On the other side, in front of the palace of politics.

When all the officials retreated, there were only guards standing on the steps, the snow on the eaves melted, and the ice water fell drop by drop, just like the falling rain continued to form a broken bead curtain.

The cold on the ground is heavy. It's shivering in the December moon.

When Xie Heng came to the steps, Zhou Minghao had been kneeling for a long time. His lips were blue with cold, but his kneeling posture was straight. It seemed that he was a little perfunctory, which was not enough to calm his heart.

"How long are you going to kneel here?" Xie Heng came forward and stretched out his hand to pull the man up. "I don't want people to say to me. Why? I think you can be more sincere if you kneel more hours?"

Zhou Minghao was half dragged up by him, but suddenly knelt back. He refused to get up. He said in a dumb voice, "I'm guilty. I should kneel."

Xie Heng's eyes sank suddenly and released his hand directly.

Seeing this, the little waiters who followed him hurriedly went to help Zhou Minghao and whispered, "uncle, what are you doing? Your majesty has come to help you in person. Get up quickly."

Zhou Minghao said nothing, brushed away the waiter's hand, and still knelt in place and refused to get up.

Xie Heng stood in front of him and looked at him condescending. "Who used to say to me that he hated kowtowing to others most? Zhou Minghao, it's not you who want to rebel. What crime do you kneel here to bear?"

"My son's biological father..." Zhou Minghao choked when he heard the speech. "As a son of man, I can't ignore such a big mistake. The state-owned national law can't be opened... Please sin on me!"

For more than 20 years, whether as a proton or as a uncle by his own ability, he has always survived by himself. He has never been sheltered by Zhou Ling, but he has to bear so many dangers because of his father.

This time, Xie Heng didn't help him. He directly put his hand on Zhou Minghao's shoulder and lifted him up, so that he had to stand on both feet.

Xie Heng said, "if you kneel here, you must force me to commit a crime on you. In this way, the example of forcing the king to order can be opened?"

"Your majesty!" said Zhou Minghao, "I'm not forcing you, I just..."

"I won't blame you." Xie Heng said again. He didn't even use my words, and his tone was the same as usual. "If he didn't commit a crime, he couldn't be implicated in you. You, Zhou Minghao, are Jing'an Bo of Dayan and my close friend of Xie Heng."

He said, "for a king, do not wrong a good minister, for a friend, let alone let you suffer for nothing."

Zhou Minghao wanted to say something more, but he choked for a moment.

The dignified seven foot man could not help but red his eyes.

This towering palace has attracted many people to pursue fame and wealth and lose their original intention.

Good men become evil men, and brothers become enemies.

But Xie Heng sat in the supreme seat and had the power of the emperor, but he kept the appearance of the romantic and rebellious young man in Jiang'an.

Xie Heng patted Zhou Minghao on the shoulder and said slowly, "ah Yu has made it clear to me about Zhou Ling. Zhao Xi is still there. Naturally, I won't be anxious for his life. You don't have to worry about it."

He has already thought about Zhou Minghao these days.

Although Zhou Ling is ruthless, Zhou Minghao, who is a son, is a man who values love and righteousness.

Even if he looks very dandy these years and seems to have a good relationship with everyone, he usually looks disguised.

Because I've been pretending for too long, I often can't tell what I'm like.

Xie Heng knew that he had many words and didn't know how to say it. He couldn't beg for mercy, so he all helped Zhou Minghao say, "I killed too much in the past, and there were many complaints from the old ministers in the court. It's also an opportunity to give some grace to your father."

Zhou Minghao opened his mouth and whispered, "Your Majesty..."

"Your majesty!" Xie Heng waved to everyone to step back, stretched out his hand and dragged Zhou Minghao to walk with him.

He didn't have a good way: "don't think too much, I'm not all for you, not to mention your father's life can be kept, but life-long encirclement is indispensable. Those people in the Zhou family should be exiled, and those who should be slaves should be slaves. All these should be handled by ah Yu."

In fact, Zhou Minghao's biological mother died long ago. Zhou Minghou married a second string, and his children were not close to Zhou Minghao. It can even be said that he had never met a stranger twice.

Such disposal had no effect on him.

When Zhou Minghao heard the speech, he suddenly became clumsy, "so... It's good."

"As for you, stay in the imperial capital and be your Jing'an Bo. No, I'll give you a two-level promotion." Xie Heng said seriously: "in a few years, you'll marry a daughter-in-law and have several children, and you'll have your own home. You don't need the old thing of ZhouLing, and you'll have your own home."

"No." Zhou Minghao suddenly stopped, "I can't get promoted. If I don't ask my crime, it will cause criticism. If I come out again, I'm afraid there will be no peace in the court, your majesty... No, brother Dongfeng, in fact, I want to resign and travel around the world."

Xie Heng smelled the speech and couldn't help frowning at him, "resign?"

"Yes." Zhou Minghao nodded, "now the world is stable, and there are a large number of Chinese ministers and generals in the dynasty. In fact, I'm not very useful."

Xie Heng raised his hand and slapped him on the head.

Zhou Minghao was stunned. He raised his hand and covered his head. He said blankly, "what are you doing when you hit me?"

Xie Heng said in a deep voice, "who says you're useless? You're very useful. At first, you asked me to ascend the throne and become the emperor. Now I'm sitting on a high place, but you want to slip away. You think it's beautiful! Be honest and sit for me in the official position! You can't hide until you're too old to work that day."

Zhou Minghao said reluctantly, "you're a 95 year old now. Can you stop saying one Lao Tzu at a time? How bad it would be if it was heard?"

Xie Heng said slowly, "it's not good, so I asked them to step down."

Zhou Minghao immediately: "

I dare say that just now he waved back the crowd just for the convenience of doing it.

He rubbed his head and said, "brother Dongfeng, if you are like this... If I didn't know that you have deep feelings for your mother, I would almost think you have unspeakable feelings for me."

Xie Heng raised his hand to slap him again.

Zhou Minghao quickly sidestepped. After hiding, he regretted, "I shouldn't hide, or I'll stand here and let you take more pictures, so that I can feel better."

Xie Heng looked at him and his eyes were full of disbelief. "Why didn't I know you were still a loser?"

Zhou Minghao immediately: "

Why can everything become so unclear when he comes here?

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