Xie Heng said with a helpless smile, "each one runs so fast!"

Wen Jiurou said, "Xiao Liu is really stuffy in the palace these days. Don't you just run if you can run?"

Xie Heng took a look at the third childe on his side and slowly said, "ah Yu can still sit still. It doesn't matter if they go. Eat more and have a look... I've lost weight running outside these days."

As he spoke, he gave Xie Yu some vegetables.

The latter did not say a word and ate with his head down.

Seeing this, Wen Jiu slowly got up and said, "I haven't finished clearing my account books. I'm looking forward to the new year. I have to finish the calculation earlier and let them take it back earlier. Then you continue to eat and I'll go to the side hall."

She said and turned away.

The two brothers had better get along alone. They can say anything.

Third childe, if one more person is present, he can be silent until the end of time.

Xie Heng didn't have time to talk to her. He could only look at her leaving back. He didn't return to his mind for a long time.

"Elder brother." Xie Xuan shouted to him in a low voice, "people have gone far."

Xie Heng regained his mind and put down his chopsticks. "Yes, everyone has gone. What do you want to say to me? Can you always say it now?"

Don't look at the way the third childe hasn't said a word for a long time.

Whenever he wants to speak, the people next to him know to avoid it.

After hearing his question, Xie Zhen couldn't eat any more. He put down his dishes and chopsticks and said in a straight face, "what's the matter with your eldest brother? He's been in a coma twice, and the time is getting longer and longer. What's the disease?"

"I knew you were going to ask this." Xie Heng said as usual: "third childe, you've just returned to imperial capital. You haven't rested for long. You're worried about your eldest brother again. You're really working hard."

Xie Xuan frowned slightly and said, "don't worry about him, elder brother. What's the matter with you?"

There was no one else in the hall, just the two brothers sitting together.

Xie Heng couldn't interrupt anything else he wanted to say. He could only reply with a smile: "I'm not good? I'm much more energetic than you. Can't you see?"

"Elder brother!" Xie Xuan accentuated his tone, "be serious!"

Who would have thought that his majesty Yan, who is so powerful and frightening, would be so upright when he gets along with his family on weekdays.

Seeing that the third childe was really angry, Xie Heng cleared his throat and said, "it's really serious."

Xie Yu immediately showed a worried face and a gentle tone. "What did Li Cangnan say? Did Rong Sheng show you? They..."

"They can also say that this strange disease has no rule of law, it all depends on life." Xie Heng directly interrupted him, with a rather sad tone: "that is, let me live the rest of my life happily, one day is one day."

Xie Xuan's face changed greatly. Just about to speak, he was preempted by Xie Heng.

He looked at his third childe and suddenly asked, "so when can we marry a daughter-in-law? Let me be happy?"

"Elder brother... You!"

Xie Xuan was still worried about his elder brother's body one moment. The next moment, he was so blocked by his question.

Lord Rao is the first assistant. He has the power to keep the color unchanged when Mount Tai collapses. He can't carry it now. He is angry immediately. He gets up and says, "what did your eldest brother say? How can you make fun of life-threatening things! You, you..."

"Don't scold if you don't know how to scold." Xie Heng said, stretched out his hand and dragged Xie Xuan back and sat him back on the chair. "Ah Xuan, it's not for your brother to say you. You're serious every day. You're either worrying or training people. Are you tired?"

Xie Yu was angry and didn't want to talk to him.

Xie Heng put his hand on his shoulder, leaned close to his ear and said with a smile, "in fact, I didn't lie to you, and there are not a few people who worry about your marriage in the imperial capital."

Xie Jianqiang calmed down and said in a cool tone, "elder brother didn't drink today. Why did he start talking nonsense?"

"OK, OK." Xie Heng didn't want to really annoy the third childe. He indulged and spoiled with a smile: "if you don't want to say this, let's not say it. Let's talk about business and business assembly?"

Xie Xuan was still a little awkward. He said expressionless, "just say it."

Xie Heng raised his eyes and said, "did you ever ask what you brought yeluhua to Beijing?"

Yeluhua was involved in the death of Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi's biological mother and Xie Heng's parents. He was put in prison this time and had to settle many old accounts.

"He wouldn't say anything." Xie Xuan's face was cold. "He was bitten to death. He wanted to see small six and seven before he was willing to speak."

"He thinks beautifully!" Xie Heng clapped his hands and rose, handsome and angry.

The palace attendants at the back heard the sound, went to the door one after another and asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, do you have any orders?"

Xie Heng didn't speak for a moment. He wondered what yeluhua wanted to do when he wanted to see Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi?

But whatever it means, it's not a good thing!

A moment later, he turned his head and said to Xie, "go, I'll meet this jervak myself!"

"Elder brother, I'd better wait a few more days." Xie Zhen got up and whispered, "yeluhua is tenacious and unusual. Zhao Xi broke his tendons. He still sticks to his teeth and refuses to tell the story of that year. When I try another way, elder brother..."

But Xie Heng said, "you and I can't wait. Little six and seven can't wait. If this goes to their ears, it will inevitably cause more trouble."

Even now little six and seven are very sensible, but their mother's early death and unknown father have always been the biggest doubts in their hearts. Even if they don't say anything, if they know what news, they will be affected.

Xie Yu wants to persuade again.

With Xie Heng's current physical condition, it's really not suitable to work hard. What's more, he has a deep mind. Now he has become a useless man. Seeing that his life is about to be lost, he will try his best to strike again.

He didn't want his eldest brother to be hurt.

"Needless to say, ah Xuan." Xie Heng looked up at him and said in a deep voice, "you can either go with me or go back to the house to have a rest."

Xie Xuan was silent for a moment. "I'll go with my eldest brother."

"HMM." Xie Heng nodded slightly and walked out of the hall.

Xie Yu followed, quickened his pace and walked side by side.

Seeing this, the servants of the palace saluted one after another.

Xie Heng took a few steps, suddenly stopped, turned around and ordered the little waiter on one side, "go and tell my mother that I have something to go out of the palace, and then she will have a rest earlier. Don't wait for me tonight."

"Yes." the waiter quickly bowed his head.

Xie Heng turned around and left with Xie Yu.

It was still in the afternoon. The day was short in winter, and the sun was near the west mountain.

It was getting dark, the cold wind was blowing, the leaves were falling, the lights on the eaves were shaking, and we saw the rain and snow coming.

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