On this day, old man Xie took Xie Heng and Wenjiu for a long time and had lunch in the palace. In the afternoon, seeing that the sky had changed and the wind and snow were coming, he got up and went back to the house with Mrs. Xie and others.

When Xie Heng sent them out, he suddenly said, "Xiao Liu will live in the palace these days."

Mrs. Xie was stunned, then nodded and said, "OK."

Then she took Xie Zishu for several instructions and said, "don't you always say you want your eldest brother and sister-in-law? You'll live in the palace these days and spend more time with your eldest brother and sister-in-law."

Xie Zishu was afraid that her eldest brother would scold her as often as he did in the morning, and hurriedly said, "then I will miss you too."

"Silly boy." Mr. Xie reached out and touched Xiao Liu's head. "You live at home with me every day. What can you think of after a few days? Listen to your eldest brother, good."

Xie Zishu nodded and turned to Xie Zian, "let Xiao Qi stay, so that he can have company."

Xie Heng looked at her and couldn't help laughing: "do you want company or someone to give you advice?"

Xie Zishu immediately: "

Elder brother is really getting worse and worse.

No face at all.

Xie Zian was still holding her hand. Hearing this, she couldn't help laughing and said, "I don't see you want me at home on weekdays. Why did you want me to stay with you when you came to the palace and your eldest brother?"

Xie Zishu glared at him and motioned the boy to shut up.

Xie Zian stood beside Mrs. Xie San, several steps away from Xiao Liu. He was not afraid of her at all, but smiled more clearly. "I still have a lot of homework and articles to do. You ah, play in the palace by yourself."

Several elders also repeatedly said that Xiao Qi had serious things to do and couldn't delay.

Xie Zishu couldn't say anything more. She could only watch the Xie family go out of the palace together.

After a while, they went far.

There were only a group of palace maids standing nearby in front of the court. As soon as Xie Zishu looked up, she looked at Xie Heng and quickly said, "I got up too early today. I'm very sleepy now, elder brother... Let me go to bed first?"

Xie Heng didn't speak.

The warm wine on one side said with a smile, "since you are sleepy, go to bed. Be happy. Take Miss Liu to the side hall to have a rest."

The two maids came forward and said softly, "Miss Liu, please follow me."

Xie Zishu hurriedly followed them.

For a time, only Xie Heng and Wen Jiu stood in place.

The two men looked at each other and looked at each other. For a moment, they couldn't help laughing.

Wen Jiu asked with a smile, "look, you scared Xiao Liu."

"When did I scare her?" Xie Heng said innocently: "the little girl doesn't know what she's thinking? Didn't she like my eldest brother most before? Why... When she grew up, she didn't like me?"

When he said the last sentence, there was a lingering smell of vinegar.

"You." Wen Jiu raised his hand and pinched his jaw, "why did Xiao Liu say he didn't like you? When no sister grew up and fell in love with others, how can you be so stingy?"

Xie Heng raised his chin and looked like you could knead it. "You can like others. At least you have to like a decent one?"

Wen Jiu listened to what he said so righteously and boldly, and was immediately helpless. "Zhao Xi is not decent enough?"

Xie Heng said, "not enough."

Wenjiu was speechless for a moment: "...."

Come on.

If you say it's not enough, it's not enough.

In this way, Xie Heng suddenly said that letting Xiao Liu live in the palace these days should also be to prevent Zhao Xi from sneaking into the palace to find Xiao Liu in advance.

This brother's heart is broken.

They stood side by side in front of the court, watching the surging clouds in the sky, and said something for a while.

Wen Jiu suddenly remembered that Mrs. Xie said that the fourth childe had no news for some time. He couldn't help asking, "is there still no news from Wanjin?"

Xie Heng suddenly became more serious when he heard the speech.

He said slowly, "I have already sent someone to meet him. So far, there has been no reply."

Wen Jiuwen was silent for a long time before he said, "the new year is coming. Whether you can find it or not, it's time to come back."

"Wan Jin knows," Xie Heng said. "He will come back."

Warm wine nodded, "HMM."

As they were talking, the cold wind suddenly came and the rain fell in an uproar.

The sky is changeable, and dark clouds are everywhere for a moment.

The land of Hanchuan is still covered with ice and snow.

Two white shadows were thrown down from the ice steps. With the scream ringing through the ice and snow, the stone array of the town steps moved back to its original position to isolate the outside world.

Rong Sheng turned over and took the lead in landing. He reached out to catch the screaming fourth childe. He couldn't help but remind him, "don't shout if you haven't fallen."

"Oh." Xie Wanjin quickly calmed down, jumped down from Rong Sheng, turned and shouted at the ice steps: "you can throw it anyway. It's unreasonable at all?"

The group of people who had just thrown them down had already run away, for fear of being entangled by this big trouble.

Naturally, no one responded to him.

Xie Wanjin turned twice in front of the stone gate and couldn't help but say, "I just took a few bottles of your pills and took something again. As for being so angry, did you throw both of me out?"

Rong Sheng couldn't help whispering: "you're fooling the children of Hanchuan away. Is this called taking something?"

Those people in Hanchuan are still doubting that Xie Wanjin was sent by heaven to punish them.

Before throwing them out, those people said "never seen such a noisy person" and "if we let him stay here for another day, our Hanchuan will be extinct!"

The national master never thought that they would retreat from the cold river with this.

"That's not because they're really boring here?" Xie Wanjin turned back and said, "and I don't call it flickering. How nice it is outside. There's everything. It's right for those children to go out and have a look. What's the meaning of living in such ice and snow all their life?"

Rong Sheng didn't refute, but gave a faint "um".

Xie Wanjin shouted several times in Shimen, but there was no response. Only then did he have to believe that those individuals in Hanchuan really ignored him.

The fourth childe shook the pill bottle and Medicine Classics hidden in his sleeve. He was quite sorry and didn't come out with more things. Maybe these things are also useful to his eldest brother.

But fortunately, Rong Sheng has been raising very well these days. He doesn't seem to be short-lived at all.

Xie Wanjin slightly raised his eyebrows and shouted at the stone gate, "let me go. At least tell me how to go out? It's OK to lead the way, or I'll sit here and don't go!"

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