Xie Heng picked up the tea lamp on one side and tried to smash the fourth childe.

When Wen Jiu saw this, he quickly stretched out his hand and stopped it. He gently advised, "people didn't come back easily. What are you doing?"

Xie Hengdan's Fengyan was slightly picky. He obediently put down the tea lamp, and then said to Xie Wanjin as if nothing had happened just now: "the third aunt said that you have been back many times. If there is nothing wrong, you should take someone home to report peace."

His words were heard by the fourth childe, which was similar to "get out of here quickly".

But Xie Wanjin had a thick skin and was very reluctant to sit down. He smiled and said, "elder brother, I just came back. I haven't sat down for a while. Are you in a hurry to drive me away? Are you so reluctant to see my brother?"

"HMM." Xie Heng nodded very seriously.

The fourth childe had a lot to say. He choked when he saw it.

After a while, Xie Wanjin slowed down, frowned and whispered, "elder brother, you really have no conscience."

Xie Heng didn't hear what he said at once. He couldn't help asking, "what did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing." Xie Wanjin was a little guilty. He quickly raised his eyes and looked at Rong Sheng. "Elder brother doesn't want to see us, let's go now."

Obviously, only the fourth childe was despised, but Rong Sheng, who was taken with him for no reason, didn't say it, but said in his usual tone, "let's go."

"Go, go." Xie Wanjin took the people and got up and went outside the temple.

After taking a few steps, he suddenly remembered something. He turned back and asked, "I'll take the little six home, too?"

"No need." Xie Heng looked at the little girl who was about to stand up and fly out. His tone was not salty and said, "she will continue to live in the palace."

Xie Zishu was a little anxious, but it was hard to say anything. She could only shout, "elder brother!"

Xie Heng ignored her and took a sip of tea slowly.

The little girl turned to warm wine and whispered, "sister-in-law, I miss my grandmother. Please advise my eldest brother to let me go home..."

"This..." Wen Jiu was about to open his mouth when Xie Heng held his hand.

The words stopped suddenly.

Xie Heng raised his eyes and looked at Xie Xiaoliu. It's not tight or slow: "didn't you say that the place where you have a promising brother is your home?"

Xie Zishu immediately: "

"Then Xiao Liu will continue to stay in the palace." Xie Wanjin couldn't help laughing. He pulled Rong Sheng out and said, "let's go home first."

"Fourth brother!" Xie Xiaoliu wanted to struggle again and shouted to him behind him, "fourth brother!"

The fourth childe just thought he didn't hear. He went out of the temple door, took an oil paper umbrella from the palace man and went away.

In the hall, Wen Jiu sat opposite Xie Heng, drinking tea.

Xie Zishu looked at her eldest brother and her gentle sister-in-law. The more she looked, the more she felt that it was superfluous to stay here. She said, "I'll go back to read." then she turned and went out of the hall.

Xie Heng saw this and was about to call her when he was stopped by warm wine.

"Let her go." Wen Jiu said with a smile, "when the little girl grows up, how can she always hold her?"

Xie Heng couldn't help looking at her with his eyebrows. "Do you think I shouldn't hold her?"

Wen Jiu put down the tea lamp in his hand, got up slowly, looked down at him and said with a smile: "this is hard to say?"

Xie Heng also stood up, "why is it hard to say?"

"Hmm..." the ending of warm wine was long, like thinking about something. In the end, it was just a sentence, "it's hard to say."

The sons of the Xie family are good at everything, but they really value their sister too much.

Even if Zhao Xi doesn't come to marry this time, it's not much better to change someone else.

They just don't want to admit it.

Xie Heng couldn't help laughing when he saw her like this, "ah Jiu, are you still selling with me?"

There was no one else on the side. All the palace attendants were outside.

He put his hand around ah Jiu and walked to the window to see the snow outside.

Xie Heng lowered his head and gently kissed her ear. "If you face her more, I won't be happy."

"Thank you, Dongfeng!" Wen Jiu called him with a smile and said helplessly, "that's your sister."

Xie Heng lowered his voice and said, "neither can my sister."

Warm wine and say nothing for a moment: "...."

Xie Heng looked very steady and calm in front of others.

When he arrived, he showed his true colors.

They stood by the window, watching the wind blowing the curtain, the branches and leaves fluttering, the snow falling all over the eaves of the palace, another auspicious snow heralding a good year.

Warm wine is a little greedy for such a rare moment of peace. People on the tip of the same heart lean against each other and lean together quietly.

I didn't say anything and felt very good.

After a while.

Wen Jiucai suddenly remembered something and asked, "what did Rongsheng say after taking your pulse?"

"It's no big deal." as soon as Xie Heng said this, he saw Ah Jiu's expression of disbelief, and hurriedly continued: "he's not an immortal. I'm fine now, and he can't see anything, so he'll have to wait for the next time..."

When he said this, he suddenly paused, as if he couldn't even say the words "next coma" in front of warm wine. He just skipped over, "anyway, we'll see it at that time. These drugs brought back by Wanjin may really be useful, but we can't eat them indiscriminately for the time being."

Wen Jiu smiled and turned back, "I'll put it away first."

"Don't worry." Xie Heng raised his hand and pulled ah Jiu back. He pinned a wisp of green silk scattered by her behind his ears and said with a smile, "it's snowing today. Let's go to the imperial garden and pick some plum blossom to cook wine."

Wen Jiu raised his hand and ordered the tip of his nose. "I can't drink again. Do you want me to watch you drink, greedy?"

Those doctors told her not to drink alcohol during the medication.

Let her become a wine maker and dare not touch wine. God knows how these days come.

Xie Heng looked at her and smiled in Danfeng's eyes, "I have a way to let you drink."

Wen Jiu's eyes brightened when he heard this, and he quickly asked, "what's the way?"

"I'll drink more." Xie Heng leaned over her ear and whispered, "you can taste the wine if you kiss me more."


Warm wine suddenly speechless.

How can this guy be more and more shameless!

She pushed him away and went out of the hall. Xie Heng strode up and said with a smile, "madam, what are you doing so fast? And tell me, is this a great way?"

Wenjiu didn't answer. He went straight to the court and grabbed a handful of snow. When Xie Heng came over, he directly hit him in the face.

The latter was suddenly stunned. After a moment, he couldn't help laughing, "do you still smash?"

He reached out and took ah Jiu's hand, opened her palm and looked, "are your hands cold?"

Warm wine raised his eyes to see that the long eyelashes between Xie Heng's eyebrows were stained with frost and snow, but he was full of himself.

I can't help thinking that if life stays at this moment.

Good, too.

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