Three days later, Zhao Xi took the 14th city of Wuzhou as the bride price to marry Xie Zishu, the sixth miss of the Xie family, and the news was sent to the imperial capital.

The Manchu civil and military were shocked, but his Majesty was still in a coma, warming wine and listening to politics.

Wen Wen, Qin Mo and others stood at the forefront, and the following adults talked one after another:

"This son doesn't act according to common sense. When he was a teenager, he dared to stir up the situation and play around with yeluhua and Wan Yanlie. This time, he suddenly defected and asked to marry Miss Xie jialiu. Who's the ghost idea in his heart?"

"I heard that this son died his biological mother at birth. His life is very fierce. He is a natural disaster. Now it is confirmed!"

Wen Jiu sat on the Dragon chair and couldn't help reaching out to help his forehead. He suddenly felt that Xie Heng's daily life was really a little hard.

This emperor is really not made by people.

From day to day, these ministers have to turn their heads when they say a word or two.

Wen Jiu rubbed his eyebrows and said, "no matter what idea Zhao Xi makes, it's meritorious to win Yan lie and ye Luhua."

The old ministers at the bottom immediately changed their faces when they heard the speech. "Your Majesty is still in a coma. Zhao Xi's move is not hidden evil... Empress! Please think twice!"

"The palace has thought twice, and meritorious deeds should be rewarded." Wen Jiu slowly sat up straight and looked down at the people, "pass on the order of the palace, seal Zhao Xi as king an, and immediately call him into the imperial capital. As for his marriage with Xie Liu, it's not too late to talk about it in years."

"Don't be your mother!" all the old ministers immediately knelt down. "This is tantamount to leading wolves into the house! How can your mother be worthy of your Majesty's years of hard work in the four directions?"

"Please take it back!"

Several old ministers shouted higher, "if the empress doesn't listen to the advice, the old minister can't kneel here!"

Warm wine was laughed with anger.

These people use it just like this without changing it.

She was very angry. If she wasn't getting better, I'm afraid she would faint.

"Kneel!" Wen Wen Wen was angry for a moment, turned and scolded: "each body has been buried in half of the loess, and is a threat to people who are looking for life and death all day! You have the ability to fight and kill the enemy! It's not good to say that Zhao Xi is a disaster. Can you compare with someone else's little finger?"

My uncle didn't come to the court on weekdays, that is, after his Majesty was in a coma and his mother listened to politics, he came to the political discussion hall and stood. He didn't speak very much a few days ago.

Today, it seems that I have had enough. When I speak, my head seems to be angry. "What do you mean by whether he acts according to common sense? Even if Zhao Xi really wants to compete for the world? Who hasn't been greedy? Dare you say you haven't?"

A group of Ministers kneeling on the ground were scolded and lost their faces. For a time, they dodged and dared not look directly into Wen Wen's eyes.

The young man wore a jade belt in royal clothes and looked at the people seriously. "No matter what he thought, he stood on Dayan's side at the last moment and was willing to bow down to his majesty. That's a meritorious minister. Not to mention..."

As he spoke, his tone suddenly sank, "it's a foolish act for you to kill him if you don't reward him for your meritorious service. Do you want to be a courtier before your majesty wakes up and bring trouble to our great Yan Chaogang?"

"I dare not!"

After listening to Wen Wen's words, all the old ministers came down in cold sweat and knelt down one after another.

Wen Jiu looked at Wen Wen standing in front of the Jade Terrace and denounced everyone. Suddenly, he felt that his brother had grown up.

She got up slowly and said to the officials, "if you want to kneel, continue kneeling. The will of the palace will be announced immediately. ”

Seeing this, Qin Mo hurriedly bowed with a large group of young ministers: "I obey your orders!"

In such a large hall of political discussion, all officials bowed their heads and said, "I will obey your orders."

Wen Jiu breathed a sigh of relief and waved his sleeve to the waiter on the side to step back.

The internal attendant immediately stepped forward and Lang said, "retreat!"

They bowed their heads and knelt down and shouted for thousands of years.

Wenjiu went down the white jade steps and took a group of palace attendants out of the temple.

These days, when she listens to politics, she dresses much more ceremoniously than usual. The Phoenix crown is too heavy. After passing the corner, she wants to raise her hand to pick it.

Seeing this with joy, he quickly whispered, "if you can bear it any more, you'd better go back to the bedroom and pick it again. If you are seen by those people at the censor's desk, you'll have to participate in one."

Wen Jiuwen sighed helplessly and put down his hand silently.

Just at this time, Wen Wen quickly caught up with her, raised his hand, took off the Phoenix crown on her head and handed it to the little maid nearby, "let him participate! Can my sister be wronged because of their words? Who dares to ask for trouble? See if I don't break his leg!"

The young man just scolded all the old ministers in the political discussion hall. His momentum did not disappear. The little maids were afraid of him and immediately backed aside with the Phoenix crown.

When Wen Jiu saw this, he couldn't help holding out his hand and pinching Wen Wen's face. "It was very powerful just now, uncle Guo."

"Sister!" Wen Wen Wen pulled her hand down and rubbed her cheek. "How old am I? Can you stop pinching my face?"

Wen Jiu closed his hand and returned to his sleeve, lowered his eyes and said with a smile: "if you don't pinch now, you won't be pinched by my sister when you marry your daughter-in-law."

"What did sister say?" Wen Wen suddenly became a little uncomfortable when he heard this.

He saw that Wenjiu had to go to the court to listen to politics every day these days. When he returned to the bedroom hall, he had to take care of Xie Heng. It was really hard. It was hard to smile. Suddenly he was a little softhearted, "well, if you want to pinch, don't say that. It's strange..."

"OK." Wen Jiu said, raising his hand and pinching Wen Wen's face.

As they were talking, a small waiter nearby reported: "tell your mother that miss six has come into the palace."

Wen Jiu raised his hand and touched the imprint pressed by the Phoenix crown on his forehead. "What's Xiao Liu in such a hurry to do?"

How dare people in the Imperial Palace guess.

Only Wen Wen thought for a moment and said, "she shouldn't really be with Zhao Xi..."

Before he finished, he was interrupted by warm wine on the shoulder.

Wen Jiu raised his eyes and said in a warm voice, "bring her here."

The gentle text on one side lowered his voice and said, "you want to ask me, but don't let me say..."

Small appearance is quite wronged.

No one just frowned at the momentum of the people in the temple.

Wen Jiu raised his hand and smoothed the wrinkles on his shoulder. "I just think you've grown up and should marry a daughter-in-law. Now I think you can marry The days of taking care of your daughter-in-law are still far away. "

Wen Wen was confused and asked, "sister, what riddle are you playing with me?"

"OK, you should go back and have a rest earlier today." Wen Jiu said differently. He turned and went to the bedroom hall while ordering the waiter on his side, "go and bring miss six."

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