in a high bun had already become messy in the fight. A few strands fell down, making her whole person soft.

Especially at present, the appearance of holding a handkerchief as a treasure is really far from the appearance of fighting bravely in the enemy just now.

Xie Yu simply closed her eyes and stopped seeing her.

Ye Zhiqiu doesn't know what he's thinking. She just thinks about the handkerchief. Did she hide it after she ran out?

Or hide it yourself?

The answer is self-evident.

It's cold The snowflakes fell to the people's side with the wind. Xie yuduan sat and raised his hand to brush away a little.

He looked at the flying lights passing through the mountains, rivers, earth and vast snow fields, and muttered to himself, "I don't know what's the matter with Wanjin now?"

Ye Zhiqiu on the side had excellent ear power. After hearing it clearly, he immediately answered: "the fourth childe is blessed with a great life and will definitely come back safely!"

As soon as she opened her mouth, everyone on the side knew that Lord Shoufu was worried about the fourth childe, and said one after another: "the Marquis has always had an excellent fortune, and he will certainly turn good luck in case of death!"

"Yes, yes! The good fortune of us is not as good as that of the marquis. He must be fine!"

"Maybe the Marquis is on his way back now!"

Xie Xuan was speechless for a moment, but he didn't open his mouth to interrupt them.

I wish they could say more auspicious words and Xie Wanjin's luck would be better.

"The fourth childe's luck will certainly be better than any time before!" Ye Zhiqiu said as if he could see through what he thought.

Xie Yu was slightly stunned, and then slowly said, "I hope so."

"It must be so!" Ye Zhiqiu tried to correct his way: "Lord Shoufu, you have to say what you want to say in your heart, so that God can hear it. You should tell it when God should help. No matter how much you think in your heart, ghosts and gods don't know."

Xie Xuan stared at her and said in his heart: I don't say, you're all muttering.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at him for a moment. Suddenly, he was in a bad mood and hurriedly added, "of course, if you can't say it, I'll say it for you."

Xie Jue reached out to help her forehead and didn't speak to her.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at several green guards on the side and motioned them to say some good words quickly.

The result was that no one dared to make a noise at this time.

Only Zhou Minghao, who was busy at the helm, took time out of his busy schedule to say, "in fact, it's not necessarily a bad thing to have no news at this time."

Ye Zhiqiu quickly echoed, "brother Zhou said very correctly."

She whispered to Xie Yu, "maybe the fourth childe has had some adventure and is more comfortable than us."

Xie Xuan rubbed his eyebrows and said again, "I hope so."

It would be great if Xie Wanjin could be more comfortable than him.

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