Half an hour later, the prison.

It was very dark, and the snowflakes fell down one after another. They were swept by the strong wind and fell into the cell. They forcibly woke up the comatose yeluwa.

The jailer came forward and opened the prison door with a loud noise.

Jerusha struggled to look up and saw the young emperor in black dragon robes and Xie Yu coming together.

The candle was slightly shaken by the wind.

Xie Heng stood in the center of the cell and looked down at Ye Luhua, who was paralyzed on the ground. This man was originally disabled and was picked out by Zhao Xi. He went to Beijing in a prison car and no one cleaned up for him. At the moment, he looked more embarrassed than Hua Zi, a beggar on the street.

Piansheng is such a embarrassed person. He stares at Xie Heng and says in a dumb voice, "you are... Xie Heng!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Xie Hengdan's Feng eyes narrowed slightly and said in a deep voice, "what do you want to see little six and seven?"

Yeluhua took a breath. He had seen all the big people in recent decades. Even when Zhao Yi, the old emperor of the former dynasty, did not make him feel such oppression.

The young and handsome man in front of him almost made him out of breath.

Yelv Hua held himself calm and said in a dumb voice, "what else can I do to them when I look like this? It's just that people are dying and want to see their own blood..."

Xie Hengjun frowned and immediately interrupted, "stop talking nonsense! Who is your blood? That's my Xie family!"

"Emperor Yan should also know a lot about that year..." yeluhua said in a low voice and suddenly smiled. "It's strange that my fate with Yuqin is too shallow. After only two months together, I scattered all over the world. It's strange that I didn't have the ability to protect her and let her die when she was young..."

Mrs. Xie's youngest daughter, surnamed Xie and named Yuqin.

Xie Heng suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Jerusha's throat, sneered and said, "do you think you'll believe you if you talk about the things of the year here?"

Yeluva was suddenly clamped down his throat. He couldn't help opening his eyes and staring at Xie Heng in disbelief.

His face soon rose from blue and white to red and purple, as if he would die in an instant.

Jeremiah could not even make any sound, and the cold sweat on his head was dripping down.

"Elder brother." Xie Xuan shouted to him in a low voice, "if you want to kill him, you don't have to dirty your hands."

"Hum." Xie Heng sneered, shook off yeluhua and said in a deep voice: "you probably don't know what kind of person I am. If you talk about it indiscriminately, I won't let you see the sun tomorrow."

"Cough, cough..." yeluhua fell to the ground and coughed violently. The feeling of escaping from death was amazing, but more was filled with fear of the young emperor.

Most superiors like to use strategies to solve things, but in front of this, they obviously don't like playing cards according to common sense.

Yeluhua's whole body was so painful that he could hardly think, but he coughed and thought about it. After calming down for a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "I can learn from my love for Yuqin. Since she left Wuzhou, I've been looking for her whereabouts... I haven't married or had other children for so many years. Isn't that enough to prove..."

"Don't answer what you ask." Xie Xuan couldn't listen. He was afraid that the man would annoy his elder brother. Later, he didn't even have a chance to speak, so he directly interrupted.

When Yelv Wharton said: "

The chief assistant of Dayan is already inhumane enough. I didn't think it would be more difficult for his majesty to speak.

It's really two brothers.

Xie Heng looked at Ye Luhua without saying a word, and Xie Xuan's eyes fell on him.

It was getting late and the lights in the cell were dim.

The jailers and the accompanying guards in Tsing Yi were silent and stared at jeriva expressionless.

It's very much like the interrogation of evil spirits after death in the hell hall.

The cold wind swept through the window, and yeluva couldn't help shivering.

He insisted in a dumb voice and said, "how can there be so many schemes when people are dying? I just want to see them. When I get to huangquan Road, if I am lucky to meet Yuqin, I can also talk about the recent situation of the children..."

"I don't think you want to die at all." Xie Heng said coldly, "you've been picked out and you're still muddling along. You're trying to climb up the blood relatives of my little six and seven. You want to save your life and plan for the future?"

Yeluhua heard that his pupils were shrinking.

Seeing this, Xie Yu immediately came forward and said, "if so, who is the biological father of Xiao Liu and Xiao Qi? Since you know what happened in those years, you must also know that person!"

Hearing the speech, Jeremiah changed his face and said with clenched teeth, "if there is no one else, I am their biological father! If you don't believe it, just let them come to see me. Father son family affection and blood nature can't deceive people!"

Xie Heng was too lazy to listen to his nonsense. On the spot, he took out the long sword in the hand of the green guards on his side and pointed directly at Ye Luhua, "say!"

Jeremiah's face froze and he still said, "I! It's me..."

Before the words fell, Xie Heng directly waved his sword to understand yeluhua's life. The man fell to the ground instantly, and the blood spread from his neck and dyed a large area of the ground red.

Xie Heng turned around and took the long sword back into the scabbard.

Everyone around was shocked. For a moment, the whole prison was silent.

Xie Xuan was slightly stunned, and then immediately came forward and said, "elder brother, you just killed him..."

"It's a disaster to keep him after all." Xie Heng brushed his sleeve and said in a slightly heavy tone: "little six and seven won't have such a biological father. He can't tell the truth and it's useless to keep him."

Xie Xuan frowned and said in a low voice, "but he is the only one in the world who still knows what happened in those years. As soon as he dies, little six and seven will never find their biological father again."

Xie Heng turned to look at him, "every man has his own life. It's also the treasure of my Xie family that little six and seven have no father. If their biological father is a man like Jerusha, even worse than him, they can't find the best in their life."

Xie Yu was speechless for a moment: "...."

In fact, both of them knew that when their aunt was kidnapped to a place like Wuzhou and came back pregnant, it was difficult for the child's father to be a good man.

After a while, the third childe asked in a low voice, "don't you want to know who killed the eldest uncle and aunt?"

As soon as Jeremiah died, all the clues to what happened that year were broken.

Xie Heng raised his eyes and looked out of the window. As he walked out, he whispered, "how do you know what he is willing to say is the truth?"

Xie Yu was slightly stunned and didn't speak at once.

Xie Heng said faintly, "no matter who moved his hand in those years, now Dajin is destroyed, yeluhua has died in my hand, and Yan's family is almost exterminated. What else can't revenge?"

Xie Xuan whispered, "is that really what you think, elder brother?"

Xie Heng stepped slightly and looked back at his third childe. "My mother always said that the past is the past, so I always felt that I must report my revenge as soon as possible, otherwise it will involve a lot over time. This account is not clear, and I don't know whether what those people said is true or false."

"HMM." Xie Xuan nodded, "what elder brother said is very true."

"Let's finish this matter." Xie Heng brushed his sleeve and turned away immediately.

Xie Xuan followed him and suddenly felt that the move of cutting the mess with a sharp knife was really more effective than anything.

Yeluhua felt that he was still of great use, so even if he became a useless man, he came to Dijing. He probably wanted to save his life through small six and seven, but he didn't expect to meet someone like his parent brother.

Even if there are thousands of schemes, it is not worth a sword to seal the throat.

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