The boy's voice was loud, and his voice revolved in the wind and snow for a long time.

Up and down the city, there was an uproar.

All the garrison soldiers were shocked. Xie Yu's handsome face was expressionless. Hearing this, it became colder and colder.

Ye Zhiqiu raised her hand and patted her forehead, trying to calm herself down, but she couldn't figure out what Zhao Xi wanted to do.

She turned and asked Xie Yu, "what's the relationship between this man and Xiao Liu? It's too..."

Xie Yu interrupted coldly, "he has nothing to do with Xiao Liu!"

Ye Zhiqiu opened his mouth and wanted to say something more. He took a look at the face of Lord Shoufu and shut his mouth silently.

If it really has nothing to do with it, why are you so angry?

Chief Fu always doesn't talk nonsense.

At present, there are quite a few here without 300 taels of silver.

What's more, if Zhao Xi didn't have anything with Xie Xiaoliu, why would she take ye Luhua and Wan Yanlie and turn against them at such a time.

Seeing this, Zhou Minghao immediately understood what ye Zhiqiu was thinking and immediately said, "it doesn't matter if Zhao Xi does this right now, it's good and harmless for us, chief fu... Do you want to appease people first?"

He said, and ye Zhiqiu looked at each other. They exchanged their eyes and nodded secretly.

The latter said: "yes, no matter what, stabilize the people first, even if it is to cheat Zhao Xi in, take it first?"

Hearing the speech, the green guards on the side of the body looked at Ye Zhiqiu, and their eyes were full of: unexpectedly, when Lord Hou came to Lord Shoufu, there were more ghost ideas than usual.

When Xie Zhen heard the speech, he couldn't help looking at Ye Zhiqiu.

"I'll just say that." Ye Zhiqiu raised his hand and touched his forehead. "What should I do, or listen to Lord Shoufu."

Everyone lowered their heads in silence.

Xie Xuan didn't look at her anymore. He looked down at the handsome young man who smiled like a devil and an immortal.

The sentence "Zhao Xi was hired by 14 cities in Wuzhou and came to marry Xie Zishu!" seemed to echo in her ears.

There was a mess under the city. The boy sat calmly on his horse and looked at him with a smile.

Lord Shoufu frowned slightly, then slowly stretched out and looked down at the humanity: "since you want to marry, come into the city and sit down and talk slowly."

"OK, please open the gate of the city. Zhao Xi whispered a few words to the followers, immediately took several followers to take the bound bodies of Ye Luhua, Wan Yan Lingyun and WAN Yan lie, and rode to the gate.

Xie Xuan on the tower raised his hand and motioned to the people below, "open the gate!"

With a slight nod, Zhao Xi immediately took a few people into the city with no fear on his face.

After these people entered the city, the gate immediately closed again.

Xie Xuan on the wall turned and walked down. Ye Zhiqiu, Zhou Minghao and a group of green guards hurried down the tower.

Lord Shoufu pondered something and said nothing.

Ye Zhiqiu walked beside him and couldn't help saying, "Zhao Xi is so brave! If he dares to enter the city, he's not afraid that we'll kill him directly?"

Xie Yu didn't speak.

Zhou Minghao coughed twice and whispered:“ On the contrary, he has come to the city. If you have anything to say, you can ask directly when you see someone later. "

He knows what he means. Anyway, it's better to talk less at the moment.

I don't know what Zhao Xi really wants to do. Now it's very possible to say more and make more mistakes. It's not good to beat her mouth later.

It's better for Shoufu to say less. If you don't say it, you won't be wrong.

When ye knew that Qiuyi would get his meaning, he also shut his mouth silently.

Xie Xuan raised his hand and motioned the Qingyi guards to go over and directly took Zhao Xi to the government house, while he took a step ahead with several people on his side.

Along the way, I didn't speak any more.

Shoufu adult has been thinking about what happened with Xiao Liu when Zhao Xi was at Xie's house.

As a result, I felt that the boy had another intention.

At that time, how old was Xiao Liu?

No, Xiao Liu is still a yellow haired girl this year. There are so many beauties in the world. Even if Zhao Xi really doesn't love beautiful people, how can he fall in love with Xiao Liu?

The more Xie Yu thought, a handsome face became more and more expressionless.

When he entered the government house, the guards guarding the gate were eager to retreat for dozens of steps.

When ye Zhiqiu saw this, he couldn't help but say, "Lord Shoufu, Zhao Xi came to marry Miss Liu. If you don't want to agree, you won't agree. People still can't kill. Poison him to death... At least take him back to the imperial capital and let his majesty decide."

Xie Yu glanced at her and went straight into the main hall without saying anything.

Zhou Minghao raised his hand and patted Ye Zhiqiu on the shoulder. "Brother Ye is brave."

Ye Zhiqiu turned back and looked at him inexplicably, "what are you talking about?"

Zhou Minghao didn't say anything more. A group of green guards also looked at Ye Zhiqiu with admiration and entered the main hall together.

"Each one is inexplicable." Ye Zhiqiu whispered and stepped into the threshold. He went straight to the side of Shoufu and stood, still in the posture of close protection.

Not long.

The Qingyi guards led Zhao Xi into the house and directly asked Ye Luhua, Wan Yan Lingyun and WAN Yan lie's corpse capital to be handed over to the Qingyi guards.

The young man walked slowly into the main hall, calmly saluted Xie Yu, and said with a smile in his voice, "I've been away for a long time, third brother."

Ye Zhiqiu listened to his cry. Brother Xie Yu's eyebrows jumped and quickly glanced at the third childe.

Xie Yu's eyes were stiff, and a handsome face was still expressionless. "The matter has not been settled yet. It's too early for the third brother to shout."

Zhao Xi smiled and said, "sooner or later, I will change my mouth. ”

Xie Yu was speechless at once: "...."

Ye Zhiqiu, Zhou Minghao and a group of green guards have never seen anyone who can make Shoufu speechless. They are shocked for a moment.

After a while.

Xie Yu said, "then wait until that day."

"Good." Zhao Xi answered with a smile, looking very good tempered.

The crowd was speechless again: "...."

What's the matter with this boy?

It's a wonder of the world to be able to stay in front of Lord Shoufu!

Xie Yu's face was as heavy as water and quietly looked at the calm and elegant young man.

Zhao Xi calmly took off the white fox fur and handed it to the attendant behind him. Wen said, "if the chief assistant has anything to say, you can ask me directly. Zhao Xi knows everything and says everything."

When Xie Zhen heard the speech, he frowned almost invisibly, but his face was silent. He said slowly, "it's not urgent. It's so cold. It's not too late to drink a cup of hot tea first and then talk about others."

A crowd nearby heard the speech and said bad things one after another.

I'm not afraid that Lord Shoufu is fierce, but I'm afraid that Lord Shoufu is polite with others!

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