Wenjiu interrupted with a smile, "really just look?"

Xie Zishu couldn't answer for a moment.

Wen Jiu raised his eyes slightly and said slowly, "as the saying goes, out of sight is pure. It's hard for you to sit and stand when you hear that Zhao Xi came to Beijing. If you see him being embarrassed later, can you resist doing nothing?"

The little girl can't stay when she grows up. Her eyes and heart will fly higher than others.

It's hard for her brothers to calm down when they think that her sister may be cheated away. If they were ordinary people, how could they be stopped?

Xie Zishu was stunned when she heard the speech.

After a while, she said again, "sister-in-law, elder brother, they will really embarrass him in the hall of political discussion?"

Warm wine heart:


The girl only listens to what she cares about when people talk.

Wen Jiu shook his head helplessly, picked up the tea and drank a mouthful of tea slowly.

Xie Zishu was very anxious, but it was not easy to urge her. She could only look at her eagerly and whispered: "I'm not only worried about the little monk, but mainly... Elder brother, you are the Lord of Dayan. You should act magnanimously and be a king. Since the little monk didn't do anything evil, he won 14 cities of Wuzhou in one fell swoop to surrender..."

The little girl is not used to saying such a big truth, so she can only go on, "if someone else did this, it would be right for Lietu to be the king, but if the little monk said he wanted to marry me, the brothers would be more embarrassed and even want his life. If this came out, wouldn't it be said by the subjects of other countries that my brothers are public and private?"

Wen Jiu heard this and looked at Xiao Liu in front of him. He immediately felt that "a woman is delicate and can do everything as soon as she protects her husband".

Look at this eloquence!

Look at this from the head. How considerate of the overall situation.

She couldn't help laughing. She had to carry some points on her face to see Xiao Liu go on.

Xie Zishu glanced at her secretly and was not sure what the warm wine meant now. She could only continue: "my brothers are so good. If they were written down carelessly by those who write unofficial histories, so that they were discredited by later generations, wouldn't it be all my fault? Sister-in-law... You will be very distressed, right?"

"Little six." Wen Jiu put down the tea lamp with a smile, shouted Xie Zishu, and said softly, "if you say so, why are your brothers like this?"

"Sister in law! What I say is true."

Xie Zishu holding warm wine sleeves, a pair of beautiful eyes wave light circulation, looks very sincere.

The little maids on the side all lowered their heads secretly. They were usually very lively and lively. At present, none of them broke in.

Wenjiu said with a smile, "it's the best to be sincere. If not, you'd better pretend to be a little more."

Xie Zishu heard the speech and immediately: "..."

Wenjiu reached out and slowly pulled his sleeve back from the little girl's hand, and then said, "you know what kind of people your brothers are. You don't care about Zhao Xi at all. He must be safe this time. Don't I have to say more about others?"

"Ah... Is that all right?" Xie Zishu was shocked. After a moment of reaction, she calmed down and quickly saluted Wen wine. "Thank you for your advice!"

The little girl finished and asked softly, "now... Can sister-in-law take me there?"

Wen Jiu suspected that Xiao Liu's intelligence was probably used on her. He couldn't help but raise his hand and gently tap on her head, "it's still early now. Wait a minute."

Xiao Liu said "Oh", although he was not in a hurry to ask, his eyes were full of "when will we wait?"

"What's said in the political discussion hall is all business. Even if your brothers are full of bad water, they can't do anything to him in front of all civil and military officials." Wen Jiu still knows this well and said casually: "when they leave the court, they go to the imperial study and the door will be closed..."

When she said this, she gave Xiao Liu a look of 'you know', directly passed the words and continued: "anyway, it's not too late to go again at that time."

Xie Zishu understood for a few minutes and hurriedly said, "I listen to my sister-in-law."

Wen Jiulian hurriedly said, "don't worry."

She knows. As soon as the little girl learns to be smart, she knows how to deceive people.

What do you mean "listen to my sister-in-law?". If she goes to the imperial study later and is caught by those people on the spot, she will say "my sister-in-law asked me to come". What will she do then?

Wen Jiu thought like this, reaching out and pinching the little girl's face, "do you know what it means to do things one by one? Xiao Liu."

"Know." Xie Zishu smiled at her and blinked.

The two people are talking here, while the political discussion hall is over there.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty bowed down to welcome the first auxiliary Lord back to the dynasty. There was a group of people accompanying the black clothes Hou and the royal clothes Hou. Xie Yu walked in the front, which should be the one who attracted the most attention, and Zhao Xi around him didn't let him go.

Zhao Xi followed the crowd and said in a loud voice, "see my emperor, long live my emperor!"

The boy looks very obedient. He kneels when he says kneeling. He doesn't have any emptiness at all. The salute posture is also rigid, so people can't make mistakes.

"Flat body." Xie Heng went down the white jade step himself, reached out his hand to help Xie Yu up, and said with a smile, "ah Yu has worked hard."

Then he talked to Ye Zhiqiu as usual, and even took a look at Rong Sheng with his eyebrows. He just ignored Zhao Xi, as if he couldn't see such a person at all.

All the Xie family knew what he meant.

Zhao Xi also knew it, so she didn't feel anything and still smiled faintly.

However, there was an old minister who didn't have long eyes and said, "Your Majesty, since Zhao Xi has entered the capital, the matter of the king, as well as the previous events in yongxue pass and Wuzhou, should be decided as soon as possible. Zhou Ling and yeluhua are now in the capital. It should be sooner rather than later..."

Xie Heng knew that these old ministers were bound to come, but he underestimated the extent to which these people had no eyes.

"This matter should be done sooner rather than later." Xie Heng said and turned to walk up and sat back on the Dragon chair. "Zhou Ling is guilty, and ye Luhua should also be retried. The matter will be handed over to the Ministry of justice and Dali temple, and the matter should be reported to the chief auxiliary adult for my personal supervision."

"This......" the old minister heard what else he wanted to say.

Xie Heng directly interrupted, "don't you want to pay attention? Don't I pay enough attention to my personal supervision?"

"Enough, enough!" the old ministers answered again and again. They didn't dare to say anything more. They only advised your majesty to take care of the dragon body and so on.

Xie Heng smiled and was too lazy to break with them again. He only continued coldly: "as for Zhao Xi..."

When Wen and Wu in the hall heard the speech, they all focused on the young man.

Zhao Xi raised her eyes and looked at her Majesty on the Dragon chair.

Xie Heng brushed his sleeve and casually put it on the armrest of the Dragon chair. "It's OK to plot to marry my sister... No!"

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