The voices of Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng overlapped and echoed in the long flying snow.

After the fourth childe said this, he couldn't help but open his eyes and look at Rong Sheng, but he found that the latter also slowly opened his eyes. Their eyes met quietly, and their eyes were opposite for a time.

He was suddenly stunned.

Just a moment later, he was suddenly stung by the poisonous insects shuttling through the flesh and blood. He woke up with pain and said, "I..."

As a result, just said a word, Xie Wanjin suddenly felt no pain again.

This strange thing is really troublesome.

He didn't just take back his hand. He could only continue to stick to Rongsheng's palm, pick his eyebrow and ask, "this is... OK?"

Rong Sheng said in a dumb voice, "it should be good."

Xie Wanjin immediately turned his hand and looked at his palm, but found that the original blood wound had healed long ago, leaving a deep scar.

“ How did it heal as like as two peas? "The four boy was very surprised. He immediately held his hand and turned over to look at his palm. He saw a scar just like that.

He was very tangled and said, "just heal. How can you leave a scar?"

"I'll go back." Rongsheng whispered, "I won't leave a scar."

When Xie Wanjin heard the speech, he immediately said, "I'm not afraid of leaving a scar, but I feel a little strange. We are both men. It's nothing to leave a scar on our hands. Anyway, it's in the palm's heart. I won't be free on weekdays Show it to others, who can know? No, what... What am I talking about, do you understand? "

Rongsheng looked at him in a quiet way and said in a slow voice, "I understand."

Xie Wanjin said angrily, "that's good..."

In fact, he doesn't know what he's talking about!

When the fourth childe first saw Rong Sheng, he was confused when he didn't breathe much. No matter what kind of concentric alliance or symbiotic Gu, as long as you can save lives, you can use it quickly.

At this moment, the concentric alliance was finished, and Rongsheng saw that he had recovered for a long time. He suddenly felt at a loss.

The white butterflies fluttered high and hovered over their heads, making the fourth childe more and more dizzy.

I don't know if there was too much blood just now.

He is now preoccupied with how to ease his embarrassment.

Piansheng Rongsheng doesn't speak at the moment.

There was no one around, not even one to interrupt.

"Cough..." Xie Wanjin pondered for a long time. He could only clear his throat and open his mouth to break the delicate atmosphere of the place.

But he didn't know what to say at this time. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly asked, "where's the bug? Where's it? Why didn't it come out?"

Rong Sheng looked at him calmly, "it's naturally in your body."

"What?" Xie Wanjin immediately changed his face, shook his hand and asked Rong Sheng, "this thing will always stay in me in the future? What if it is unhappy and makes me hurt?"

Rong Sheng coughed twice. "As long as you don't have two minds, you won't."

"You mean..." Xie Wanjin suddenly understood. The words behind him didn't continue. He only whispered, "no wonder you've been so tardy just now."

On weekdays, Rong Sheng is not a mother-in-law, but he has to confirm with him repeatedly at the moment of life and death just now, which is almost wordy.

Rongsheng stared at him, "the concentric alliance has become. Even if you want to go back now, it won't be."

"Who says I'm going to go back?" Xie Wanjin quickly said, "do I look like someone who has an idea for a while?"

Rongsheng was silent for a moment, and Yi Jian said in horror, "like."

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

I can't talk this day!

Even if this is the truth, you don't have to be so direct, do you?

The two compartments were silent for a moment.

Rong Shenghu said: "... It's not particularly like?"

"All right." Xie Wanjin saw that it was not very interesting for people at National Normal University to lie with their eyes open. He immediately interrupted, "how are you now? Can you stand up?"

He thought that if Rong Sheng could stand up and walk by himself, he could discuss whether to go up the ice steps or back.

Piansheng Rongsheng said, "I'm afraid I have to sit for a while."

"Come on." Xie Wanjin thought that even if the Tongxin alliance is strong, it will take time to recover from the weakness of the national master.

Thinking like this, he loosened Rong Sheng's hand, "you can exercise your skills to cure your injury. I feel dizzy. Squint for a while first."

"OK." Rong Sheng answered with a warm voice. He immediately closed his eyes and folded his hands to heal his wounds.

Xie Wanjin felt that sitting face to face, his eyes were always opposite, and the atmosphere was a little subtle, so he moved to the side.

But when he moved, the cold wind penetrated into his cuffs. It was so cold that he leaned against Rongsheng again.

Rong Sheng, who had just closed his eyes to practice Kung Fu, had to open his eyes to see him.

"It's okay, you go on." Xie Wanjin felt that the concentric alliance might make people stupid.

Otherwise, at the moment, no matter what he said or did, he felt something wrong?

"HMM." Rongsheng answered faintly and closed his eyes again.

Xie Wanjin looked at Rong Sheng for a moment and suddenly fell down and pillowed his legs.

Rong Sheng's body stiffened suddenly.

The fourth childe obviously felt his change and hurriedly said, "I'll just pillow for a while."

Rongsheng didn't speak for a moment.

"What are you nervous about? Relax." Xie Wanjin joked, "what can I do to you in this ice and snow?"

"It doesn't matter." Rong grew his eyelashes and trembled slightly, trying to make his voice sound calmer, "you pillow."

The fourth childe has been living in the open air all the way. He hasn't had a good rest all day.

In the last two days, I almost lost my life. I was so anxious that I didn't dare to close my eyes.

At this moment, he was resting on Rong Sheng's leg, which was a little calmer.

But I couldn't help but want to write a mess.

My head is getting more and more drowsy, but I just can't sleep.

Xie Wanjin closed his eyes for a moment and suddenly sat up again.

Rong Sheng obviously couldn't concentrate on practicing kung fu to heal his wounds. As soon as the fourth childe sat up, he opened his eyes and looked over again.

"You heal your wound." the fourth childe couldn't help saying: "I......"

In fact, he didn't know what to do for a moment. He lowered his eyes and suddenly saw a section of the white jade flute given by his third brother peeping out from his sleeve.

Xie Wanjin suddenly Understand what in general, "I said that there seems to be something missing. It's a big deal to form a concentric alliance. There's nothing here. Let me play a song for you."

Rong Sheng was stunned and whispered: "... OK."

Anyway, he couldn't sleep. The fourth childe simply took out the white jade flute and wiped the frost and snow on his head with his sleeve robe. While wiping, Tong Rongsheng said, "close your eyes and heal your injury. I'll blow mine."

Rongsheng suddenly smiled and closed his eyes again.

"Don't just open it now."

Xie Wanjin gave him an order, then put it to his lips and blew it gently. In an instant, the sound of the flute flew up and continued into a song.

He played a song "golden wind and jade dew".

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