Mrs. Xie and Ms. Xie Yucheng, regardless of what the fourth childe was thinking, hurriedly asked Rong Sheng to sit in the flower hall and asked someone to invite the old lady over.

As soon as they stepped into the flower hall, there was a boy and maid outside the door, "the seventh childe and the little miss are coming."

Xie Wanjin quickly turned around and saw Xie Zian leading Bu Ji in.

The little girl didn't change much when she left with him. Her raw powder carving and jade carving, but her eyes always had some cunning that didn't fit her age.

He thought that when he was in Hanchuan, the little girl gave him the one that fell out and broke on the ground and became the white butterfly that opened the stone gate. His eyes became a little inquisitive.

This little girl is definitely not an ordinary person.

But seeing her appearance, it seems that she didn't do anything in the Xie family, otherwise the whole family wouldn't love her so much.

Especially Xiao Qi, either holding or holding, didn't know he thought it was his own.

The fourth childe was thinking in a mess. Xie Zian had come forward with the little girl and said hello with a smile: "fourth brother, young master Rong, how are you recently?"

"Well, brother Rong and I are very good." Xie Wanjin knew that Rong Sheng was not used to greeting people, so he answered first.

In case he doesn't know what to say to Xiao Qi, he will be embarrassed.

Seeing this, the little girl smiled and shouted to them, "Dad, Dad, you're back. I miss you so much."

When Xie Wanjin heard the speech, he couldn't help but excite himself. While saying "I miss you too", he turned his head and looked at Rong Sheng.

The latter looked at him and gave him a soothing look.

Xie Wanjin slightly raised his eyebrows. Somehow, this heart is not nervous if it is not nervous.

Several people were talking. Mrs. Xie also came over and took the fourth childe for a good care. Then she remembered to look at Rong Sheng more. "Sit, sit quickly, are you tired on the road? Eat more later. When you get home this time, just have a good rest for a few days and don't always run out."

"Yes, all listen to grandma." Xie Wanjin answered with a smile.

It was during the dinner that several people sat down at the table, and the waitresses filled the table with wine and delicious food.

What Mrs. Xie San said is true. It's all what Xie Wanjin likes to eat.

The family sat together and asked him what happened on the road and why he had been delayed outside for so long.

Xie Wanjin answered one by one and took time to bring some dishes to Rongsheng. His actions were natural. It was like doing it outside.

Seeing this, the Xie family's eyes were both complex and gratified.

After the meal, it was completely dark.

"It's snowy outside and it's hard to walk on the slippery road. Please help your grandmother go back and have a rest." Xie Wanjin told the waitresses, watched them help the old lady out of the door, and said to Xie Yucheng, "father, you can go back and have a rest with your aunt."

These people don't see him for a while, it's like they have endless words.

Most of the fourth childe's thoughts are still on his mind. He is wondering how to make things clear to her.

But several elders are always reluctant to go back.

Mrs. Xie pretended to be unhappy and said, "OK, who wants to stay with you all the time?"

She said, got up and went out.

Xie Yucheng said to her, "slow down and be careful of the slippery road". He turned back to Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng and said, "it's not early that day. You went back to bed earlier and left."

Rong Sheng and Xie Wanjin saluted him together.

After several elders left, they looked at each other and turned their heads together.

The little girl was still sitting at the table eating chicken legs, as if she didn't find the two men staring at her.

On the contrary, Xie Zian, who handed her to wipe her mouth, felt something wrong first. He couldn't help raising his eyes and asked, "fourth brother, what do you look at like this and don't remember to do?"

"Something's wrong." Xie Wanjin went over and asked the little girl, "are you full? When you're full, let's go back and talk about it?"

"I'm full." don't remember to put the chicken bones on the table, took Xie Zian's handkerchief, wiped his mouth, and then stretched out his hand to him.

Xie Wanjin couldn't help but say, "this chair is so high? It's OK for you to jump down..."

Before he finished, he saw his seven younger brothers reach out and pick up the little girl.

Don't remember turning around, smiling at him and saying, "let's go, Dad."

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

Xie Zian also smiled at him gently: "the snow is so thick outside, I'd better hold it and don't remember to go."

Xie Wanjin turned his head and tongrongsheng whispered, "the goblin probably wants to eat the meat of my little seven."

Rong Sheng whispered, "go back and talk."

As soon as several people walked out of the door of the flower hall, the waitresses came forward to hold umbrellas.

Xie Wanjin directly stretched out his hand to pick it up and supported Rong Sheng against the wind and snow. Before he could speak, he saw that the man on the side did not remember to take the oil paper umbrella from the maid's hand and support it for Xie Zian.

However, she is small. The paper umbrella is too big and heavy for her. She can't hold it stably. She can only hold it with both hands, but she still holds it shakily. It looks very funny to hit Xiaoqi's head from time to time.

Xie Zian stretched out her hand to take it. The little girl refused, so she had to go.

Xie Wanjin returned to Tinghe pavilion with several people. The flowers, plants and trees were covered by the vast snow. There was a thick layer of ice in the pond. Looking at it, it was frost and snow in cold winter.

But as soon as he came in, the rich and powerful and a group of maids greeted him with lamps and called "the childe is back!"

For a moment, just like the peach and plum blossoms in the world, the willows come in an instant.

The fourth childe used to like the feeling that the beautiful little maid came forward, but now he was inexplicably guilty. He quickly stretched out his hand to stop them from coming to him, and glanced at Rong Sheng.

Seeing that there was nothing different in his face, he relaxed a little, cleared his throat and said to the crowd, "come back, come back, hurry to make the bed and warm the wine. What are you doing outside? You're not afraid of freezing. Come in quickly."

Xie Wanjin hurriedly sent all the maidens away, and then turned back to Xie Zian and said, "you too. Everyone has been sent. Hurry back to do your articles and review your lessons. What do half the big boy always hold the little girl like? Be careful that others think you have a daughter at a young age. How can you marry a daughter-in-law at that time?"

"Fourth brother." Xie Zian leaned over and put Buji on the ground, but said with a smile: "didn't you ask me to take care of Buji more?"

Xie Wanjin choked, "then I didn't let you go and hug?"

Xie Zian has always said that he can't be the fourth brother.

It should be said that in the whole family, no one can speak of him except the eldest brother who disagreed with the fourth childe and the third brother who killed people in silence.

The seventh childe was the most self-conscious. He gave up directly and retorted with him. He only said in a warm voice: "when the fourth brother is away, don't remember that he is very good. Don't scold her."

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

Just turn your elbow out, girl!

Why do my brothers face others?

He slowed down, looked as usual as possible and said, "I have nothing to teach her. What do you do? Go back and I'll just say a few words to her."

"That's good." Xie Zian said goodbye to the two people and reached out to touch the little girl's head. Then he turned and left.

In front of the house, there were only Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng, and there were three people who didn't remember.

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