Emperor capital, Xie mansion.

Xie Wanjin took Rong Sheng home and was full of joy all the way. But as soon as he stepped into the gate of Xie's house, he heard a group of young ladies greet him. When he didn't know what to shout to Rong Sheng, his mood suddenly became a little complicated.

He remembered the inexplicable words that a Niang said to him before leaving home.

At that time, I just felt helpless and wanted to laugh.

Now he and Rongsheng have really formed a concentric alliance. In the future, they really can't get a wife or have children. I don't know whether this is a fake or true?

Rong Sheng couldn't help asking, "what are you laughing at?"

"That..." Xie Wanjin felt it necessary to remind him, but he couldn't directly tell him that my aunt had taken you as my guide.

He could only say vaguely, "you know my aunt is a person who talks a lot. When you see her later, no matter what she says to you, just listen to it. Don't take it too seriously."

"HMM." Rong Sheng replied as usual without asking anything more.

Rao is Xie Wanjin. He wants to say more. It's not easy to say more when he sees the people of National Normal University.

He couldn't help wondering: why doesn't this man know to ask more?

When Mingming was in the imperial capital, he was as embarrassed as my aunt. He entered the Xie family again today. Isn't he nervous at all?


My Lord is worthy of being my Lord.

The fourth childe sighed secretly.

When they came to the door, he had not had time to speak. As soon as the gatekeeper saw him, he shouted happily, "the fourth childe is back!"

The light shout is not finished, but also said to the inside: "go and report to the old lady, the third lady and the fourth childe are back!"

There was a bustle around Xie's house.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin couldn't help laughing and said: "OK, OK, I didn't see you so happy when I came back from home longer. What should I do? Don't come together to talk to me. I'm in a hurry this time. I didn't bring anything..."

The servant girls in the house were very happy when they saw him, and said one after another, "where is the reward of Childe Tu Si? I really miss you!"

The maid smiled and said, "as soon as the fourth childe came back, the maidservant felt that it was not cold in this snowy day!"

"Tut, if you can talk so well, you'll get a reward." Xie Wanjin walked in with a smile, "come to the flower hall to receive the reward later."

The people quickly saluted together, "thank you, fourth childe."

Rongsheng followed him into the court. Seeing that the plum blossoms in front of the court were proudly open and flying red to the ground, like Rouge covered with snow, he couldn't help stopping slightly.

This is Xie Si's home.

Everywhere, it seems to be a beautiful place in the world.

Xie Wanjin took a few steps forward and suddenly found Rong Sheng standing where he was. He couldn't help looking back at him and asked with a smile, "you're afraid before you see my aunt?"

Rongsheng stood in the corridor, the wind blew the plum blossoms, and slowly rustled on his lavender sleeves, setting off a rare face in the world.

He stood five or six steps away from the fourth childe, looked up at him, and whispered, "yes."

"Come on." Xie Wanjin walked back with a smile, held his wrist and said with a smile: "the fourth brother is not afraid of anything if he leads you."

Rongsheng followed Xie Wanjin forward and looked down. He held his wrist and involuntarily hooked his lips.

They walked with overlapping sleeves and consistent steps, and soon came to the flower hall.

Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Xie Yucheng hurried out with a group of servants and maids. "Wanjin is back! It's snowing? Why don't you hold an umbrella?"

Xie Wanjin was afraid that she would fall when she walked fast. He hurried forward and helped her. With a smile, he said, "I'm anxious to see my aunt. I can't take care of holding an umbrella!"

"You are so sweet!" Mrs. Xie narrowed her smiling eyes, but pretended to be unhappy. "If you were really anxious to see me, you wouldn't run into the palace to find your eldest brother as soon as you arrived in Dijing!"

Xie Wanjin said helplessly with a smile, "why is it the same? Elder brother is in a hurry to do business. Besides, why are you still sour about elder brother?"

"You, you." Mrs. Xie was full of joy when she saw her son. She could always pick out some mistakes on weekdays. She was reluctant to talk about him now and just stared at him.

After a while, he said, "I'm thin."

After a while, he asked, "didn't you get hurt this time?"

Xie Wanjin said with a smile: "I used to drink and eat meat with those people in Dijing every day. It's better to be thinner when I go out, otherwise I'll be as fat as those people. I'm not hurt this time. I haven't broken a small hole. I'm at ease."

When Mrs. Xie heard the speech, she wanted to ask something more. Xie Yucheng suddenly stabbed her gently with his elbow and indicated with her eyes that there was another person beside her son.

Mrs. Xie returned to her senses and looked at Rong Sheng standing behind Xie Wanjin.

She was stunned for a moment. How could this look different from what she saw last time?

It looks better.

The hair is still white.

Just... Suddenly I can't tell what's different.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin quickly stretched out his hand to pull Rongsheng, pulled him to the front and said with a smile: "father, Aung, this is my brother Rong, you saw last time..."

He was worried that Rongsheng would be embarrassed.

I never thought that the people of national normal university should even fold their hands and solemnly salute them, "Rong Sheng has seen the third master and the third lady of Xie."

"This, this... Are all a family. What's polite?" said Mrs. Xie, quickly motioning Xie Yucheng with her eyes to help.

Xie Yucheng immediately reached out his hand and said in a warm voice, "have you worked hard on the road in such a heavy snow? Have you eaten? I don't know what you like to eat. Let the canteen prepare more according to Wanjin's hobby. If you have anything to eat, just say it. Let the canteen do it again. Don't be polite."

Rongsheng smiled and said, "I like everything he likes. There's no need to do anything else."

"That, that's OK." Xie Yucheng couldn't help looking at him again.

Mrs. Xie couldn't help staring at him. In a voice that only two people could hear, she whispered to him, "what are you looking at? Is this what you should see?"

Xie Yucheng was so wronged that he said in a lower voice, "before you came out, you didn't tell me that it's inconvenient for you to look at him more. Let me look at him more? Why don't you let me see it again?"

Mrs. Xie didn't answer, but she was still unhappy and said, "just look at it. Don't stare all the time. Don't make people uncomfortable."

Xie Yucheng hurriedly said, "OK, OK."

After listening at Phnom Penh, Xie Wan couldn't help looking up at Rong Sheng and saw that his face was naturally disgraced when he heard about the "family".

When he spoke to his father, a Niang, he could deal with it freely, which was completely different from the atmosphere he had thought before.

The fourth childe raised his hand and touched his chin. His mood was very subtle for a moment.

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