As soon as Wen Jiu returned to the bedroom, the waiter came with Xie Zishu.

The weather is good today. There is neither snow nor rain. The sun shines faintly on the world. Sitting in the hall, she sees Tingting curling and the newly grown little six slowly coming in. As soon as she looks up, all the beautiful little maids in the hall lose their color.

Wenjiu hasn't seen Xiao Liu for some time. At this time, I can't help feeling that this 14-year-old girl really changes in a few days. Moreover, the longer she grows, the more she looks like a country and a city.

She was stunned when she saw it.

"Sister in law." Xie Zishu trotted to her as soon as she saw warm wine.

The little girl's eyes are red. She wants to say something to her. It's hard to open her mouth. It's very painful to look at it.

Wen Jiu raised his hand and touched Xiao Liu's cheek. "Just say what you want to say. If your eldest brother sees you like this, you must be distressed."

Xie Zishu's voice became lower and lower when she thought of her eldest brother who has been unconscious so far. "Sister-in-law, can you not kill Zhao Xi?"

Warm wine, smell speech, mind micro motion.

The girl came in a hurry. I'm afraid she didn't know that she ordered Zhao Xi to be king and called into the imperial capital this morning.

That's easy to ask.

Wen Jiu took Xiao Liu and sat down on one side. He looked quite worried. "Is it for Zhao Xi that you came to the palace today?"

"I......" as soon as Xie Zishu spoke, her voice decreased. "I came to see my eldest brother and sister-in-law today. As for Zhao Xi... Just ask by the way."

"By the way?" Wenjiu nodded. "That's the person who doesn't matter. Let's talk about it later. ”

She said she would get up and take Xie Zishu in to see Xie Heng.

When Xiao Liu saw this, he looked a little flustered. He grabbed Wen's hand and whispered, "sister-in-law, good sister-in-law... Don't look back. If you're afraid Zhao Xi will cause any trouble, I'll tell him to stop making trouble. He's not a bad man. Don't think about killing him, okay?"

"You go?" Wenjiu said quietly, "do you know how far yongxue pass is from Dijing? Your third brother is also there. Aren't you afraid he'll teach you a lesson?"

Xie Zishu looked up at her and whispered, "I know yongxue pass is far away. I also know that my third brother will be angry and teach me a lesson, but my sister-in-law... You don't know that he is actually a very good and good person. I believe he didn't make a temporary intention this time. He must have wanted to help his eldest brother settle the 14th city of Wuzhou."

Xiao Liu was so big that he spoke with warm wine with such a serious look for the first time.

Her voice was soft, but very firm. "Although I don't know why he suddenly asked to marry me, if he is really willing to put down his old resentment and never face my eldest brother again, I can marry him."

Wen Jiurou asked, "do you like Zhao Xi?"

Xie Zishu thought seriously and whispered, "I should like it."

"You're too young. You still have a long, long rest of your life. You have to grow up to understand what you like and find someone who is willing to share a white head." Wen Jiu raised his hand and touched Xiao Liu's head. "We Xiao Liu are so good that we want to marry the person we like and have a happy life."

Xie Zishu reached out and hugged her and whispered, "sister-in-law."

"OK." Wen Jiu let her hold her and gently patted the little girl on the back, "I won't kill Zhao Xi, nor will your eldest brother. As long as he is safe, he will be safe in the future."

"Really? ” Xiao Liu immediately pushed away a little. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at the warm wine, showing some joy in their eyes.

"HMM." Wen Jiu nodded and took the little girl inside. "Now that you're here, look at your eldest brother and talk to him. He loves you most..."

"OK." Xie Zishu whispered and walked to the bed with warm wine.

Taking advantage of the warm wine, the little girl asked the maid to get the medicine, leaned over to Xie Heng's ear and whispered, "elder brother, elder brother, wake up quickly. If you don't wake up, your sister-in-law will be tired."

The people on the couch fell asleep quietly without any reaction.

Xie Zishu raised her sleeve, gently wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, and said a lot of words.

It seems that her eldest brother is not in a coma at all, but is asleep. If she says more words, she can wake him up in his sleep.

After Wen Jiu explained to the ladies, what he saw when he looked back was such a scene.

She went to Xie Zishu's side and said softly:“ Don't worry, he'll wake up. "

Xie Zishu looked up at her and said firmly, "elder brother will wake up soon."

Wen Jiu sat down by the couch and took Xiao Liu for a while.

Now Xiao Liu has been in the boudoir for a long time and rarely goes out. He is often too busy to warm wine. There are few times when two people gather together to chat.

Although at the moment, Xie Heng hasn't woken up.

But they talked at the bedside, as if he had always been with them, as before.

Wen Jiu asked Xiao Liu to stay in the palace and eat. When it was getting dark, she was afraid that her elders would worry. So she sent someone to send her back to Xie's house.

Xie Zishu reluctantly left the palace.

Warm wine made a group of maids in the hall retreat. They stood by Xie Heng's couch, held his hand, gently pinched it, and whispered, "when I went to the court today, I was angry with those eldest ministers, but I know why you said you wanted to hit people every day sitting on the Dragon chair..."

She gently rubbed Xie Heng's palm, "I also want to smash today, but my brother grew up and knew to protect me. I sat on the top and watched him scold those people. Suddenly I felt it was time to marry him a daughter-in-law."

Warm wine said one after another, whether Xie Heng could hear it or not.

She talked to him as usual, "but this boy seems to open his mouth occasionally. When I talk to him, he looks like he can't understand anything. When do you think this boy can be smarter?"

In such a large bedroom hall, there was only warm wine and his voice echoed gently.

There was no other sound.

She reached out and touched Xie Heng's face. "I told you last night that Zhao Xi married Xiao Liu. Did you hear me?"

Warm wine leaned over his ear and said slowly: "Just now Xiao Liu came and said that Zhao Xi would be willing to marry if she would never face you again. What does this mean, do you understand?"

She couldn't wait until Xie Heng woke up. She was very sad in her heart, but she was more calm and calm than anyone else.

Tell yourself and others again and again that Xie Heng will wake up.

He just fell asleep and slept longer than usual.

But Wenjiu was afraid that he slept too long and forgot to wake up.

She kissed Xie Heng's side face and said in a dumb voice, "you should wake up quickly, Xie Dongfeng, or your sister will be abducted and run away."

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