Xie Wanjin looked up at the end of the ice steps as he spoke.

After staying in Hanchuan for so many days, he knows that people in Hanchuan really can't see their original age, and most of them can't laugh. They have no expression. They boast that they are extraordinary and refined, as if they live higher and more remote, just like gods.

But those children are different. They are very curious about the outside world. Every time they see the fourth childe, their eyes shine and pester him with questions.

I don't know those older people. They don't like him anywhere.

Xie Wanjin turned his ink hair behind his back and continued to shout at the top: "I can come up once and come up again! If you don't send me out, I'll come up again!"

Before the words fell, a white bird swooped down from the ice steps and hit the fourth childe in the face.

Seeing that it was too late to hide, Xie Wanjin quickly exclaimed, "brother Rong!"

Rong Sheng's eyes half narrowed. Even if he flew up, he pulled the fourth childe over, let the white bird jump into the air, and then swept it and kicked it out.

The white bird plunged into the snow, fluttered its wings and flew again for a while, hovered over the sky more than ten steps away from the two people, and fell several hairs.

Xie Wanjin lay down on Rong Sheng's shoulder and slowly spit out a mouthful of turbid Qi. He raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder. He smiled and said, "it's good to have you, brother Rong."

Both of them are dressed in white at the moment. When they lived in Hanchuan, those individuals disliked that they were wearing vulgar things, and all of them were changed.

Rong Sheng is still as white as snow, but his face has changed a lot than when he first came. He is no longer a teenager. He looks like a twenty-six or seven young man.

Strangely, the man's face seemed more gorgeous than before.

The fourth childe looked at him for a while, and suddenly he couldn't move his eyes.

Rong Sheng glanced at Xie Wanjin's hand on his shoulder and said nothing. He immediately flew up to catch the white bird, grabbed its two claws in one hand, and took it upside down to the fourth childe.

The white bird who greeted Xie Wanjin's face as soon as he came up just now closed his eyes as if he were dead.

Rongsheng took it and shook it. He didn't see any reaction from the little guy. He couldn't help but slightly hook his lips and asked the fourth childe with a smile: "roasted or braised?"

"Roast it." Xie Wanjin touched his chin. "It looks very fat. It should have meat."

"You're fat!" the white bird who pretended to be dead after being carried down by Rong Sheng immediately blew his hair when he heard this. He could speak human words, but chirped. Finally, there was only one sentence, "you're fat, you're fat, you're the fattest!"

The fourth childe raised his hand and slapped his little head. "If you can talk, talk well, or I'll eat you."

The white bird was dazed by the beating. It recovered after a while and said in a shrill voice, "bold! I'm a god bird in Hanchuan. How can you give up!"

"Come on, aren't you a white parrot? If you can say two words, you're a divine bird. You're a God to show me?" Xie Wanjin poked on the white bird's head with his index finger. "You're not as good as a quail now."

White parrot: "chirp, chirp..."

"I don't understand." Xie Wanjin patted him on the mouth with a backhand, "speak quickly while you can speak, or I'll make a fire and roast you right away."

The white parrot stopped chattering and said, "I can take you out."

Xie Wanjin put back his sleeve and said with a smile, "I said earlier, Rong Sheng, let go."

Rongsheng slightly raised his eyebrows and let go.

The white parrot was caught off guard and suddenly fell down. Until it was about to fall into the snow, it suddenly spread its wings, whirled and flew back to the top of their heads.

It looked back at Rong Sheng and Xie Wanjin. It didn't dare to make any noise, so it flew to the south.

Seeing this, Rong Sheng put his hand around the fourth childe's waist and whispered, "close your eyes."

Xie Wanjin quickly closed his eyes. Before he could speak, he flew up with him, chased the white parrot through the vast flying snow and set foot on the way home.

The wind in his ears was so wild that the fourth childe was afraid of falling down, so he stretched out his hands around Rong Sheng's waist and couldn't help leaning on him when he felt cold.

As a result, he leaned closer and closer. Later, almost the whole person nestled in Rongsheng's arms, which made him feel much warmer.

Han Chuan's miraculous pill can't cure his fear of height. The whole person hangs on brother Rong, but he's not very afraid.

The fourth childe closed one eye tightly and opened a crack in the other. Seeing Rong Sheng holding him, he used his lightness skills to chase the direction of the white parrot. He couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "brother Rong, am I a little heavy?"

Rong Sheng looked as usual and said, "OK."

Xie Wanjin heard the speech and said to himself that it must be not very light.

At least he is also a seven foot man. Naturally, he can't compare with those thin beauties with a waist like willows. He just suffered brother Rong and wanted to fly with him.

The fourth childe thought like this and couldn't help but rejoice: "fortunately, there's nothing delicious in Hanchuan. I should be much lighter than when I was in Dijing these days."

Rongsheng was speechless for a moment.

But it was hard for him to keep waiting, so he was so low that he was "um".

Xie Wanjin was relieved to hear this.

In this windy and snowy place, as soon as he opened his mouth, he ate the wind and snow all over his mouth. The whole throat was cold and cold. It was not easy to talk more. He closed his eyes and leaned against Rong Sheng, waiting for him to chase the white parrot out of the cold river.

This pursuit is day and night.

Xie Wanjin slept in Rong Sheng's arms. When he woke up, he was still flying on the snow. He couldn't help but say, "brother Rong, please have a rest."

"OK." Rong Sheng just saw a flat boulder in front of him. Even if he jumped up, his feet fell on the snow on the stone surface. As soon as he put his hand down, Xie Wanjin's feet stepped on the ground.

The fourth childe breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his legs to shake off the snow on his body, raised his hand to brush the ice and snow on Rongsheng's shoulder and back, and took out a cloth bag from his sleeve and handed it to him, "eat something first, or you won't have the strength to use lightness skills later."

"Still hungry." Rongsheng opened the cloth bag, took out a cake from it, and directly handed it to Xie Wanjin's lips.

The latter was stunned, but he didn't say anything. He opened his mouth and caught it.

Rong Sheng looked as usual. He took a piece from his cloth bag and ate it himself. "You're smart and know how to hide food."

"People in Hanchuan don't know they're hungry at all. It's like they can drink enough snow water. These are what they use to worship the gods." the fourth childe took a bite of cake and smiled proudly, "the gods don't eat, so I have to take it for myself."

He said, broke a piece of cake and threw it into the air. The white parrot, who claimed to be a divine bird, immediately swooped down from the air and took the cake away.

A moment later, the sound of horse hoofs came from a distance, mixed with a call:

"Fourth childe!"

"Fourth childe, where are you?"

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