Zhao Xi didn't speak when she heard the speech.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin couldn't help but look up at his little seven younger brother and immediately said, "what little seven said is very true. You keep saying it's for my six younger sisters, but she hasn't mentioned you to us or said anything with you. You came up and said you wanted to marry her, so you didn't think she didn't want to marry you at all?"

"She doesn't want to?" Zhao Xi used a question.

"Yes! She doesn't want to." Xie Wanjin answered quickly. "How old is she? She's living a leisurely life. Everyone in the family dotes on her. She's afraid of breaking it in her hand and melting it in her mouth. How can she think of getting married."

The fourth childe said, couldn't help raising his lips, looked up at Zhao Xi and said with a smile, "Xiao Liu doesn't like you who are full of bad water."

Rongsheng couldn't help smiling when he saw that what he said was true.

Xie Heng sat behind the imperial case and nodded "Hmm" in a serious way.

Xie Xuan looked at the boy without expression.

The smile on Zhao Xi's face faded and said, "then I'll wait for her to be willing."

Xie Wanjin was unhappy when he heard this, "you man..."

"Fourth brother!" Xie Zian was afraid that the fourth childe's words were too much. He really hurt the young man's heart. There was something wrong with the regeneration of things. He quickly interrupted: "since Zhao Xi said he was willing to wait, the marriage will take two years. If it doesn't work, it can only be said that there is no fate. There is no absolute truth in the world. Just make it clear."

He said this, but he thought:

Xiao Liu, I tried my best!

Xie Wanjin felt that Xiao Qi's words seemed very reasonable, but when he thought about it carefully, there was something wrong.

But for a moment, I couldn't tell what was wrong.

Xie Yu still said, "since you said to wait, you should wait safely."

Xie Heng was surprised when he heard the third childe's words.

It was strange enough that Zhao Xi could live well under the hands of Shoufu and come to Dijing unharmed.

At present, the boy is even allowed to "wait" for Xiao Liu.

He bent his fingers and gently knocked on the table twice. His tone was slightly heavy and said, "as long as you don't come for Xiao Liu, it's easy to say anything else."

Zhao Xi's eyes moved slightly, "seriously?"

"Why did you cheat?" Xie Heng said with some laughter, "just say what you want."

Xie Yu on the side just stopped him from saying this. It was too late. He could only look at Zhao Xi with deep eyes.

The young man smiled and said, "what I want is very simple. Your majesty just needs to nod."

"If you say it directly, it doesn't matter how big it is, but you have to say it's very simple..." Xie Wanjin reached out and touched his chin: "how do I think it won't be a good thing?"

Xie Zian couldn't help saying, "Zhao Xi, you'd better say it directly."

Although the imperial study is not watched by so many people than the political discussion hall, it is the land of heaven. The emperor's majesty is very heavy, and there are so many palace attendants nearby. If you were someone else, how could you have the courage of Zhao Xi.

It's just that all the lamps that don't save fuel have come to the Xie family.

The seventh childe is very worried.

Zhao Xi smiled gently and said, "I want to live in Xie's house as before."

"What?!" Xie Wanjin couldn't sit still as soon as he heard this.

He suddenly stood up, opened a pair of peach eyes and stared at Zhao Xi. "You were willing to wait for Xiao Liu just now. Now you said you wanted to live in our house. Think about your own identity. What would those outsiders think if you lived inside? You think it's beautiful to be our door-to-door son-in-law of Xie family!"

Xie Xuan frowned and said, "it's impossible."

Xie Zian stopped talking at all.

Several brothers were busy before. Maybe they didn't know what Zhao Xi was like when she lived at home, but he knew it.

Xiao Liu and Zhao Xi are opposite day and night. They are inseparable. They even cover a quilt and sit in the corridor watching the stars and the moon

If Zhao Xi is allowed to live at home, what's the difference between her and her son-in-law?

Xie Heng said nothing. He picked up the white jade Paperweight on the table and was about to smash Zhao Xi.

Xie Zian's eyelids jumped, hurriedly stopped him and whispered, "elder brother! Zhao Xi must be joking, or he's dizzy..."

The seventh childe said, slowly took the white jade Paperweight out of Xie Heng's hand, turned back and said to Zhao Xi, "you use your brain a little and think about it!"

Zhao Xi said: "I think very clearly..."

"No, you didn't understand!" Xie Zian knew what he was going to say behind him. Even if he interrupted, he wanted to come forward and pat Zhao Xi's two palms to make him sober, gritted his teeth and said, "think again!"

Zhao Xi looked at him for a moment, smiled and said, "what I just said is what I think in my heart, but... It's always difficult to be satisfied in life. I can't miss the reputation of the person I like in order to improve myself."

Xie Wanjin's tone was not good and said, "it's like a human word."

After he said that, he immediately said, "but don't be so easy on the people you like. The little six of my family has a name and surname. You talk well!"

"Therefore, I would like to retreat and ask for the second place." Zhao Xi didn't listen to the fourth childe's words, and said with a smile: "ask your majesty for the empty garden next to Xie's house as a residence. I hope your majesty will agree."

Xie Yu thought for a moment and said in a cool tone, "my mother has previously granted Zhao Xi the title of king. This mansion is for you."

Originally, the ministers still had a headache to seal Zhao Xi as king and decide which land to grant him. This man was still a teenager. Living for a long time meant many changes in the future. Everyone was worried that he would go to the place far away from the emperor Tiangao and secretly plan big things.

But at present, he wants his own residence and will stay in Dijing in the future.

Xie Heng was also thinking about it and looked up at his third childe.

The two brothers made eye contact for a moment.

Xie Zhen couldn't help but get up and come forward and whispered to his eldest brother, "eldest brother, this matter can be solved."

Xie Heng said in a low voice, "it's not a big deal for a small disaster to have a garden as a residence. The key is that the garden is really close to the Xie family. It's clear that he wants to get the moon first."

Xie Yu said, "if you don't give him the garden, he'll go back and figure out what Yin moves to get close to Xiao Liu. It's better to give him near the water. At least it's on the surface... We have a way to prevent it."

"HMM." Xie Heng felt that what the third childe said was reasonable. It's a big deal to let the green guards surround the small building where Xiao Liu lives for three floors, so that the little scourge can't get close.

He thought like this, nodded and said, "since you have asked, the garden will be given to you as a residence."

"Elder brother!" Xie Wanjin wanted to say something more, but he was interrupted by Xie Heng.

Zhao Xi immediately went forward and kowtowed the first way: "minister, thank Lord longen."

"HMM." Xie Heng answered coldly. Just about to speak and scare the little evil, he looked up and saw someone sneaking by the door

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