Zhou Minghao was helpless and looked at Xie Heng with a complicated look.

Xie Heng could not help raising his hand and patting him on the head, "talk! What does it mean to look at him with this kind of eyes?"

"Your Majesty." Zhou Minghao shouted to him in a low voice, "this is in the palace. Can you not do it casually? The dignified ninety-five..."

He said in a low voice, almost muttering to himself, "what does it look like to always beat people?"

Everyone said that Xie Heng became an emperor, which was very different from before. Especially after Wenjiu came back, the whole person was much more gentle.

Only Zhou Minghao, these personal courtiers Those who were really close to him knew that Xie Heng would unconsciously become gentle only with warm wine. In fact, in the political affairs of the court, he had made up his mind as before.

"Just now you called me brother Dongfeng, and now you'll be called your majesty." Xie Heng said in a cool tone, "don't you think you're unfamiliar with me and can say to go?"

"I..." Zhou Minghao was completely speechless by him.

It seems that for a moment, all the skills that people have practiced for so many years have been in vain.

Xie Heng went to the corridor column and stopped. Seeing that there was no one else, he leaned lazily against the corridor column.

His Danfeng eyes rose slightly, his eyes looked at Zhou Minghao deeply and said, "you and I have been brothers for so many years. They all say that the eldest brother is like a father. Zhou Ling ignores you. I cover you, fame, wealth, wife, son and grandchildren. I will plan for you."

When Zhou Minghao heard the speech, his nose began to sour inexplicably, and the water light in his eyes began to shine It spread.

I was almost crying.

But he suddenly remembered something, "no, I'm older than you. What did you tell me about a long brother like a father? ”

Xie Heng was exposed by him. He cleared his throat awkwardly, and then raised his eyebrows slightly. "He's about the same age, and his brother is about the same. Anyway, that's what it means."

Zhou Minghao whispered, "you just want to be your eldest brother and always want to be a father."

Xie Heng suddenly didn't know what he was talking about. He couldn't help asking, "what do you want?"

"Nothing." Zhou Minghao answered quickly. After a while, he said brazenly, "my father's eldest brother, I want to go to Beijing to visit mountains and rivers and take a walk around. You can complete it first."

"You!" Xie Heng raised his hand to slap him on the head again.

Zhou Minghao saw that he was going to do it, but he stood still and didn't hide.

Xie Heng almost hit him on the head. He stubbornly closed his hands and sleeves, closed his eyes and stopped looking at him.

Seeing this, Zhou Minghao lowered his head and smiled. He also leaned back against the corridor column. After a while, he leaned against Xie Heng and hit him on the shoulder. "In fact, I have lived for more than 20 years. The most happy days are the days when I went to Jiang'an and traveled with brother Dongfeng when I was a teenager."

Speaking of it, I'm really sad.

He was born a legitimate son of the government. He was granted a prince early and became brothers with the prince. Even when the old emperor was there, he wanted to look very caring for him.

No matter what he said privately, the middle court greeted him kindly.

But few people know that Zhou Minghao, who seems to want wind and rain. No matter what he does, it is easier than others. What he yearns for most is freedom.

Xie Heng is one.

Zhou Minghao said, "to be honest, I dreamed about it not long ago, Brother Dongfeng is a family man now. Naturally, he can't follow the trend as before. I can still do it again Go back to the old dream... "

He said a lot side by side with Xie Heng. From the first meeting when he was young to Xie Heng's claim to the emperor, they worked together day and night to stabilize the court in the most difficult years of Dayan.

How many happy things in my youth and how much hard work in my life, almost all walk together.

At present, the world is peaceful. Zhou Minghao said that he wants to stay away from the imperial capital for the time being. First, it is because of Zhou Ling and second, he wants to experience a free life.

Speaking of this, Xie Heng naturally didn't want to force him to stay. After a moment of silence, he asked, "when will you come back?"

"Well... It's hard to say." seeing that Zhou Minghao moved him, he couldn't help laughing and said, "how can anyone ask the date of return before they leave? ”

Xie Heng said leisurely, "yes."

Zhou Minghao was stunned for a moment, suddenly understood, smiled and echoed, "yes, you have, I don't, all right?"

Anyone who goes out on a long journey must have his parents concerned, his wife and children missing, and often ask the date of return.

But Zhou Minghao's biological mother died early. It's better not to have that father. Naturally, I haven't experienced these.

Xie Heng raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't you have it now?"

"Yes," said Zhou Minghao with a smile, "now there is."

After a while, Xie Heng asked again, "so when are you going to come back?"

Zhou Minghao thought, "it shouldn't be long, that is, ten or eight years."

Xie Heng glanced at him.

The latter immediately changed his mouth and said, "three or five years?"

Xie Heng looked at him with deep eyes and didn't speak.

I have to say that the way the third childe stares at each other silently is really more effective than seven or eight sentences of nonsense.

Zhou Minghao was so tangled that he changed his mouth again: "can it be a year and a half?"

"HMM." Xie Heng answered without salt, "what do you want to do everywhere, you know?"

Zhou Minghao thought that he really wanted to be my father. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Your Majesty has wanted to be a father for a long time?"

As they were talking, ye Zhiqiu walked quickly not far away, "your majesty! Brother Zhou... Here you are. Let me find it!"

She came near and saw Zhou Minghao laughing. She didn't see the dignified look on the way to Beijing. She couldn't help joking, "are you willing to get up?"

Don't turn your head, Zhou Minghao, with an expression of "don't mention it again".

Xie Heng said with a smile, "Xiao ye came just in time. Beat Zhou Minghao up for me. Don't do it until you get out of the palace and go to a crowded place. Don't leave him a face."

"What?" Zhou Minghao didn't respond at once. "Your Majesty... You just talked and laughed with me. You're going to be my father. Now you'll let brother Ye beat me?"

He can't beat Ye Zhiqiu at all.

Xie Heng stood up straight and looked at him deeply. "After what should be said, let Xiaoye do the work. What's wrong with this?"

Zhou Minghao was speechless for a moment: "...."

Originally quite wrong, but how did this become so natural when it came out of Xie Heng's mouth?

Ye Zhiqiu quickly replied, "yes."

Xie Heng raised his hand, motioned that they could go, and then turned away first.

Ah Jiu and the third childe are still waiting for him to go back and have dinner together.

Only Ye Zhiqiu and Zhou Minghao are still standing in place.

"Brother Zhou." after seeing his majesty off, ye Zhiqiu turned and shouted to Zhou Minghao, "let's go out of the palace, too."

Zhou Minghao was several steps away from her when he heard the speech. "Brother ye, let's have something to say. Don't do it first!"

Ye Zhiqiu said, "what do you think?"

"Don't you beat me?" Zhou Minghao said with some surprise: "say it early. Let's go. I'll buy you a drink out of the palace."

Ye Zhiqiu looked at him suspiciously. When Mingming entered the palace, Zhou Minghao's heart was heavier than anyone else. At present, it seems as if he would fly with wings.

She looked at Zhou Minghao for a moment and said, "Your Majesty said to beat him again after leaving the palace, so you can't do it in the palace. Go! Hurry, finish beating him early and drink early."

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