Xie Wanjin's complexion was tangled and said, "he's kneeling in front of the palace of political discussion. I asked him to get up. Why doesn't he get up and tell you he's kneeling there."

Xie Heng went down from another way, so he couldn't see Zhou Minghao kneeling outside. Because Zhao Xi was there, they all said in advance.

At this moment, thinking of Zhou Minghao, the fourth childe felt very sorry for him and hurriedly said, "what Zhou Ling did has nothing to do with him, isn't it, third brother?"

"I made it clear to my elder brother when I was at yongxue pass. What Zhou Ling committed has nothing to do with Zhou Minghao, and he killed his relatives at the critical moment, but......" Xie Yu gave a slight meal and continued after a while: "he doesn't think so."

Previously, everyone thought Zhou Minghao was a smart man. After working as a proton in Dijing for many years, he could live naturally and calmly.

He has always been decisive and loyal to Xie Heng.

The fourth childe and a group of young ministers had a good relationship with him.

I didn't think he looked smiling and calm. He could be so stubborn when things happened.

Lord Shoufu and the fourth childe can't help him.

Xie Heng got up and said, "I'll go and see him myself."

As he spoke, he went to the door. After a few steps, he thought of something and turned back and said, "have lunch later. You go to the imperial garden first."

Zhou Minghao has to kneel now. If he recalls this matter in the future, he must regret it.

If this large group of people passed by, it would make him even more unable to lift his head.

"OK, we'll find our own pastime." Xie Wanjin completely regarded the palace as his own home. After looking at Xie Zishu on his side, he smiled and said, "I'll take good care of Xiao Liu, too. Don't worry, elder brother."

"Fourth brother!" Xie Zishu couldn't help shouting at him.

Xie Wanjin slightly raised his eyebrows, "what do you call me for?"

He completely looked like "I didn't do anything and didn't say anything", which made Xiao Liu helpless.

Xie Heng shook his head and went out at once.

Xie Xuan, Rong Sheng and Xie Zian all got up and went to the door to see each other off. The palace maids unconsciously retreated a little.

Xie Zian saw his eldest brother go away, turned back to Xie Zishu, whispered with her, "Hey, how did you learn to be smart today?"

Xie Zishu felt guilty and pretended to be calm. "Nonsense, I've always been smart."

"I don't know what you are like?" Xie Zian said with a smile, "I still don't remember what Zhao Xi is like. My brother wants to hear and believe it before he let you go. If this..."

Xie Zishu almost reached out to cover the boy's mouth, but she couldn't do such a rude thing in front of the third and fourth brothers. She could only stare at Xiao Qi and shout angrily, "can you speak less?"

They were whispering.

Xie Yu, who was very pale, suddenly opened his mouth and said to Rong Sheng, "please."

Although there was only one word, the two little ones shut up as soon as they heard the voice of the third childe.

Xie Wanjin's eyebrows also jumped slightly.

Rong Sheng was very calm. He smiled faintly and said, "please first, third brother."

The two made concessions and went in the direction of the imperial garden.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin hurried forward and walked between Xie Yu and Rong Sheng. He said with a smile, "it's not snowing this day. It's strange that it's cold."

Rong Shengwen said in a voice, "although it doesn't snow, it will inevitably be colder when the snow is incipient."

The fourth childe whispered, "I know. I just have nothing to say with my third brother."

Rongsheng smiled and said nothing more.

Xie Yu walked aside and said, "I heard it all."

"What?" Xie Wanjin thought he was light enough. When Leng Buding heard the third brother coming, he couldn't help feeling guilty and said, "what did the third brother hear?"

Xie Yu glanced at him and said faintly, "you just have nothing to say to me."

"Ha......" Xie Wanjin raised his hand and touched his chin in some embarrassment.

Don't say such words when you hear them?

How embarrassing is this?

But Xie Xuan asked him solemnly, "are you so speechless with me?"

"No..." Xie Wanjin was shocked and helpless.

What shocked me was that the third brother, who had always been reluctant to say words like gold, was suddenly willing to say more with him.

But the third brother said this. He really couldn't answer it.

One side of Rong Sheng smiled and said, "he opened his mouth and came. Don't blame the third brother. In fact, he often mentioned you to me."

"Oh." Xie Yu said faintly, "he mentioned me to you."

Xie Wanjin listened to them in the middle. He looked at his third brother and Rongsheng.

I don't know why, I always think this scene is a little magical.

The first two little ones stopped talking at all, fell two steps behind, and followed them obediently.

The cold wind came through the corridor, blowing several people's clothes.

Xie Wanjin is wearing a royal robe. Looking at Jin Gui and keeping warm, they are too thin and cold.

He raised his hand, wrapped his arms around their shoulders from left to right, and his big sleeves covered them like a cloak.

Xie Xuan and Rong Sheng looked at him one after another.

Rong Sheng only looked at it and smiled and looked forward.

On the contrary, the third childe took a moment to react and whispered, "what are you doing?"

Xie Wanjin said very naturally, "it's cold. I'll keep you out of the cold wind."

Xie Zhen was very close to few people. He looked rather unnatural and couldn't speak for a moment.

The fourth childe naturally said, "third brother, you have to smile more."

Xie Yu said hard, "I'm not laughing."

"You can't say that," said Xie Wanjin "It's a happy day, but it's also a unhappy day. You're expressionless all day. Who dares to come up to you. Just say how many little maids in the palace are born like flowers and jade? If the momentum of resisting thousands of miles on you stops, someone will add clothes for you when it's cold, and someone will fight to hold an umbrella for you when it rains. How can you be like this now?"

Xie Yu wanted to give him the word "shut up".

But when he saw Rong Sheng on the side, he had to save some face for the fourth childe, and then swallowed hard. In a flat tone, he said, "someone added clothes to me and someone held an umbrella for me. You don't have to worry."

Xie Wanjin said with a smile, "you say that old eunuch Wang Liang."

Xie Xuan wanted to speak to someone else, but found that no one in the palace dared to come up to him, so he could only be silent.

"I knew that no one dared to come to you except him." Xie Wanjin didn't even have to guess. He lost a lot of fun at once.

The fourth childe patted his third brother on the shoulder and couldn't help asking, "what's that? I just want to ask: how many times has Ji Ling come to you?"

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