The man Dynasty was surprised at this.

Even Zhao Xi, who had been prepared for all kinds of embarrassment early, was stunned.

Xie Yu had no expression on his face. When he heard this, his face sank in an instant. He clenched his teeth and said, "Your Majesty is joking again."

Seeing this, the ministers echoed the words of Lord Shoufu.

I'm kidding. If you don't learn to be smart at this time, you will lose your life.

Xie Xuan knew what kind of person his eldest brother was. He didn't give him a chance to speak again, so he said coldly, "Your Majesty is tired. Retreat from the court! We'll discuss it another day!"

Now, the ministers were completely afraid to speak.

Who doesn't know that the two brothers have a good relationship?

When we talk about business, we quarrel and quarrel. As soon as we make up, there will be nothing.

If they jump the queue, they don't know how to die.

Xie Heng sat on the Dragon chair and saw that the handsome face of the first auxiliary adult was almost black to the bottom of the pot. He raised his hand reluctantly, "back to the north."

When Wang Liang heard the speech, he hurried forward, brushed the dust and said, "retreat!"

A group of Ministers bowed out of the temple like an amnesty.

Only the Xie family and Zhao Xi were still standing in place. Ye Zhiqiu glanced at the people and was worried. Xie Yu quarreled with his majesty, followed the ministers back out and turned to find warm wine.

However, when these people retire.

Xie Heng got up and went down the steps. He grabbed Xie Xuan's shoulder and whispered to him, "I said three CHILDES, how can you say you're angry?"

"What did your majesty say?" Xie Xuan was angry to death, but he couldn't show it too clearly in front of Zhao Xi, so he said expressionless, "what's plot? Can't you marry your sister?"

Xie Heng took the third childe and went to his highness. He went out of the door and turned into the gallery. It was cold outside. He took a wide sleeved robe to block the wind for Xie Yu, and said with a smile: "isn't the meaning of this very obvious?"

"Elder brother!" Xie Xuan couldn't help glaring at the speech.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin hurried forward and whispered, "elder brother and third brother, take it easy. Zhao Xi is still behind."

The fourth childe waited to make it clear to both of them: you make trouble, but you should keep it. Don't let outsiders see jokes.

Who are Xie Heng and Xie Yu.

Naturally, you will understand when you hear the sound.

Xie Heng coughed twice and said slowly, "it's cold outside. Go to the imperial study."

Xie Xuan looked at him. Rao was expressionless again, and his eyes also showed some helplessness. "Elder brother, you have to think about it."

The fourth childe followed them and couldn't help thinking: these two brothers are really heartbreaking.

He thought so and couldn't help looking back at Rong Sheng.

The latter walked with Zhao Xi, looking as usual and looking much more stable and reliable.

"Fourth brother." Xie Zian quickened his pace, went to Xie Wan Phnom Penh and asked him in a low voice, "elder brother, won't you be so amazing later?"

Xie Wanjin whispered, "who knows?"

The two brothers looked at each other while talking, and saw the words "broken heart" in each other's eyes.

A group of palace attendants accompanied him, and he didn't dare to make any noise.

Zhao Xi was also quiet, so that people couldn't see what he was thinking.

A group of people walked through the corridor, passed several palace gates, and soon came to the imperial study.

Xie Heng went inside, sat down behind the imperial case, gave everyone a seat, and let Zhao Xi stand alone.

The doors and windows of such a large imperial study were wide open, and the boy stood in it. His clothes were blown by the wind and wanted to fly.

Rao is Xie Heng's eyes above the top, and he has to admit:

This guy is too long to say.

But... I can't cheat my sister with some color.

Xie Heng thought of this and said with a sneer: "when you left without saying a word and went to Wuzhou to stir up the muddy water for so many years, it was not easy to make a scene. Why didn't you make a scene?"

Xie Xuan could not help frowning at his eldest brother when he heard the speech.

Xie Heng is the only one in the world who will call soldiers in the city like children making trouble.

Zhao Xi was calm, and Wen Sheng replied, "I didn't want to make trouble."

The young man's voice was calm and fearlessly looked at Xie Heng. "All I did was to prepare a dowry for the person I liked enough to deserve her."

"Stop!" Xie Wanjin couldn't sit still as soon as he heard this. "Just say something. Don't drag it on my little six. When you left, how old was little six? If you liked her at that time..."

The fourth childe said, looking at Zhao Xi with an incredible expression, "what animal are you? You want to start with such a little girl!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere became somewhat subtle.

Xie Zian couldn't help shouting "fourth brother."

"What do you want me to do?" Xie Wanjin was still busy staring at Zhao Xi. He finally took time to look at Xiao Qi.

The latter whispered, "what's the matter? Don't make people laugh."

"I......" Xie Wangang wanted to argue, so he saw the third childe don't turn his head. The elder brother's right hand gently folded into a fist and put it to his lips to hide something, and he coughed.

The fourth childe immediately: "

What's all this?

Only Rong Sheng, with his face as usual, said, "it's really a beast."

"No!" when Xie Wanjin heard this, he immediately had confidence and continued to say to Zhao Xi: "You are also a royal family. You are ambitious and want the world. Anyway, your brothers are like this. No matter what you wanted to do before, you stopped at the precipice of yongxue pass, didn't do anything to damage Dayan, and became a meritorious person. If you want power and reward, just say it. Why bother, not for the sake of our little six?"

The fourth childe felt that he was very reasonable today, and then added, "you're wrong in this move, you're wrong, you know?"

Zhao Xi smiled and said, "for me, heaven and earth are the game. Everyone can make chess pieces, but she can't."

"Oh, I can say nice things." Xie Wan asked him with a fake smile. "Then you want to talk about it. Why can't she?"

Zhao Xi said clearly, "I can't bear it."

"I......" Xie Wanjin took a breath, turned his head and said to Tong Rongsheng, "this is sour. I have a toothache."

With a faint smile, Rong Sheng picked up the tea lamp presented by the palace man and handed it to the fourth childe, "drink hot tea and slowly."

"I have to slow down," Xie Wanjin whispered, taking the tea and lowering his head to drink tea.

Xie Zian raised his hand and touched his forehead. He took over the burden just unloaded by the fourth childe and continued to ask Zhao Xi, "you keep saying that you do these things for the person you like, but she doesn't want your bride price. What should you do?"

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