Xie Yujun's face was slightly stiff, and then his tone said faintly: "he didn't come to me."

Xie Wanjin couldn't answer at once.

After a while, he said with a smile: "brother 3, you've gone too far. People's discipline officials and media have done their best for your life. You don't even see his face. You're too busy to send people away with plenty of food and clothing. Now you still say he's not looking for you!"

Xie Xuan didn't speak to him anymore.

Seeing this, the fourth childe said to himself, "I didn't say you. You really have to think about it. Otherwise, it's not good to be preempted by Xiao Liu."

"Fourth brother!" Xie Zishu had honestly followed behind. Leng Buding was called to the name and couldn't help but say, "Hello, Duanduan said me again."

Xie Wanjin remembered that his little six younger sister followed behind. He looked back at him and said with a smile: "Gee, forget that little six is still there."

Xie Zishu immediately: "

The fourth brother is really too bad!

Xie Zian couldn't help laughing. "The fourth brother said the third brother. Don't you laugh a hundred steps at fifty steps?"

"I..." Xie Wanjin suddenly couldn't answer. He couldn't help looking at Rong Sheng and remembered what he said when he formed a concentric alliance with him in the ice and snow.

He smiled and said slowly, "I'm different from my third brother."

"HMM." Rong Sheng looked at him for a moment and said in a warm voice, "of course it's different."

In the afternoon, the sun shines brightly on the world, covering the whole palace with a layer of light golden light.

The people walking among them are also like wearing colorful clothes.

In silence, Xie Yu raised his eyes and looked at them.

Just at this time, Xie Zishu asked, "Why are the fourth brother and the third brother different?"

Xie Xuan glanced back at her.

The little girl quickly shut her mouth and turned to stare at Xiao Qi: it's all your fault!

Xie Zian looked innocent: I didn't say anything?

Xie Zishu is also in a fog, but the boy hurt her. Just now she was looked at by the third brother. This account must be counted on him.

The little girl whispered, "it's your fault."

Xie Zian was speechless for a moment and had no choice but to say, "well, well, blame me."

Although he didn't know where he was wrong, it was strange. Someone in the family had to carry everything silently.

The seventh childe feels that he has grown up. It's time to do something adults can do.

Several people walked through the corridor and entered the imperial garden. Although it was winter, there were still flowers competing in the garden. Many gardeners were busy maintaining flowers and plants. The palace attendants walked through and saluted and greeted Xie Yu and others.

Lord Shoufu just nodded slightly, which was enough.

Xie Zian and Xie Zishu said in the same voice, "don't be polite. Get up."

Since they grew older, they didn't stick together every day like when they were young, and their tacit understanding gradually disappeared. Their voices completely overlapped.

Couldn't help looking at each other and laughing together.

The fourth childe waved and motioned the people to step down. As he walked, Rong Sheng said that many of the rare treasures in the garden were made by him. Previously, warm wine was still in the Western Chu, and Xie Heng often fought outside. The chief auxiliary was busy with political affairs every day.

Most of these unimportant things that need to show their face are handled by the fourth childe.

Moreover, the most enjoyable dandies in the imperial capital are not as knowledgeable as Xie Wanjin. The most important thing is that he is willing to spend money and has this wealth.

Several people strolled all the way, chatting. Not far away, Xie Wanjin saw Ye Zhiqiu, Wen Jiu and a group of beautiful little maids coming.

He was a little surprised and said, "why is Xiaoye with ah Jiu?"

Xie Zian said, "just after going down the court, the Moyi Hou disappeared. I wonder where he went. He went to find his sister-in-law."

Xie Xuan could not help frowning slightly when he heard the speech.

When the sound fell, a few warm wine people came forward, and a group of palace servants around saluted one after another: "see your mother, your mother is a thousand years old, a thousand years old."

Xie Wanjin also bowed down and shouted "Millennium" with a smile

"They're all from their own families. What's the gift?" Wen Jiu said with a smile, "you're all here. Where's the east wind?"

Xie Wanjin said, "look, Zhou Minghao has gone. The man is on his knees and won't get up. His eldest brother has to help him himself."

Wen Jiu listened to the fourth childe and nodded, but his eyes fell on Xie Xuan and looked at him for a moment.

Just now, ye Zhiqiu hurried to find her and said that her majesty and Shoufu were going to quarrel. She had not seen the two brothers angry, but she could never quarrel.

Warm wine made Ye Zhiqiu feel relieved, but the latter just didn't believe it. She had to go to the imperial study to have a look.

But I met him on the way. There was no expression on the third childe's face. He was so stunned that people couldn't see why.

She walked up to Xie Yu and asked with a smile, "did he provoke you again?"

"No." Xie Xuan looked down and said only these two words.

Wen Jiu had already told ye Zhiqiu about his Majesty's astonishing remarks in the palace of political discussion. He smiled and asked, "since there is no such thing, our chief assistant is not very happy to see it like this?"

Xie Zishu came up to her and whispered, "sister-in-law, don't believe the third brother. He's very unhappy today. He almost quarreled with his eldest brother, really!"

Seeing this, Xie Zian in the back hurriedly pulled the little girl, "you said gently, and the third brother heard it! Are you stupid?"

Xiao Liu raised his hand to cover his mouth, stepped back to the side and pretended to enjoy the flowers.

Xie Xuan's look was punctured by two small on the spot. His look was unnatural and he repeated, "I'm not unhappy."

"No unhappiness?" Wen Jiu said with some pity: "originally, he said that the third childe had worked hard all the way. He might have to quarrel and quarrel as soon as he came back, so he specially asked the imperial dining room to make more than a dozen kinds of sweet cakes to coax the third childe to be happy. It should not be used now."

She said, turning back to a group of little maids: "then you go back and eat separately later."

The maids dared not argue with Lord Shoufu, but when they saw his mother teasing him, Yingying saluted and said, "yes."

Xie Xuan raised his eyes and looked at the warm wine. His eyes changed slightly and said in a low voice, "how can you give others the things your eldest brother prepared for me?"

Wen Jiu couldn't help laughing, "how dare you? It's just a joke."

Xie doesn't want to talk to her anymore.

Since he became a couple with his eldest brother, ah Jiu has followed his eldest brother.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin also smiled and said, "elder brother, why are you so eccentric? When I came back, he didn't prepare anything for me!"

Wen Jiu raised his eyes, looked at the fourth childe and asked, "in the past, you loved beautiful people and loved them. It's OK to send them. Now you dare to choose them?"

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