Ye Zhiqiu glanced at Xie Yu.

She knows why Lord Shoufu just asked Zhou Minghao to take people to investigate all parts of the house.

Zhou Ling is Zhou Minghao's biological father in the end. Even if there is the great righteousness of the family and country, it's too cruel to let people watch his father being tortured and interrogated with their own eyes.

When ye Zhiqiu thought of this, he felt a little lucky: only she knew the tenderness of Sanxian's heart.

It's a pity that no one dares to get close to such a good third childe because he is a little cold.

When Zhou Ling heard Xie Yu's words, he couldn't help hating: "you just kill me!"

He was ordered acupoints by Ye Zhiqiu, tied up like zongzi with a gauze curtain, and his face was soaked with poisonous wine. The whole person became embarrassed. He didn't look like a Duke of the state.

Xie Xuan looked at him expressionless and said in his usual tone: "state owned national law, you committed a capital crime. Naturally, you deserve to die, but not now, and you don't deserve to die so easily."

Lord Shoufu is an extremely reasonable person, which is particularly obvious at this moment.

He said: "how many knives should be lingchi? You have to ask clearly before you know."

Zhou Ling didn't speak any more, but his face changed a few times, suddenly green and purple.

Soon, blood ran down his lips.

"I wanted to die without saying anything?" Ye Zhiqiu reached out and pried open Zhou Ling's mouth.

She thought the man had hidden something poisonous in his teeth. In order to hide the people behind him, she tried to commit suicide. As a result, she pried open her mouth and found that Zhou Ling was angry and spitting blood, not the blood of taking poison and committing suicide

For a moment, the scene was quite embarrassing.

Ye Zhiqiu silently retracted his hand, hardened his head and looked up at Xie Yu, "Lord Shoufu continues, you continue to ask..."

Xie Yu was speechless for a moment and couldn't help raising his hand and rubbing the center of his eyebrows.

Everyone around was as quiet as a cicada, and there was only the sound of wind and snow urging the flowers to fall.

Just at this time, a group of green guards who were led elsewhere to change their clothes rushed over, gathered around Xie Yu and asked, "is chief Fu okay?"

A few also asked Ye Zhiqiu, "how are you?"

Ye Zhiqiu raised his hand to touch his forehead and said in a stuffy voice, "it's very good."

"It's all right." Xie Xuan raised his hand and interrupted the crowd. In a deep voice, he ordered, "do the right thing first and put Zhou Ling and sun Wenhu up for punishment."

"Yes!" the Qingyi guards met Zhou Minghao on their way to the plum garden. They probably knew what had happened in the plum garden before. At the command of the chief assistant, they were busy immediately.

The crowd acted very neatly. They tied Zhou Ling and sun Wenhu to the pavilion post in a moment. Just before they were about to start execution, they heard someone rushing from a distance and reported loudly: "urgent report! There is a golden iron cavalry 50 miles outside the city!"

Xie Xuan and ye Zhiqiu's face sank instantly when they heard the speech.

Lord Shoufu turned expressionless and asked in a deep voice, "how many people have come? Who is the leader?"

"At least there are more than 100000 people!" the spy who reported the news said urgently: "there is a 16-year-old boy, such as yeluhua, king of Peking University, Wan Yanlie, king of gold... And I don't know what it is!"

Ye Zhiqiu frowned and said, "when we left Wuzhou, yeluhua obviously didn't know that the imperial capital was different. Why did he join hands with wanyanlie so soon? Who is the 16-year-old boy? He really knows when to choose!"

Zhou Ling, who had just heard the speech with a dark face, suddenly smiled, "come! Come!"

He couldn't say anything, so he could only repeat the word "coming", which was as harsh as a noisy crow's cry in the snowy cold.

After seeing him pondering for a moment, Xie Xuan said, "Zhao Xi!"

"What?" Ye Zhiqiu was stunned for a moment when he heard the speech, and then quickly responded, "you mean... The runaway little prince and yeluhua wanyanlie are mixed together? If so, it will be really troublesome!"

In fact, it's obviously more than trouble.

In recent years, Da Jin has been overwhelmed by Da Yan and has such a deep national hatred. Now it must be another disaster.

Moreover, Zhao Xi has not made little plans in recent years, and there are many remaining evils of the previous dynasty. Xie Yu failed to find him after spending so many days in Wuzhou. Obviously, he has a long skill.

These people gathered together, obviously to harm Dayan.

Needless to say, they already understand almost in their hearts.

Xie Xuan stared at Ye Zhiqiu, "Mo Yi Hou, take the tiger amulet to point the troops. No matter how many troops and horses are available in yongxue pass, we must stop the golden iron cavalry outside the country!"

"OK!" Ye Zhiqiu saluted him with a fist and said, "don't worry, Lord Shoufu. I won't let the Da Jin Man step across the border with me!"

After she finished, she looked up at Xie Xuan, took half of the green guards and told the remaining half to protect the chief auxiliary here, and then turned and left.

"Ye Zhiqiu. ”

Xie Yu suddenly shouted to her.

Ye Zhiqiu, who came to the snow, heard the sound and looked back at him. His face was still very serious. "What else can I tell you, chief Fu?"

Xie Yu said expressionless, "the sword has no eyes. You should be careful."

Hearing this, ye Zhiqiu couldn't help raising his lips, and his eyes also took a little smile, "Lord Shoufu, don't worry."


Xie Ying nodded.

Ye Zhiqiu stood in the flying snow, nodded slightly to him, and immediately turned around and walked away with the people.

Xie Xuan turned back and ordered the people of the government, "find all the officials of yongxue pass. If anyone refuses to come, tie them directly. If you want to escape, kill them!"

"Yes!" they hurriedly answered.

Lord Shoufu stood with his hands behind his back, stood in the pavilion for a moment, suddenly remembered something, and turned to look at ZhouLing.

The latter's mouth was bloodstained, but he was still laughing, "Xie stole the country! Now the real dragon emperor who is really qualified to sit on the big Yan River and mountain is coming back! You can't stop, can't stop!"

Xie Xuan smelled that the speech was more and more expressionless on the ground. He directly picked up the warm hand stove on the table and smashed it on ZhouLing's head.

The latter's head was smashed and bleeding, the blood spread out, pasted his eyebrows and eyes, and the whole face became very terrible.

"If you say one more word, I'll stab you."

Shoufu said coldly in his voice. He closed his hands and turned back his sleeves. His warm hands fell to the ground, rolled a few times and fell into the thick snow.

There was silence all around.

No one expected that this seemingly immortal chief assistant was a man who wanted human life without saying a word.

Those people in the government were so scared that their legs were soft and they were all silent.

And the Tsing Yi guards , He secretly wrote a note in his heart: he didn't notice the third childe's intention to take the lead and let him go back to the imperial capital and be punished by his majesty.

The whole plum garden was silent for a moment.

"Don't be stunned. Take people to the city wall." Xie Xuan brushed his sleeves and said in a deep voice: "I'll personally guard the snow hugging pass for my eldest brother!"

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