Don't remember to shut up.

Xie Wanjin looked a little funny and said, "you look clever and lovely. In fact, you're thinking about eating him. Does my seventh brother know this?"

Don't remember immediately: "..."

When the fourth childe saw that she couldn't speak, he felt that he had recovered 10%, sat down and poured two glasses of wine, and handed one to Rong Sheng, "come, brother Rong, have a glass of home wine and wash the dust."

He picked up another cup himself. As soon as he was about to drink, he heard that he didn't remember to say, "I want to drink, too."

"What are you drinking?" Xie Wanjin said with an eyebrow. "When you're drunk, I have to take you back to my room. What if I have to marry you?"

Don't remember whispering, "no, they say you're too old."

The fourth childe drank all the wine in the glass. It was just when he was satisfied. He couldn't hear what the little girl was muttering. He put down his glass and asked, "what did you just say?"

"I didn't say anything." I won't admit it if I don't remember.

She thought for a while and suddenly asked, "Dad, what did you bring out when you went to Hanchuan this time? Let me see."

"It's all in the palace... No!" Xie Wanjin realized that this was not right half way through. He couldn't help but wonder, "what did you say? Do I look like a person who can take other people's things for no reason?"

Don't remember to nod and say, "like."

Only two words she said were enough to explain everything.

Xie Wanjin almost wanted to hit her with a wine glass, but seeing that it was a little girl, she put it down again.

He knows why the elder brother hit people with something when he was angry.

It's so angry that it's hard to hold back.

"Take it out. Don't hide it." Bu Ji said, "take it out and show me. What if there's someone who can save your big brother? You can't use it. You might as well rely on me."

When Xie Wanjin heard the speech, he brightened his eyes and said to himself: This is the truth.

Rong Sheng stayed in Hanchuan for a few days, but the little girl came out from there. If she is willing to help, she will get twice the result with half the effort.

But the fourth childe was calm and didn't hurry to speak.

Don't remember what happened, he said again, "you don't show me now. After a while, you come to beg me, but it depends on whether I'm happy or not."

"Well, you scared me, didn't you?" Xie Wanjin laughed angrily at this, stretched out his hand and pointed the tip of the little girl's nose, "Don't think I don't know what people in Hanchuan are like. No matter how capable you are, you haven't become such a little girl. You have to be held two more steps. If you do, you still threaten people? Go back and look in the mirror to see if you can scare me."


I don't remember choking on him completely.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin filled the wine again. "What's more, you little girl is bad. You didn't say you came from Hanchuan before, but now suddenly let me show you what Hanchuan brought out."

He drank another glass of wine and said slowly, "I guess you made yourself like this when you came out. You can't recover at once. Do you want to see if there is anything in the things I brought out from Hanchuan that can help you recover?"

Don't remember being said correctly, just don't hide, "so what?"

The little girl got up and sat directly on the table. She picked up the wine pot and poured wine into her mouth. She drank half of the pot before she rested.

She put the wine pot on the table and raised her sleeve to wipe her lips. "Wine is good wine. Your father is not a good father."

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

One side of Rong Sheng suddenly said, "everything is kept in the palace. I'll take you to see it in a few days."

"Dad is still cheerful!" Bu Ji jumped down from the table and smiled. "Then I'll go back to bed first."

"Well." Rong Sheng answered and said faintly, "go."

The little girl ran out, opened the door and went back to her room.

The cold wind opened and closed the door, and the candles in the house were shaking, almost out and bright.

Xie Wanjin stared at the door for a long time before he calmed down. There were only him and Rongsheng left in the room.

I didn't feel anything when I was in Hanchuan. There are snowy fields all around. It's great to nest together and have a rest.

But when I returned home and sat in my own room, I suddenly felt a little different.

"What do you think?" Rongsheng raised his hand, took the wine pot and filled both wine glasses, as if casually.

"Nothing..." Xie Wanjin tried to cover up his inner embarrassment at the moment. While reaching out for the wine, he said, "it's just a little. Why did you agree to her so happily."

Rongsheng looked at him and said in his usual tone, "she hasn't done anything for so long at home. It can be seen that she has no bad heart."

"Well..." the fourth childe replied vaguely, "yes."

Rong Sheng's eyes moved slightly and said, "you can't use all the pills you brought out from Hanchuan alone. You can give her a little to help without losing."

The fourth childe drank all the wine in the cup, glanced at the bed with the corner of his eye, and said, "yes, it's not a loss."

Rong Sheng got up to pour him wine and said slowly, "what's more, if she doesn't promise, she will grind here until you promise. The winter night is short..."

"The winter night is very short. Then, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to take a bath." Xie Wanjin suddenly put down his glass and got up and said, "I have a problem. I can live too rough outside. I have to pay attention to it when I go home this time. It's essential to take a bath and burn incense. Brother Rong, you're working hard on your way. Why don't you wash and sleep?"

Rong Sheng couldn't help laughing, "it's OK."

"That's OK." Xie Wanjin went to open the door and called the ladies to prepare hot water and prepare to take a bath and change clothes.

Everyone outside said in unison that they were busy again.

Xie Wanjin leaned against the door and blew the wind for a while. He felt that he said this a little too fast. He turned to tongrongsheng and said, "this is not like other hospitals. There is no soup spring. We have to wait a little longer."

Rongsheng walked slowly over, stood beside him and watched the waiters busy coming and going outside with him.

The snow is falling on my face and the cold is striking, but the back room is as warm as spring.

Xie Wanjin leaned against the door and raised his hand to touch his chin. "By the way, we have to go to bed early tonight, but we can't talk at midnight as before. I don't know the time."

Rong Sheng raised his eyebrows, "huh?"

"My third brother will take Zhao Xi to Beijing tomorrow." Xie Wanjin stood up straight, coughed twice, and said positively, "I'm going out of the city to meet you. You go with me. We can't go green now, or we can't live Zhao Xi's little scourge."

Rongsheng nodded, smiled and said, "OK."

Xie Wanjin said, looking up at the room where he didn't remember to sleep, he suddenly felt something bad, "you said, my little six and seven are big. How can these people do it?"

Rong Sheng smiled and whispered, "I haven't started yet."

"It's the same when I'm remembered." the fourth childe said sadly, "this man is not good-looking."

Rongsheng raised his hand, brushed the wind disordered sleeve of the fourth childe, and whispered, "HMM."

Xie Wanjin didn't care much. Suddenly he remembered something else and murmured, "why doesn't my third brother have any sign of getting married?"

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