"I told you not to call my fourth brother!" Xie Wanjin lowered his voice and clenched his teeth. "You are young. Are your ears hard to use? I'll ask the imperial doctor to show you later."

Zhao Xi was speechless for a moment: "

Among the sons of the Xie family, only four have the best temper. In fact, they bear the most grudges.

The boy knew it already in his heart, so he didn't say anything, and his face was still with a faint smile.

Xie Xuan glanced at them. Even if he didn't hear what he said clearly, he knew that the fourth childe was not very happy. His tone was slightly heavy and said, "OK, go to the palace."

Everyone said "OK" in unison. In the respectful salute of a group of internal guards, they successively entered the palace gate.

Xie Wanjin couldn't help looking at Zhao Xi more, thinking that Xiao Liu couldn't see the boy again.

He looks like a male fox at a young age.

The girl looks at her face again. If this happens again, everything that would not have been done will be done inexplicably.

Seeing this, Rong Sheng whispered to him, "you can't kill. It's easy to destroy your face."

"Yes." Xie Wanjin suddenly reacted. He couldn't help but hit Rong Sheng gently with his elbow and said with a smile: "brother Rong is thoughtful!"

Xie Xuan, who was walking on his side, glanced at him.

The fourth childe raised his eyes and smiled at him. Then he lowered his voice and continued to say to Rong Sheng, "when he sees his eldest brother out of the palace later, he will send someone to quietly tie him up. Once his face is destroyed, how can he cheat Xiao Liu?"

Rongsheng nodded calmly and naturally.

It seems that the fourth childe is discussing something serious with him.

Xie Zian originally wanted to insert a sentence. As soon as he was about to speak, Xie Wanjin patted him on the shoulder and stopped him. He had to shut up.

When they entered the palace together, they showed nothing on their faces, but each had his own thoughts.

Zhao Xi was the youngest and looked the most indifferent. Along the way, the palace attendants retreated and saluted one after another.

Rao was aware of the boy's special identity, and many were amazed at his face.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin couldn't help grinding his teeth.

Tell yourself in your heart that no matter how good this guy looks, it won't take long.

He was thinking like this. Ye Zhiqiu suddenly came forward and whispered to him, "Lord, see? This boy looks like a disaster."

"It's not." Xie Wanjin couldn't help but agree: "my third brother can't hold him down like a fox!"

Ye Zhiqiu stopped talking when he mentioned Xie Yu.

Xie Xuan couldn't help looking back and warned him "don't talk more".

Xie Wanjin quickly nodded: I see.

When the fourth childe looked away, he raised his hand and touched the corner of his lips. He whispered, "little fox, you have to peel your skin to be safe!"

They walked quickly, and soon they came to the palace of government.

In front of the majestic palace, there are layers of white jade steps, a forest of bodyguards, internal bodyguards, and so on.

They stepped up the steps one after another, but Zhou Minghao stopped in front of the steps and suddenly lifted the corner of his robe and knelt down directly.

Xie Wanjin was startled by his move. He quickly turned and reached out to help him. "Brother Zhou, what are you doing? Get up quickly. Your majesty doesn't mean to blame you. Why are you kneeling blindly?"

Zhou Minghao refused to get up. "Lord, you don't have to worry about me. I should kneel. Even if your majesty doesn't blame me, I can't redeem everything! Just, just let me kneel."

"Third brother!" Xie Wanjin looked at him and couldn't persuade him. He quickly opened his mouth and shouted Xie Yu.

The latter did not turn around and said in his usual tone, "let him kneel."

"This......" what else does Xie Wanjin want to say.

Rong Sheng looked back and whispered to him, "look at him. Now help him up and kneel when he enters the political hall later. What's the difference between kneeling here and kneeling here?"

This is Zhou Minghao's own trouble.

He didn't want to stand up, and he didn't need to be helped by others.

Xie Xuan, who walked with Zhou Minghao, obviously knew what he was going to do, and ye Zhiqiu should know, so he didn't stop him.

Xie Wanjin understood and knew this truth, so he raised his hand and patted Zhou Minghao on the shoulder. "If you want to kneel, kneel for a while. Later, my eldest brother will come out to help you. I see you can't get up!"

"Don't..." Zhou Minghao said, "Lord, don't do this."

"You just look interesting. When things happen, why are you so stubborn!" Xie Wanjin didn't persuade him anymore and turned and stepped up the steps.

When Wang Liang, the imperial concubine, came out of the hall and called the people into the hall, he finally heard a loud voice: "Xuan Zhaoxi!"

All the people came in, and all the officials looked back and saluted each other.

Outside the hall, the waiter hiding outside the corridor column hurried down the steps and ran to the back palace to report.

At the moment, Wen Jiu was sitting in front of the court in the sun. Seeing that the new year's festival was coming, Jin eryulu sent the most important account books to the palace for her personal inspection.

Xie Zishu sat beside her reading. She stood up several times in just one cup of tea.

Wen Jiu could not help laughing when he saw her sitting and standing uneasy. "Xiao Liu, are you uncomfortable?"

"No, No." Xie Zishu heard the speech and could only sit back silently. She looked at the warm wine, dialed the abacus, and was quiet for a moment.

Just then, the little waiter who went to the front came back and reported: "madam, Lord Shoufu and Lord Hou, they led Zhao Xi into the palace. At present, they have just entered the hall of political discussion."

"What?" Xie Zishu didn't want to read the book at all. "Why did she arrive so soon?"

Wen Jiu closed the account book, put it aside, smiled and said, "where is it fast? Look at the weather. The road has been delayed for a long time."

"Empress Shengming." the waiter said with a smile, "I heard that the first auxiliary returned to Beijing and the people in the imperial capital met each other. This carriage can't pass. It arrived at this time. Otherwise, it would have been time to enter the palace."

Warm wine, smile but don't speak.

Suddenly, I remembered that when the third childe won the first prize in playing Mayou street, Lord Xie was the ideal husband in the hearts of many young ladies in Dijing. Xie Dongfeng was afraid that his brother would not come back if he went out to swim in the street. He was very worried.

Now, after several years, Xie Yu is still so busy on the street.

Xie Zishu thought completely different from warm wine.

The little girl put down her book, went to Wenjiu, took her sleeve and whispered, "sister-in-law, they have all gone to the political hall. Let's go and have a look secretly?"

"Why do you want to see it secretly?" Wen Jiu went to the political hall to listen to politics every day a few days ago. Now he thought of those old ministers with a headache.

She didn't know that the little girl was worried about Zhao Xi, but it was not as good as Xiao Liu's idea and pretended to be completely unaware, "if you want to be the third brother, he will come here later. You can have more eyes."

"Sister-in-law!" Xie Zishu leaned against her shoulder, rubbed gently, and asked in a soft voice, "just take me. I'll see what they will do to the little monk..."

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