"Father?" Zhou Minghao looked at Duke Zhou in shock and asked, "what are you doing?"

Zhou Ling put the wine glass back on the table, and his face stabilized. He scolded in a low voice, "how old are you? Do you still rob the guests of wine? Does our government still need this glass of wine? What's the matter?"

Ye Zhiqiu quickly said, "the Duke of China is serious. Brother Zhou and I are brothers and sisters. Don't say it's to drink a glass of wine for him. In the future, he will get a wife, and I'll help him greet him."

While getting up, Zhou Minghao raised his hand and patted the table and said with a smile, "brother Ye is loyal enough!"

Everyone here has their own thoughts. Only his smile is true.

Ye Zhiqiu felt very complicated for a time.

Zhou Ling is brother Zhou's father anyway.

If it really gets out of hand, how should he deal with it?

She thought so and couldn't help looking at Xie Yu.

But I found that Shoufu seemed to look at himself inadvertently.

The two men looked at each other quietly and staggered quickly. Their faces were silent.

Zhou Minghao, who had been laughing all the time, suddenly stretched out his hand and put it on Zhou Ling's shoulder. A hidden arrow quietly appeared in his sleeve, and the arrow made of black iron hit Zhou Ling's neck.

The change is only in the blink of an eye.

"Minghao!? what are you doing?" Sun Wenhu saw this, his face suddenly changed, and immediately got up and started.

As a result, ye Zhiqiu pressed him before he moved.

She moved very fast and ordered several big holes of sun Wenhu, together with her arm.

In the twinkling of an eye, sun Wenhu became a paper tiger sitting in the distance, unable to make a sound.

Xie Xuan sat where he was and raised his hand Take up the wine glass filled with plum wine and play with it as if you didn't see anything.

The maids standing not far away didn't know what was going on here. They only saw the son's hand talking on the Duke's shoulder and looked like a father and son.

In fact, the radian on Zhou Minghao's lips has quietly become cold, "what do you want to do?"

He has been a proton in the imperial capital for so many years. He has never seen anything dirty.

I just took Ye Zhiqiu's wine to drink, but I just wanted to test it.

I didn't think about it. It broke down in this attempt.

Zhou Ling was hit by his son with a sharp weapon, and his face suddenly sank. "Why are you crazy about wine before you drink it?"

"It would be nice if I were really drunk." Zhou Minghao looked up at the archers and people in black hiding in the dark and sneered, "I'm afraid the Duke of the country is tired of living and wants to die with his family!"

Zhou Ling said in a deep voice, "what are you talking about?"

He said he would raise his hand and pull Zhou Minghao's sleeve arrow down. However, the latter had been on guard for a long time.

When Zhou Ling moved, Zhou Ming immediately sent the sleeve arrow forward an inch and said in a cold voice, "move again. No wonder I don't miss father and son!"

The arrow pierced into the flesh and blood burst out in an instant.

Seeing that he was true, Zhou Ling immediately froze and stopped moving.

Seeing this, ye Zhiqiu immediately came forward and ordered ZhouLing's acupoints. In a low voice, he said to Zhou Minghao, "brother Zhou, I ordered him. Why don't you... Let him go first?"

"Just in case, let's do it." Zhou Minghao, who always looked very easy to talk, didn't mean to let go. He smiled coldly and said, "who knows if he has any future moves?"

Ye Zhiqiu was speechless for a moment: "...."

As the saying goes, knowing a son is like a father. When you come to the Zhou family, you turn around.

Xie Xuan carefully looked at the wine in the glass for a moment, and then asked calmly, "the Duke of Zhou is hereditary and is deeply favored by the heavenly family. What is the purpose of this move today?"

Zhou Ling's face suddenly became a little ugly and said, "what's chief Fu talking about? I don't understand! You passed yongxue pass. I gave a banquet and entertained you with good wine and food. Why do you do this?"

"Why?" Xie Xuan suddenly raised his hand and poured the wine on Zhou Ling's face.

Zhou Ling wanted to hide, but he couldn't move because the acupoints were lit. He could only watch those drinks pour on his face.

At first, there was nothing different.

However, a moment later.

The skin on Zhou Ling's face poured with wine slowly began to blacken

Xie Yu's eyes looked at him like frost, "then why do you smile to meet people? There is poison in the wine?"

Zhou Ling changed his color when he heard the speech, and his face eroded by poisonous wine became disgusting. "Xie's thief! It's cheap enough for me to end your life with poisonous wine! Even if you and Xie Heng were cut by thousands of knives, it's hard to redeem their sins!"

"Stealing the country?" Xie Yu smashed the wine glass on the ground, and the broken jade splashed in the snow. Everyone hiding in the dark brushed their heads together. The huge plum garden was filled with soldiers and archers in an instant.

Lord Shoufu looked at the scene expressionless, and his tone suddenly cooled down. "My eldest brother is the orthodox of the royal family, and his name is right! How could Dayan be prosperous today without him to revitalize the imperial platform?"

"Yan Jiangshan's surname is Zhao! Xie can't sit in the Dragon chair! Anti thief is anti thief. No matter what he does, he is a thief of the country!" Zhou Ling couldn't move and said hoarsely, "what are you doing? Shoot an arrow!"

All the archers and soldiers in the garden were hesitant. The life of the Duke of the country was still in the hands of the Shizi. If there was a chance

"I think who dares?"

Zhou Minghao pulled Zhou Ling up and pushed him to the front of the pavilion to face the crowd.

The snowflake fell on his face and went into his collar with the wind. The chill went to the bone. Zhou Minghao, who has always been free and easy to laugh, turned blue at the moment. "Zhou Ling is confused. If he makes such a big mistake, his majesty will deal with it! If you dare to make mistakes again and again, it will be a great crime to copy and behead the whole family!"

Seeing this, the crowd wavered.

Seeing this, ye Zhiqiu took out the tiger talisman from his sleeve and held it high. "The tiger talisman is here. If you are still my soldiers, stop the blade and step aside!"

When Zhou Ling saw this, he was shocked and said, "how can... He will be outside? How can Xie Heng rest assured to hand over the tiger amulet to you?"

Ye Zhiqiu looked back at him and disdained to say, "do you think your majesty is a suspicious person like Zhao Yi?"

Before leaving Beijing, his Majesty gave her the tiger amulet. If necessary, it can be used to protect Xie Yu.

It is said that people are not as good as heaven, but no matter how much and fast things change in the world, they can't compare He who has true feelings in his heart is thoughtful.

The old emperor did not understand this, nor did his trusted ministers.

Zhou Ling was full of disbelief and didn't speak again for a moment.

Xie Yu glanced at him coldly and said in a deep voice, "you are cheated by Zhou Ling today. If you know your way back in time, you will not be guilty!"

The life of the Duke of Zhou is already in the hands of Zhou Minghao. The marquis in ink has a tiger amulet. In addition, the first auxiliary adult is not guilty.

People look at me and I look at you. They suddenly have a decision in their hearts. They all accept their weapons and bow their heads to one side and kneel on one knee.

The situation in the garden changed in an instant.

"Rebellious son!" Zhou Ling was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. "I endured for years to get such a good opportunity. I didn't want to be defeated by you! I knew so..."

Zhou Minghao really couldn't hear it anymore. He interrupted in a deep voice, "what did you say? I'd like to ask you if you want to be prosperous and rich. What's the reason why you have to die?"

Seeing that he was unable to return to heaven, Zhou Ling said with a bitter smile, "for what? Why do you ask me?" he was full of sadness: "as a minister, what can I do except loyalty and patriotism?"

When Zhou Minghao heard the speech, he couldn't help scolding: "who are you loyal to? What kind of country do you love?"

Zhou Ling opened his mouth, not yet In time to speak, Zhou Minghao interrupted, "even if you are greedy and obsessed? There are no common people in the world who do not make mistakes, but you, but you..."

He said suddenly he couldn't go on. He dragged Zhou Ling to kneel in front of Xie Yu, "Lord Shoufu, the Zhou family has made such a big mistake, let it fall!"

Seeing this, Xie Xuan reached out to help Zhou Minghao and said to Ye Zhiqiu, "tie Zhou Ling and sun Feihu first. ”

Ye Zhiqiu immediately pulled the curtain from the side and tied people with a rope. His action was neat and unreasonable.

Zhou Minghao knelt on the ground and refused to get up for a moment.

"This is Zhou Ling's fault. Why are you kneeling when you destroy your relatives in righteousness?" Xie Xuan couldn't help but say in a deep voice, "get up!"

Zhou Minghao flushed his eyes, "Lord Shoufu..."

Xie Xuan used his strength and directly pulled the man up from the ground. "My eldest brother said long ago that you were his best friend. When he was traveling together in Jiang'an, now he is the supreme, and still is."

There was no expression on his face, but his tone was much milder than usual. "Zhou Ling's move today was by no means a temporary intention. You left home with him for many years when you were young, and you didn't know about it..."

Lord Shoufu didn't comfort people very much on weekdays. He always felt a little strange when he said this. He paused and said, "what kind of person are you? Elder brother knows that he can't be wrong in looking at people. Don't say anything else."

What else does Zhou Minghao want to say? He can't say it at the moment.

Ye Zhiqiu just tied them up and held them together. He couldn't help interrupting: "brother Zhou, you can cry if you want to cry. We brothers won't laugh at you. It's easy for us to do business after crying."

Zhou Minghui turned to look at her, "brother ye, you..."

He didn't know what to say for a moment.

Xie Yu said, "if you don't cry, take someone to investigate all parts of the house and take all the people involved for questioning as soon as possible."

Things in the plum garden have just changed. Those people should not have received the news and have no time to run if they want to run.

Zhou Minghao looked back at Zhou Ling and sun Wenhu for a moment, raised his hand and wiped his eyes, "OK, I'll go right away."

When he had finished, he raised his hand and motioned half the people in the garden to follow, and left quickly.

Ye Zhiqiu stood in situ and watched those people follow Zhou Minghao out of the plum garden. In a low voice, he said to Shoufu Da humanitarian, "let's go."

Xie Xuan turned back and asked Zhou Ling faintly, "do you directly say what you are planning and where your party is? Or have you used punishment?"

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