The people all around showed such a smile when they heard the speech.

The middle-aged businessman sitting on Xie Wanjin's side looked at him for a while and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that such a person as childe was also infatuated."

"No, no, no..." Xie Wanjin thought this was not what you thought, but it's not easy to say too much to outsiders.

There is no need to explain.

He thought like this, glanced at Rong Sheng and said, "what do you say, what do you think of my aunt?"

Rong Sheng raised his lips slightly and smiled without saying anything.

Everyone around laughed and said, "I've only heard that I'm afraid of my wife. I never thought there was a childe so afraid of his mother."

Xie Wanjin also felt ashamed of it and said with a smile, "there are thousands of wonders in the world."

Just talking here, the landlady came with wine and beef.

The fourth childe took a bowl of wine and handed it to Rong Sheng on the side. He drank another bowl and wiped his lips with his sleeve. He was very informal.

To tell you the truth, wine is not a good wine.

But the best thing is to warm your stomach.

It's not easy to meet such a tea and wine stall on the road in the snowy weather.

Although the fourth childe is very particular about his daily life, he is more casual than anyone at this time.

After he finished drinking, he glanced at Rong Sheng with the rest of his eyes. He found that the latter just took a small sip and didn't mean to drink more. He couldn't help looking at him, "why don't you drink?"

Rongsheng didn't speak, only slightly raised his eyebrows.

The fourth childe understood by himself. He leaned over and whispered to him, "don't choose when you go out. When you get home, I'll give you good wine and meat."

Rongsheng nodded slightly and drank up the wine in the bowl.

The party sat in the tea and wine stall for less than half an hour. Someone came in front and said that the road was clear, so they went on their own road.

Xie Wanjin asks Qing Er to go home and report peace with his grandmother and father's mother. He himself takes Rong Sheng into the palace to see his eldest brother.

It was just at the beginning of the dynasty that the fourth childe and Rong Sheng walked into the Palace door side by side. A group of civil and military ministers came up and said hello to each other with great joy: "the Marquis has returned to Beijing!"

"I'm looking forward to your return to Beijing. You're not in the imperial capital these days. The imperial capital is a lot boring!"

Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "that's not."

He was about to say a few more words when a young minister asked, "who is this next to the Marquis?"

Xie Wanjin turned and looked at Rong Sheng. I don't know why. Hearing others ask like this, his mood suddenly became subtle.

He thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "this is my brother Rong."

They didn't ask much, pretended to understand, and nodded: "it's a good friend of the marquis. Nice to meet you."

Rongsheng's face nodded slightly as usual.

Xie Wanjin was afraid that these people would not finish their greetings. He hurriedly said, "well, if you should go back to the house, go back to the house. Brother Rong and I still have something to do. See you later."

They quickly said yes, bowed and said, "see you another day, marquis."

"OK!" Xie Wanjin answered, taking Rong Sheng to his eldest brother's bedroom.

He doesn't have to think about it. When his eldest brother goes down, he must go back to ah Jiu, and his majesty won't love him anywhere else.

The ministers who had just exchanged greetings with the fourth childe left the palace in groups and whispered as they walked, "the Marquis is is in such a hurry to go. Why is it like he's afraid we'll see his brother Rong more?"

Someone answered in a low voice, "yes, I don't know. I thought the Marquis came with his wife today, for fear of being abrupt by us."

Xie Wanjin, who had just walked more than ten steps away, couldn't help staggering under his feet.

Rong Sheng on his side quickly reached out to hold him and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter?"

"No, nothing." Xie Wanjin looked up at him. His mood was quite subtle. He lowered his voice and asked, "didn't you hear just now?"

"I hear you."

Rongsheng's tone was as indifferent as words.

The fourth childe didn't know what to say.

After a while.

He then opened his mouth again and said, "they are what they are... They have nothing to hide. Don't take it to heart."

"HMM." Rong Sheng said faintly, "I know."

Xie Wanjin said: I don't know what I'm talking about. What do you know?

The fourth childe's mood was a little subtle. The little waiter who led the way was sharp eyed. Seeing this, he quickly opened his mouth to ease the atmosphere. "Hou ye, you don't know that you are not in the imperial capital these days. Your majesty and empress are very concerned about you."

"I know." Xie Wanjin couldn't help laughing at this, "they don't want me."

The waiter who led the way immediately said: "...."

Who is the fourth childe?

He won't be embarrassed at all. He doesn't need anyone to help him ease the atmosphere.

Xie Wanjin slowed down, put aside the subtle and messy emotions, and took Rong Sheng through the many palace doors to Wenjiu and Xie Heng's bedroom.

As soon as Wang Liang, who was guarding the gate of the hall, saw Xie Wanjin, his eyes brightened. He quickly shouted to the hall: "tell your majesty, your mother, the fourth childe is back!"

Xie Wanjin came forward to the ceremony with a smile. "Father-in-law, take it easy. Be careful not to hurt your throat."

"How can I? It's a great joy to see you." Wang Liang also smiled. "Your majesty and empress have been worried about you for a long time. Please come in quickly."

"OK." Xie Wanjin answered and took Rong Sheng inside.

The fragrance of tea curled in the hall. Xie Heng was sitting opposite the warm wine. Xiao Liu sat aside. Almost the fourth childe looked up as soon as he entered the hall.

Xiao Liu stood up with joy, "fourth brother! You're back!"

"I haven't been away from home for a few days. Do you think so about the fourth brother?" Xie Wanjin walked forward with a smile, touched Xiao Liu's head, arched his hand and warmed wine at Xie Heng: "elder brother, how's your sister-in-law lately?"

Xie Heng didn't speak for a moment, and his eyes fell on Rong Sheng.

Wen Jiu is also looking at him. He hasn't seen him for a few months. Rong Sheng has become a little more like this.

Although it is still as white as snow, it has faded from its youthful appearance and looks several years older.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin quickly turned to Rong Sheng and said, "brother Rong, come..."

He hasn't finished yet.

Rong Sheng strode forward, folded his hands, saluted Xie Heng and said slowly, "elder brother."

As soon as this came out, Xie Xiaoliu was surprised, "ah?"

Xie Heng looked at Rong Sheng deeply for a moment, his eyes slightly raised, and turned to look at ah Jiu.

Warm wine was also slightly surprised in her eyes, and she looked at him now.

Their eyes are opposite, and their eyes are quite delicate.

Xie Wanjin was also surprised, but he soon calmed down, cleared his throat and tried to look like a few people as usual: "they are all our own people!"

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