Xie Heng didn't answer his words, and his lips smiled a little.

The fourth childe had a bad heart, so he quickly asked Wen Jiu, "ah Jiu, do you think so?"

Wenjiu naturally couldn't help him to block Xie Heng, but after being reminded by the fourth childe, he couldn't help opening his mouth and saying to Rong Sheng, "Rong Sheng, if you're not tired today, can you show him first?"

Rong Sheng nodded and said, "I should."

He spoke a little too much today. Wen Jiuxin was more and more surprised, but he didn't show it at all. He got up and said, "thank you."

Rongsheng looked at her and said faintly, "you're so polite. It's not quite like before."

The way of warming wine was back before. Now you don't know what the relationship between you and the fourth childe is.

You should be polite or polite.

Xie Heng's eyes turned around between them and said slowly, "my wine was very polite to you before."

Let students laugh without speaking.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin hurriedly said, "OK, please show my eldest brother inside first. Let's go out for a walk. I've been away from Beijing for a few months. I miss every plant and tree in the imperial capital very much."

"Good." Wenjiu said so, but he couldn't help looking back at Xie Heng for several times.

Xie Wanjin, who was on one side, couldn't help laughing and said, "just go out for a while. At most, the Kung Fu of two teas will come back. Just look a little more. You don't have to look back in one step."

Wen Jiu said with a smile, "how do you know I'm looking back if you don't look back?"

"This......" Xie Wanjin didn't know how to answer.

Piansheng smiled in his warm wine eyes and said, "what I look back at is my family Xie Dongfeng. What are you looking back at?"

"I, I see... Elder brother and elder brother Rong!" Xie Wanjin said, stretching out his hand and pulling Xie Zishu, "and you, Xiao Liu, what are you looking back at? The little girl's family should be reserved. Born in my Xie family, she faces me and my elder brother every day. How can she be like someone who hasn't seen a good-looking person?"

Xiao Liu made a face at him and whispered several words, "the fourth brother's face is really getting thicker and thicker..."

Xie Wanjin just didn't hear anything, followed the pace of warming wine, went to the court, looked up at the flying snow, and said, "even if it snows in Dijing, it's better than elsewhere."

Wen Jiu smiled, "you've been homesick for a long time."

"Isn't it?" Xie Wanjin said with a smile: "I can't stay at home. When I'm away, I think there are hundreds of good things at home. Isn't that true of all people?"

"HMM." Wen Jiu nodded with a smile and suddenly thought of something and asked him, "have you sent someone home to report? The third aunt is worried about you these days."

Xie Wanjin said with a smile: "let Qing Er go. At present, ah Niang and they should already know. They can have a good meal later."

Wen Jiu turned to look at him. "Food can also be used in the palace. It's already ready. Don't say that you don't even give food in the palace when you come back from the dusty journey."

"That's not true." Xie Wanjin hurriedly said, "you know my aunt. When you see me later, I must look left and right again. I feel that I'm thin. I'm suffering outside. I don't say anything. I must urge me to eat more when I eat. If I eat in the palace and go home for a meal, I must be unable to sleep now."

Wen Jiu thought for a while. Mrs. Xie is really such a person. She can't help laughing.

Xie Zishu on the side has burst into laughter.

Xie Wanjin turned to look at her. "Are you still laughing? Come here and tell the truth with your four brothers."

Xie Zishu walked slowly to his side and looked at him innocently. "What truth do the four brothers want to hear?"

"What's the matter between you and Zhao Xi?" Xie Wanjin's attitude towards this matter is also very direct. He doesn't mean to beat around the bush with his sister at all.

Xie Xiaoliu was helpless. Instead, he pulled Wenjiu's sleeve and whispered, "sister-in-law, look at the fourth brother..."

Wen Jiu slowly drew his sleeves from Xiao Liu's hands and said softly, "I didn't ask you. What are you doing with my sleeves?"

Xie Zishu immediately: "

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin directly handed over his sleeves, "ah, the sleeves of the fourth brother were pulled by you, but you have to say the same word as the fourth brother."

"I have nothing to say." Xie Xiaoliu bitter a small face, the voice is thin and light, "these days, you ask me a lot, I feel like I like Zhao Xi a little."

"What?" Xie Wanjin was shocked.

After he looked at Wen Jiu and found her shocked, he hurriedly said, "don't think about it. The fourth brother suddenly doesn't want to know about it."

Warm wine smell speech, feel some funny, this one by one, I'm afraid I don't hope my sister will never grow up, so that she won't be married by others?

Xie Zishu blinked and looked at her fourth brother with clear eyes. Some didn't dare to believe it and asked, "really?"

"Really." Xie Wanjin answered, turned his head away and muttered to himself, "it's better to be confused. If you really want to understand and have a heart towards that little evil, you can still get it?"

Xie Zishu didn't hear what he was saying. She couldn't help asking, "what did the fourth brother just say?"

"Nothing." Xie Wanjin immediately denied it and turned to look inside the hall. "There's no movement inside. Shouldn't there be a fight?"

At the beginning, the eldest brother and Rong Sheng also had a revenge for taking his wife. Although this matter has passed, I don't know what they think in their hearts.

People who don't show their mind can't see anything different on their face, but the more so, the more likely they are to hide deeply.

When he looked inside, Wen Jiu was also thinking about how they were.

It's reasonable to say that Yirong Sheng's current relationship with the fourth childe can't conflict with Xie Heng.

The elder brother has called. It should be all right.

The two people standing outside thought about each other and suddenly looked at each other. They both saw some subtle emotions in each other's eyes.

Xie Wanjin cleared his throat. "It's all right. Brother Rong is very talkative now. It's very different from before."

"It's really very different." Wenjiu slowly answered, "look, I just don't know what happened on your way to find him this time. What made him so easy to talk?"

Others may not know what kind of person Rong Sheng is. Wen Jiu has been in the Western Chu for three years, but he knows that he is by no means a meddler. Today he said to help Xie Heng see the doctor. It's like the sun coming out of the West.

Xie Wanjin raised his head and touched his chin. He tried his best to make himself look very indifferent. He said slowly, "you don't know. Brother Rong, it's always so easy to talk."

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