Ye Zhiqiu lengbuding was startled by his words. His face changed. Just about to speak, he was robbed by Zhou Minghao.

You childe, who used to be in the beautiful cluster, is now standing in a small shed swaying with wind and snow. His face is full of ugly marks. It's strange that he still smiles brightly: "but who makes you a man? We have no fate to be husband and wife in our life, but it's OK to become brothers!"

He said, whether ye Zhiqiu wanted it or not, raised his hand and picked her up. He turned and worshipped the wind and snow all over the sky, "today's auspicious snow can prove your friendship with me!"

"No..." Ye Zhiqiu was pulled up by him unprepared and worshipped the sky together.

She didn't even have time to refuse!

After several years in the military camp, she went to the battlefield with her. All her brothers lived and died together. That's more than 100000 and 200000. It can be said that ye Zhiqiu has nothing else, just more brothers.

But Zhou Minghao had to hurry to deliver it to the door.

She pulled back her arm and raised her hand to punch Zhou Minghao in the face again. Who ever wanted to eat two bowls of wine? In addition, she really beat her before. Before this fist could go on, Zhou Minghao couldn't stand still and fell forward.

Ye Zhiqiu had to change the situation and reached out to help him.

When Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng hurried to find them, they saw exactly this scene:

Zhou Minghao's face is so swollen that he doesn't look like a person. Ye Zhiqiu reaches out to help him. They have just finished worshipping the sky. This posture is really close.

The fourth childe was shocked. He came back after a while. He immediately went forward, patted Zhou Minghao's chin, narrowed his peach eyes, looked carefully for a moment, and tried to confirm: "is this my brother Zhou?"

Without waiting for his answer, Zhou Minghao whispered, "when I saw it in the morning, it seemed that I was wearing this dress, but how did this face swell into a pig's head?"

After ye Zhiqiu helped Zhou Minghao stand firm, he quickly put his hand back to his sleeve, raised his eyes and said, "I beat him."

Xie Wanjin couldn't help laughing at his speech and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time. What's the big deal?"

The fourth childe thought that it was both beating and secretly worshipping heaven and earth. It was very strange.

He guessed the matter in his heart, and added a lot of tricks by himself. Looking at Ye Zhiqiu, he couldn't help but be a little subtle.

"Fourth childe!" Ye Zhiqiu felt bad when he saw his expression. He quickly opened his mouth and explained, "things are not what you think. Don't think too much!"

As we all know, Mr. Xie is a talkative man. She likes to talk about all kinds of things in front of her family. She was afraid that this man would talk nonsense in front of Xie, so she took the lead in saying it. Xie Wanjin said, "I didn't think much."

Although the fourth childe said so, looking at Ye Zhiqiu's eyes more and more subtle and complex, "Xiaoye, what have you done so guilty?"

Ye Zhiqiu was worried when he heard the speech. "I didn't do anything wrong! I acted according to your Majesty's order... I......"

When she was in a hurry, she couldn't speak smoothly, and somehow she stuttered.

Seeing her like this, Xie Wanjin more and more determined that what he thought was right. He didn't want to hear Xiaoye explain stumbling here. It looked like he was being difficult.

The fourth childe couldn't help interrupting: "I don't want to. Don't be nervous, OK? I went to the ground all over the imperial capital in the evening. I didn't stutter to see you. I looked at brother Zhou."

Hearing the speech, Zhou Minghao couldn't help laughing and said, "Lord Hou is really righteous!"

Others were involved because of his father's conspiracy. They were afraid to avoid him. If they really cared about him, they might not be able to find him.

It can be seen that Xie Wanjin is really interested in him.

Very rare.

He thought like this and laughed more and more happily. He accidentally pulled the wound, so he could only raise his hand and cover his mouth, and said in a voice: "sit down, Lord, please sit down and drink two bowls of wine to warm up!"

"You As soon as I can find it, let me drink in this place? "Xie Wanjin said this to Zhou Minghao, but his eyes fell on Rong Sheng.

It doesn't matter to him. He enjoys the spring breeze and fine wine in the beautiful Pavilion, and he also loves thin wine and dishes in the streets and alleys.

But the national master is different.

This guy is very particular.

Rongsheng met his eyes, slightly raised his eyebrows and said faintly, "it doesn't hurt."

"OK, sit down." Xie Wanjin bypassed Zhou Minghao and sat directly next to him.

The small square table, each of them sitting on one side, immediately seemed a little crowded.

The tea and wine stall is not small. Many people sat here drinking and chatting before. After the snow fell, these drinkers dispersed.

Before the wine bowls and plates on the table on the side could be collected, the old woman who sold wine hurriedly came forward and asked, "what would you like to drink, sir? What would you like to eat?"

Zhou Minghao looked back and said, "bring up your wine and meat!"

The old woman quickly answered and asked her wife who was busy behind to get wine and meat.

After Zhou Minghao finished, he turned around and said to several people, "please don't be polite to me today!"

Ye Zhiqiu was about to speak when Xie Wanjin on the other side took the lead.

The fourth childe said, "come on, this kind of place can How many liang of silver did you eat? What kind of generosity? "

When Zhou Minghao heard the speech, he couldn't help laughing and said, "mind! Focus on mind!"

As he spoke, he handed a bowl to Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng. After freeing his hand, he immediately poured wine to them with a wine jar.

There were not so many maids and little boys on the side, and there were no songs and dances. The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and there were fewer and fewer pedestrians in the street. Even the surrounding drinkers were gone.

All of a sudden, there was only their table, and it was quiet in an instant.

Zhou Minghao was still in high spirits and said with a smile, "I didn't expect Hou ye to find here. I originally wanted to meet again. How can it be a year or two later."

Xiewan King Kong picked up his wine bowl and wanted to drink. When he heard the speech, he couldn't help putting it down again. "Why? You really want to leave Dijing? See you in a year or two! Didn't my eldest brother tell you that he would come back in half a year at most?"

When Zhou Minghao heard the speech, he didn't argue, but laughed and laughed: "this is out of the imperial capital. Where can we calculate the quasi return date on the road..."

“ Don't tell me such a fool! "Xie Wanjin knew what he was thinking. Even if he interrupted," if you're not sure, I'll send someone to follow you and help you figure it out. Do you think there's nothing to fool? "

Zhou Minghao was speechless when he heard the speech: "

Fourth childe, this move is too cruel.

Don't leave anyone alive at all!

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