Xie Heng didn't even speak.

Or the voice of warm wine first, "well, it's all our own people."

Xie Zishu looked at her fourth brother and Rong Sheng, and then her eldest brother and sister-in-law. She was more and more confused. She whispered, "I'm alone. Why do you have to say it so many times?"

Xie Wanjin coughed, raised his hand and patted Xiao Liu's head, motioning her to shut up.

The little girl didn't speak any more, but she couldn't help looking at Rongsheng again and again, and almost put the word "amazing" on her forehead.

The fourth childe felt a little awkward, so he turned sideways and blocked Xie Xiaoliu's sight.

The latter immediately: "

Don't you want to see it?

Xie Heng took a panoramic view of the movements of several people. His mood was a little subtle for a moment, but he remained calm. He only said in his usual tone: "what are you doing standing? Sit."

"Elder brother still knows that he loves me." Xie Wanjin sat down on Xie Heng's side and waved to Rongsheng to sit next to him.

The latter looks natural, but seems to have been used to it.

Wen Jiu looked at the two people, his eyes moved slightly, and raised his hand to make tea for them.

Xie Wanjin moved his hand and poured Rongsheng a cup of tea before pouring it for himself.

The fourth childe didn't think there was anything wrong with him. Instead, he was anxious to stabilize Xie Heng. "Elder brother, I heard on my way back to Beijing that Zhao Xi was tired of living and wanted to eat our swan meat?"

Xie Zishu was about to reach out and eat Hibiscus cake. When she heard this, she withdrew her hand silently.

But even so, the eyes of everyone in the temple fell on her.

Little six thought: Why did you talk about me again?

Xie Heng looked at what the little girl was thinking, and said with a smile in her voice, "you also said that Zhao Xi is tired of living."

"Who's the girl he thinks Xiao is bad? He's tired of living if he wants Xiao to miss our Xie family?" when Xie Wanjin heard those words at the tea and wine stall, he didn't say much in front of outsiders.

When he arrived at his own house, he naturally had no worries. He let go and said, "this time, the third brother doesn't know what he's thinking? He didn't take Zhao Xi's life at yongxue pass and brought people back to imperial capital?"

Xie Zishu heard this and said weakly, "all beings are equal. Sparing one life is better than building a seven level floating Tu, fourth brother... Don't always say that you want people's small life, which will affect your luck."

"Don't talk." Xie Wanjin said this to Xiao Liu, and then said to his elder brother, "anyway, where have they been? Is it still time to solve him on the road now?"

Warm wine smell speech immediately: "..."

The four CHILDES are usually smiling and good tempered. Once they annoy him, they are no better than Xie Heng and Xie Heng.

Xie Zishu was also very speechless. She looked at the warm wine and shouted "sister-in-law."

Warm wine also reluctantly tightened and said softly, "the fold handed by Xiaoye today says it will arrive tomorrow. It should be too late."

"That's a pity." Xie Wanjin sighed with regret. A moment later, he raised his eyes and asked, "is there a good plan in your heart, elder brother?"

Xie Heng didn't want it to be okay. He was angry when he mentioned it. As soon as he was about to speak, he warmed the wine and said, "well, it's just that he wants to get married, but he doesn't have to decide the marriage. When others come, you brothers feel uncomfortable when you see who wants to marry Xiao Liu. Who dares to propose marriage in the future?"

Xie Heng stopped talking and looked at ah Jiu gently. The fire dissipated in an instant.

The fourth childe lowered his voice and said, "no one dares to come. It's best. My little six will always be my family."

"Fourth brother!" Xie Zishu shouted at him.

"Why?" Xie Wanjin pretended that he hadn't said anything just now. "I can't even talk about it?"

Rong Sheng said, "there are ways to kill people invisible."

"Yes." Xie Wanjin suddenly brightened his eyes, raised his hand and patted Rongsheng on the shoulder, "brother yourong, why don't you worry about taking Zhao Xi's life quietly?"

Xie Heng thin lip light hook, "it's very time for you to come back."

Wen Jiu couldn't help raising his hand and rubbing the center of his eyebrows.

Can be remembered by these individuals, I don't know Zhao Xi is a blood mold for several lives. Xie Wanjin said, "well, the third brother will bring Zhao Xi to Beijing tomorrow. Brother Rong and I will go out of the city to meet him."

"Yes." Xie Heng nodded, "yes."

The two brothers here have made up their minds about tomorrow.

The fourth childe and Rong Sheng went out of the city to meet. At that time, Xie Yu and ye Zhiqiu were there. No matter how capable Zhao Xi was, he couldn't turn the sky.

The little six on one side gave warm wine a wink desperately: sister-in-law, you can't let them fool around like this!

Wenjiu picked up the tea and tasted a sip of tea. "You've had a hard time all the way, but you have to rest in the palace for a night first?"

"Don't rest." Xie Wanjin said without thinking, "I just miss my eldest brother very much. I've seen him now. I'm not tired on the road."

After he finished, he felt that he had said less, and quickly added: "of course, I miss you very much, my grandmother, father and mother, and Xiao Qi doesn't remember..."

Wen Jiu looked at his posture and had the intention of pointing aside the names of all the Xie family. He couldn't help interrupting: "I can see that you have kept all your family in mind these days."

"That's right." Xie Wanjin said, "when I was in Hanchuan, I would recite your names if I had nothing to do. I heard that the gods in that place recently prayed very well."

Wen Jiu couldn't help asking, "have you really found the place of Hanchuan?"

"Yes," said Xie Wanjin with a beaming face, "that place is really remote and strange. No matter men, women and children are all white haired, and they can't see the real age from their faces. The most important thing is that they seem to have facial paralysis one by one. In short,... How to say, it's not as magical as the legend, but it's really a strange place."

Wen wine smelled the speech and asked, "since you can come back safely, you must have an adventure?"

I was anxious to ask Rong Sheng to see a doctor for Xie Heng. Now I calmed down and wanted to ask them what happened in Hanchuan.

"Yes." the fourth childe thought of those strange people in Hanchuan and the hairless white parrot who claimed to be a divine bird. He took several jade bottles out of his sleeve and put them on the table. There were nine in total, all carved from white jade.

While distinguishing what was in it, he said, "they say these pills have the miraculous effect of reviving the dead and prolonging life. What else is there to keep your face and help your son? I don't know if it's true. Anyway, I've brought all the pills I saw. When I'm free, I'll try it, elder brother?"

Xie Heng looked up at the fourth childe. His eyes were full of 'you owe a lesson again?'

Xie Wanjin unconsciously leaned against Rong Sheng. He suddenly felt a lot of confidence. He smiled slowly and said, "elder brother, we have to cure when we are sick and take medicine when we have medicine, don't you think so?"

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