Zhou Minghao led people to search the whole government all over the country, and directly took down the confidants of Zhou Ling for interrogation.

The concubines and young ladies in the backyard scolded him more and more resounding.

"What are you doing? Take someone to copy your home?"

"Even if you resent that the LORD sent you to the capital as a proton, you can't do this! This house is all your blood relatives. You will be struck by thunder!"

"Let go! Let go of me!"

The whole government was in a mess, and everyone wanted to rush over and fight Zhou Minghao.

He didn't have time to pay attention to these people and directly told the green guards, "if you are restless, tie it directly. Don't be merciful. Wait until everything is settled!"

All the green guards responded in unison. They knocked out a mess of people and tied up those who were restless.

Zhou Minghao turned down the whole residence, took many suspicious people, found out his correspondence with Zhao Xi in Zhou Ling's study, and immediately took it to find Lord Shoufu.

Ye Zhiqiu took the tiger amulet to gather troops. The one guarding the city gate was Zhou Ling's confidant. She refused to listen to the order in every way. She directly drew her sword and cut down the people to make an example.

"Ben Hou said to close the city gate!" Ye Zhiqiu said in a deep voice, "close it immediately!"

The soldiers guarding the city gate were still hesitant to listen to the Duke of the country or her. After seeing the blood, they all responded, returned to the city and let the gate down.

Ye Zhiqiu stood on the city tower. The snow was blowing on her face. She seemed not to know the cold at all. Looking at the wind, snow and dust not far away, countless soldiers and horses galloped to her, pouring in like a tide.

The leaders are yeluhua and Wanyan brothers and sisters. The boy in the middle is riding a white horse, but he is 16 or 17 years old. Who is not Zhao Xi?

Ye Zhiqiu thought that the three strings guessed very accurately.

She's watching As they approached the gate, they lifted their right hand gently, ready to signal the archers to release their arrows and strike first.

Unexpectedly, when the big golden iron cavalry was close to the range, Zhao Xi suddenly stopped and stood, motioning that all the people behind him would stop.

The people on both sides are at war with each other for a long distance, but they are not sure that one blow will kill them, so they dare not move rashly, The atmosphere suddenly became very tense.

Ye Zhiqiu looked down at Zhao Xi and said in a loud voice, "Zhao Xi! Your majesty has treated you well. Why do you collude with foreign countries and lead an iron horse to step on my land?"

Zhao Xi smiled without saying anything.

Wanyan Lingyun sneered: "what is not thin? Take the throne and kill your father and brother. If you are not thin, I will treat you well later!"

Ye Zhiqiu said in a deep voice, "Ben Hou is talking to Zhao Xi. It's your turn to interrupt?"

The princess had a vague mind about Xie Yu before. She was more embarrassed when she was in Wuzhou City, and asked for help several times The life of Lord Shoufu.

She had seen Yan Lingyun for a long time. Now the other party is in the city, not to mention fake politeness. Whether it's a real knife, a real gun, or a sharp tongue, which is useful, just use it directly.

"You!" Wan Yan Lingyun was so angry that he wanted to explode, and the long scar on his face became more and more serious.

"What's the hurry?" Wan Yanlie glanced at her. "Zhou Ling held the yongxue pass in his hand. He was his Highness's man. No matter how fierce Ye Wuji shouted, few people could use it."

Yeluhua said with a smile, "maybe he knew he would die, so he took the opportunity to say more words to annoy you."

"Hum! Unexpectedly, she can't turn the sky!" Wanyan Lingyun felt much better when he heard the speech. He turned to ask Zhao Xi, "didn't Zhou Ling say he would open the gate to welcome us into the pass? How could ye Wuji be here? What about Zhou Ling?"

Zhao Xi looked up at the tower and said faintly, "maybe there has been a change in the city. Zhou Ling has been dragged."

"Yes, ye Wuji is here, and Xie Xuan is afraid to be in the city." yeluhua looked up at the Dayan flag on the city tower and said with some pity: "it's hard to take the snow holding pass with these two people."

Wanyan lie followed, "yes, why aren't these two dead?"

Zhao Xi smiled. The young man's face was like jade. He was dressed in ink and wore a white fox fur. His posture was extremely casual, but with a noble spirit that people can't ignore.

He listened to several people and said calmly, "we can catch them all in order to avoid trouble in the future."

Several people looked at him at the same time, and their eyes were a little complicated for a moment.

Wan Yanlie shook the snow on his shoulder. "It's also reasonable. Attack the city directly! Kill Xie Yu first and make my golden iron cavalry soldiers happy!"

As soon as the voice fell, he saw Xie Yu in a blue shirt and wide sleeves coming through the snow and standing on the side of Ye Zhiqiu. He was stunned.

"Why are you here?" Ye Zhiqiu was surprised to see Xie Yu coming here. He said anxiously, "go back to the government quickly. Once it starts to fight, it's hard to go!"

Xie Xuan raised her hand and motioned that she didn't have to say much. She stood on the city tower with her negative hand, looked down at the people under the city, and said in a cold tone: "Zhao Xi, do you really want to bring these people to ruin the great Yan Jiangshan?"

What is the word "disaster"? ” Zhao Xi touched the white horse's sideburns, smiled and said, "I just came to get back what belongs to me."

Xie Yu looked at him with deep eyes and said nothing more.

The young man on a white horse looked up at him and said no more.

Their eyes crossed for a moment and moved away.

Wan Yanlie's patience was exhausted. "What's the nonsense with him? Attack the city! Kill!"

Tens of thousands of big gold and iron cavalry fought and killed, pulled out their swords and rode forward.

Ye Zhiqiu on the wall immediately came forward to protect Xie Yu. With a wave of his right hand, he said in a deep voice, "put an arrow!"

In an instant, ten thousand arrows were fired on the wall, and the iron horse Jinge stepped on the gate below.

The scene became chaotic and noisy in an instant.

Blood flowed in the snow.

The young man in white fox fur stayed with Ye Luhua and Wan Yanlie, and looked coldly at the people in front of him.

Wanyan Lingyun couldn't stay where he was, so he rushed to the front with his entourage.

"Lingyun!" wanyanlie wanted to shout. She couldn't stop at all.

"The princess's temper is getting more and more urgent," said Jerusha with a smile

"Yes..." Wan Yanlie just said a word. When he looked back at Zhao Xi, he was suddenly cut off by the young man's sword.

He couldn't even react. His head and body were already in the snow.

Jeremiah was so frightened that he was about to shout, I haven't had time to make a sound.

Zhao Xi raised her hand and put the bloodstained sword edge on yeluhua's neck.

The boy was still indifferent, as if he was not killing at all, but just folded a flower and picked a leaf.

The change is only in the blink of an eye.

Wanyan Lingyun saw this scene in a twinkling of an eye and immediately exclaimed, "brother Huang!"

Her eyes turned red for a moment, "Zhao Xi! What are you doing?!"

The crowd made a mess, and the iron cavalry who rushed ahead to attack the city was also disturbed, Looking back.

Even the archers defending the city wall were shocked.

The original chaotic war suddenly stood still.

Ye Zhiqiu was puzzled at once, "what is Zhao Xi doing?"

Xie Xuan looked at the bottom and didn't speak for a moment.

The next moment.

Zhao Xi suddenly stabbed Ye Luhua He picked down the horse, took a few sword flowers with his long sword, directly broke Jerusha's tendons, and asked his entourage to bind him.

The graceful young man was extremely handsome and sharp. After all this, he took his sword back to the scabbard. With a faint smile on his lips, he saluted Xie Xuan on the city wall.

The boy looked up at the city wall "Zhao Xi was hired by 14 cities in Wuzhou and came to marry Xie Zishu!"

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