The snow in front of the court was long, falling quietly with the wind, and the cold hit people.

Xie Wanjin looked down at the little girl carved with powder and jade. He wanted to ask many questions, but he didn't know where to ask.

"Isn't it cold to stand outside and blow?" Bu Ji looked up at him and said softly, "can't we come in and talk again?"

Xie Wanjin choked and took a deep breath. "Come in, come in, you go first."

He said, turning to Tong Rongsheng and whispering, "she..."

"I know what you're going to say." Rongsheng raised his hand and put it on the fourth childe's shoulder. He said in his usual tone, "go in and talk."

Xie Wanjin was full of entanglement. When he heard him say this, his heart seemed to settle down at once.

OK, let's go in.

Brother Rong is here. I can't really eat such a little girl's film.

He thought like this. After entering the house, he told a group of little maids, "nothing, you all go out. By the way, prepare some wine. We'll rest earlier tonight. There's no need to serve again."

The rich and dignitaries and others were surprised when they heard the speech: the four CHILDES had never stopped waiting in the house before.

Among the masters of the Xie family, the fourth childe knows how to enjoy most. He can lie down, never sit, never sit, and never stand. This is something that can be served by maids. He will never do it himself.

I don't know what happened when I came back this time.

Xie Wanjin saw that the little maids' eyes were so delicate and their faces couldn't hang for a moment. He quickly raised his hand. "If you're allowed to go out, just go out and put the hot wine by the window. I'll take it myself. Don't come in."

The little maid Committee was so aggrieved that she answered "yes". Qi Qi withdrew and took him with him.

If you don't remember, you go to the table, climb up the chair and sit cross legged.

"Brother Rong." Xie Wanjin shouted to Rong Sheng, and they walked over together.

The father and daughter sat opposite each other.

I was speechless for a moment.

Still don't remember to ask, "Dad, you can say whatever you want. If you wait, I'll fall asleep."

"Come on, don't call me dad!" Xie Wanjin looked at the little girl and said, "I know what you're thinking.".

He couldn't help saying, "the bead you gave me is like a jade or a non jade. Once it was broken, a white butterfly flew out. It attracted a large group of companions and opened the stone door of Hanchuan..."

"What's so strange about that?" I don't remember. Looking at him is like looking at an ignorant child.

It happened that she was still a small one, which made the fourth childe very tangled.

"Why isn't that strange?" Xie Wanjin said, "tell me the truth, did you come out of Hanchuan? When I was there, I listened to what they said. Was it about you that important people ran away?"

When the fourth childe was in Hanchuan, he often heard those people in Hanchuan say something in their words. He looked very anxious and helpless. Most of his words couldn't understand, but several key words were confused

It's all for this. Naturally, there's no need to beat around the bush.

He just said what he said.

"Yes," he admitted directly and smiled.

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

Don't you deny it?

He didn't know what to say at once. He couldn't help looking at Rong Sheng.

The latter took over the conversation naturally and asked, "since you are from Hanchuan, why didn't you say it before?"

The little girl knew they were looking for the place of Hanchuan, but she never mentioned it.

Don't remember to look up and say innocently, "you haven't asked me either."

Rongsheng didn't speak any more. The corner of his lips raised a few invisible radians and suddenly held her wrist.

"What are you doing?" the little girl stood up from the stool and said angrily, "don't move if you're not polite, don't you know?"

Rongsheng held the pulse of her wrist, "you called me so many times, Dad, why not move?"

"Yes." Xie Wanjin was inexplicably happy to see her eat flat, smiled and echoed, "you are so young, do you know what indecent manners are? Who taught you?"

"Xiao Qi." Bu Ji tilted his head and looked at Xie Wanjin. "Let him let go and touch it again, he will have to marry me!"

Xie Wanjin smiled a little out of breath. Rong Sheng immediately let go of his wrist and gently patted the fourth childe on the back to give him comfort. Reluctantly, he asked, "is it so funny?"

"Funny." the fourth childe raised his finger and said with a smile, "look how old she is. She looks like a little carrot head. She really thinks a lot."

Rongsheng waited for him to slow down, then slowly sat back in his chair and said in a neutral tone, "do you really think she looks this age?"

"What do you mean, she..." Xie Wanjin said, and his smile suddenly froze.

He looked back and didn't remember, but he found that the little girl was holding her chin with one hand and looking at herself with a smile.

The fourth childe was slightly stunned, lowered his voice and asked, "aren't you a hundreds of years old goblin?"

Don't remember to smile: "what do you say?"

Xie Wanjin doesn't want to talk.

Rong Sheng said in his usual tone, "not so old."

"It's not hundreds of years old. How old is that?" Xie Wanjin stared at it for a long time. He didn't see anything. He couldn't help worrying: "then, why are you old enough to come to my house? Why don't you stay?"

Don't remember to make a face at him and say with a smile, "of course, I'm here to eat a beautiful man and practice the way of growth!"

"What?!" Xie Wanjin withdrew unconsciously. "You eat people, even if you choose beautiful men to eat?"

The fourth childe moved so much that he almost turned back with people and chairs.

Rongsheng stretched out his hand to help him, and glanced coolly without remembering.

The latter restrained a little and leaned back on the back of the chair. "I don't want to eat you. You're old."

"What did you say?" Xie Wanjin stood up directly and said angrily, "who do you say is old?"

Don't remember to stand up with one hand on the table, then the height of the chair barely looked at Xie Wanjin, and crisp Sheng said, "Dad, what's the matter with you? I said to eat, you can't sit still. I said not to eat you, why aren't you happy?"

Xie Wanjin couldn't answer at once: "..."

Is that what you say?

The little girl felt that she was extremely reasonable and whispered, "this old man is trouble."

"I......" Xie Wanjin raised his hand and wanted to take Bu Ji down from his chair.

At this time, the little maids put the freshly heated wine by the window and tapped three times with their fingers to remind their childe that they can use it.

When the fourth childe heard this, he calmed his mood a little. Chao Bu Ji said, "what is old? Find out. People like me, who are just in their early twenties, are in their prime, top and best age! You don't understand anything. What are you talking about?"

Don't remember, don't slow down: "compared with Xiao Qi, you are very old."

Xie Wanjin: "I can't tell you."

He turned and went to serve the wine. He went to the window and blew a cold wind for a while. He woke up a little. When he came back, he couldn't help asking, "do you call someone's seventh uncle face to face and his seventh son behind his back? Do you know this?"

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