Dijing, the gate of the city.

People all over the city stood on both sides of the long street to welcome the first auxiliary adult and the Mo Yi Hou. Most of the people crowded in front were young beauties. The loudest voices were mostly beautiful girls.

Xie Xuan and his party came back from the snow pass. Zhao Xi came in a carriage like this, and ye Luhua and Zhou Ling came to Beijing in a prison car like this.

When Shoufu sat in the carriage, the wind blew and the curtain moved, revealing half of his side face, it was enough to make countless people cry.

It's clearly in the cold winter, but because these people are too enthusiastic, people have the illusion that it's spring, young people are romantic, young people chase young people, and they will throw fruit cars at the next moment.

Ye Zhiqiu, who had been riding at the front, couldn't help looking back at Xie Xuan's carriage.

Fortunately, Lord Shoufu is not as swaggery as his majesty. Rao is surrounded by a tsunami outside. He sits inside and doesn't move like a mountain.

Because of the crowded long street, it took half an hour more than usual for everyone to go to the palace.

Xie Wanjin, Rong Sheng and others stood in front of the Palace door, waiting left and right. No one was seen. The attentive waiter moved to the soft chair tea table, made tea for several people, prepared snacks, and waited on Hao Sheng to persuade the fourth childe to live in peace.

Rao was so angry that he almost wanted to go out of the city to pick him up.

"What day is it today? Even my third brother's car is stopped?"

Xie Wanjin said, then put down the tea lamp and stood up. Then he heard the Qingyi guard report: "Lord Shoufu, Moyi Hou and Jing'an Bo are back!"

"What's the hurry?" Rongsheng stood up slowly and said faintly, "isn't this coming?"

As they were talking, ye Zhiqiu, who was walking in the front, pulled back and stood up. Even if he turned over and dismounted, he wanted to help Xie Yu behind.

However, the little waiters waiting in front of the palace moved faster. Two came forward to lift the curtain, one bent down to put the horse stool, and the other was waiting to help the first auxiliary adult out of the carriage.

There's no place for her to stand.

Ye Zhiqiu could only fold back silently, touched Aiju's sideburns, and repeatedly reminded himself:

He has returned to the imperial capital.

Close protection or close care is out of my turn.

Xie Xuan didn't need the help of the internal attendants. When he got off the carriage slowly, he saw his fourth childe, seventh childe and Rong Sheng standing together. The back Palace door was wide open and the internal attendants were heavily guarded. Although there were no officials to greet him, he was already big enough.

Of course, his majesty deliberately gave Zhao Xi a look.

His chief assistant can afford to welcome the men out of the city and meet him in person, but... Zhao Xi doesn't deserve it.

"Third brother!" Xie Wanjin quickly stepped forward and held Xie Yu in his arms. "You're back. I miss you so much!"

Xie lengbuding was hugged by him, and a crack appeared in the original expressionless handsome face.

Fortunately, the fourth childe was afraid of the cold. He hugged him and released himself very consciously.

As soon as he retreated a little, Xie Zian came forward and gently shouted, "third brother."

The young man didn't jump off like the fourth childe. Although he was full of joy, he only said, "I miss my third brother very much."

Xie Yu gave a faint "um", his eyes turned slightly, but he fell on Rong Sheng.

The latter's face met his eyes as usual, slightly hooked his lips and said, "third brother."

Xie Xuan's eyes moved slightly. He immediately looked at the fourth childe and asked him with his eyes - is this the third brother?

"Yes, that's right." Xie Wanjin said quickly, but he didn't dare to look at the third childe.

He turned his head and put it on Zhou Minghao's shoulder. Seeing that his face was heavy and not as natural and calm as before, he couldn't help but say, "brother Zhou, you're not to blame for the Zhou family. You're a little relieved. You're wise and powerful. You won't blame you."

Hearing the speech, Zhou Minghao couldn't help laughing bitterly and said, "thank you for your kindness, but this matter..."

He said, looking back at Zhou Ling in the prison car behind him, and suddenly he couldn't go on.

Xie Wanjin patted him on the shoulder to appease him.

Sometimes it's no use saying more about something.

It's better to reach out and pull him at the critical moment.

Ye Zhiqiu also came to meet the fourth childe and others. He was about to speak. The curtain of the second carriage behind him was lifted from the inside. The young man with a clear face stepped out and slowly got out of the carriage. Before he said a word, he immediately surprised countless Hundred Surnames who had been waiting outside the palace gate.

Xie Wanjin heard the crowd talking, "this is the rumored young son of the former Emperor?"

"I'm too proud to be born! Why don't I look like his father and brother?"

"It is said that he came here to marry Miss Xie jialiu. His majesty may really marry his sister this time..."

The more the fourth childe listened, the more angry he became. He immediately raised his eyes and looked at Zhao Xi.

Just at this moment, the young man in royal clothes was walking towards him slowly. The cold wind blew his sleeves and set off the whole person's Fairy Spirit. It happened that he had a little smile in his eyes and had a little more gorgeous near the demon for no reason.

Rao is Xie Wanjin, who is used to seeing beautiful women like this. When he saw him, he was slightly stunned and muttered in a low voice: "this boy looks really..."

Just halfway through this, Rong Sheng, Xie Yu and Xiao Qi looked at Xie Wanjin.

The fourth childe could only cut off the conversation and temporarily changed it to a dry sentence: "it's OK."

Zhao Xi came forward, saluted everyone, smiled and said to Xie Wanjin, "the fourth brother is praise."

When Xie Wanjin heard this, he was in a mixed mood. He turned to Xie Yu and asked with his eyes: is this boy familiar in front of you?

Xie Yu didn't speak, and a cold arc came up at the corners of his mouth.

Seeing this, ye Zhiqiu whispered with the fourth childe, "when he saw the first auxiliary adult, he came up and called the third brother."

The fourth childe suddenly felt a headache.

The old emperor and his sons are desperate for face. Why doesn't Zhao Xi look like the old emperor's own?

He thought like this, but with a fake smile on his face, he slowly said: "you can call me a fourth childe, or call me a marquis in royal clothes. It's not appropriate to call me four brothers."

As soon as he said this, everyone around him was silent.

Although Zhao Xi was young, she was very calm. Hearing him say this, she still kept her face unchanged, smiled and said, "it's sooner or later to shout fourth brother, but if fourth brother doesn't like it, I can shout later."

Xie Wanjin immediately: "

His heart secretly scolded Zhao Xi for dozens of sticks! What a shame!

But he still had to smile on his face, pretended not to care at all, lowered his voice and said, "let's talk about future things later. Why are you so young and in such a hurry?"

The fourth childe originally wanted to say, "Why are you so anxious to die when you are young?", But in front of so many people, it's hard to be so direct, so it converges a little.

"Yes." Zhao Xi only took it as a kind reminder, nodded and said respectfully, "remember the teachings of the fourth brother."

The boy looks very harmless, but the fourth childe is angry and caught on fire

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