Once the golden wind and jade dew meet, they win countless in the world.

Xie Wanjin closed his eyes and played. The flute was flying in the snow sea, and the strong wind seemed to ease a little.

Rong Sheng uses his kung fu to heal his wounds quietly.

The picture seemed to freeze for a moment.

Slowly, the fourth childe's heart settled down.

Anyway, the people are here and the concentric alliance is concluded. No matter how bad things are, they can't go anywhere.

As he thought this, he calmed down more and more, and finished the whole song with a calm look.

Just before the last tune fell, a large group of people in white suddenly appeared on the ice steps. Their skin color was too white, even their hair was white, and their walking speed was too fast.

When the fourth childe saw them and these people came to them, it was almost a blink of an eye.

"Rongsheng! Someone is coming!" Xie Wanjin was surprised and quickly stood up to protect Rongsheng, and began to remind him at the same time.

Rongsheng suddenly opened his eyes, took the fourth childe's hand and pulled him behind him to protect him. His eyes looked at the crowd with vigilance.

As soon as these people stepped down the ice steps from high, the butterflies dispersed in an instant.

There are more than 100 of them, male and female. They all look like they are in their twenties and have white hair.

At first, the man even had white eyebrows, stared at the white jade flute in Xie Wanjin's hand, and asked in a deep voice, "how can this cold jade flute be in your hand?"

Xie Wanjin's heart is good. He doesn't start as soon as he comes up.

Move your mouth.

As long as you can talk well, it's better than anything.

He thanked the fourth childe. He was not good at anything else. He was good at oral Kung Fu. There were few times in his life when he was inferior to others.

Xie Wanjin raised his hand and put it on Rong Sheng's shoulder, indicating that he should not be too nervous. He slowly stood up and said to humanity, "it's a long story."

At first, the man frowned and said, "it's a capital crime for you two to break into the land of Hanchuan without permission! How dare you betray us!"

Everyone on him said one after another, "if you ask, you can say it as soon as possible, or you will be thrown to the north to feed the bear!"

Xie Wanjin was not frightened. He suddenly smiled at this.

He played with the white jade flute in his heart and thought that the thing given by the third brother seemed to have a great source, otherwise he wouldn't have so many people down because he played a song.

Now that someone is here.

Then it's easy to say.

The fourth childe smiled and said, "I want to say it, but I'm timid. As soon as you scare me... I forget."

"You!" the young man with white eyebrows frowned more tightly and said unhappily, "how can you say it? ”

Xie Wanjin glanced at Rong Sheng, exchanged a look with him, and then said, "naturally, you have to eat and drink enough to ensure your life is safe before you can remember such an important thing."

The young man with white eyebrows stopped talking.

On the contrary, those individuals behind him were instantly angry and said, "Turbid world Laity! "

"How dare you be so presumptuous when you come to my cold Sichuan!"

"Don't you want to live?"

When Xie Wanjin heard the people say these words, he suddenly felt that the man from Hanchuan was very polite.

If those people outside were angry, it would be common to scold grandpa and grandma and greet your ancestors for 18 generations.

They had no expression on their faces. They thought it was very scary to say such words.

What can you actually scare?

Xu didn't see any living people all the way. Seeing them like this, the fourth childe wanted to laugh more and more. "I was just a layman, used to being presumptuous, and now I still want to live... Do you have anything else to ask?"

People have never seen such a cheeky person who is not afraid of death. They are silent now, "..."

Rongsheng looked aside and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Hanchuan was originally a unpopular place. These people grew up in ice and snow and thought they were extraordinary. Naturally, they have never seen people like Xie Si.

The fourth childe specializes in treating people with no shame.

After a while.

The young man with white eyebrows asked again, "how did you come here and remove the spirit stone on the town steps?"

Xie Wanjin paused and couldn't help asking, "Why are you so impatient?"

Hearing the speech, the young man with white eyebrows was stunned on his expressionless face, "what?"

Xie Wanjin said, "you just asked where the white jade flute came from. Why don't you ask now?"

Without waiting for the man to answer, he added, "do you people in Hanchuan think so? Is it one?"

All the people in Hanchuan immediately: "

"That's not very good." Xie Wanjin sighed lightly, and then slowly said, "but my childe is good. Since you asked, I'll answer."

Everyone listened.

The young man with white eyebrows said simply, "speak."

"It comes step by step. It all depends on luck. It retreated by itself. That's right!" Xie Wanjin said here. Suddenly, he had an idea and asked, "is this called fate?"

The people in Hanchuan didn't speak for a moment.

The fourth childe gently turned the white jade flute in his hand, "I heard that ordinary people can't enter the land of Hanchuan, but if they enter the land alive, they can make a wish to the people of Hanchuan. No matter what they make, they can be fulfilled, right?"

The people in Hanchuan immediately changed their faces when they heard the speech, "you take our Hanchuan's most precious cold jade flute. We're open to you if we don't kill you. How dare you ask for anything else!"

"Oh." Xie Wanjin suddenly realized, "this flute is your treasure, so I have to have fun."

He said, suddenly throwing the flute on his hand.

The crowd watched Xie Wanjin throw the white jade flute up, catch it, throw it up, and catch it again.

So repeated several times, everyone is not very good.

The young man with white eyebrows looked at him and said in a deep voice, "young master, have something to say!"

"I also want to say it well." after Xie Wanjin threw it for the last time, he held the white jade flute in his hand and smiled at the people: "who makes you unwilling to listen just now? I just want to find a way to calm you down."

The crowd again: "

The layman of the world is really cunning!

The young man with white eyebrows frowned and looked at him, "just say it."

"I've just said it." Xie Wanjin said, "if you have enough to eat and drink and your life is safe, it's easy to say anything. I can remember everything."

The young man looked at him coolly, "aren't you afraid I'll kill you?"

Rong Sheng suddenly stood up with one hand and looked at each other coldly.

Xie Wanjin raised his hand and brushed the snow off the boy's shoulder. At the same time, he said to the people of Hanchuan at will: "be afraid, be afraid. But if I can't get out of this vast snow field, won't I still die?"

No one answered him.

The fourth childe smiled and said, "why don't you try to do business with you? I'll save my life and go home. You can know what you want to know. Don't you have the best of both worlds?"

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