Seeing this, ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but ask Zhou Minghao, "are you really leaving Beijing for so long? Are you going out for a walk, or are you going to travel without looking back?"

Zhou Minghao couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech: "brother Ye has been staying with Lord Shoufu recently. It's very gentle. Why am I so awkward..."

"Come on!" Xie Wanjin immediately interrupted, "you don't care how Xiaoye talks! If you say it again, she talks more and more like my third brother. What's strange? I think she's quite right! It's strange if she talks to you!"

Zhou Minghao suddenly choked on her.

Seeing this, ye Zhiqiu immediately became a little subtle. He quickly opened his mouth and explained, "I'm because Lord Shoufu said that rough people should read more and follow what... I didn't mean to learn from him!"

"Xiaoye! Look at you, he took you away after two or three sentences!" Xie Wanjin was very sad and said, "aren't we going to ask him when he came back?"

"Yes, yes!" Ye Zhiqiu quickly responded, turned to Zhou Minghao and immediately asked, "brother Zhou, when are you going to come back?"

Zhou Minghao doesn't know what to say. He can only ask for help. Generally, he looks at Rong Sheng on Xie Wanjin's side.

I hope you can be kind and save him.

The fourth childe was originally a talkative person. Although there are only a few people who can get his care, there are really few who can stand his "care".

Your majesty and Shoufu are not here. If you can hold him down, you are right in front of you.

I didn't know that Rong Sheng just smiled faintly. Before he could speak, he was preempted by Xie Wanjin.

"What do you think he's doing? I'm talking to you!" the fourth childe suddenly got a little angry. "Zhou Minghao! Don't think your face is swollen like a bear, I won't beat you!"

"You won't beat me." Zhou Minghao didn't panic when he heard him say so. He sat down safely, raised his hand, took a bowl of wine, opened his mouth and drank most of it. Then he said with a long smile: "who has the fourth childe ever touched with? If you want to beat me tonight, you can beat me, I'll never return it. There's no shop in this village."

He said, waiting for others to answer, he added: "before leaving, it's also a good thing to make you all happy!"

Xie Wanjin has more words to say. At the moment, he is choking. Zhou Minghao is definitely in his head!

Ye Zhiqiu was too lazy to talk to him. He picked up a bowl of wine and touched Zhou Minghao's bowl, even if he drank it up.

Seeing this, Zhou Minghao couldn't help laughing and said, "it's my brother ye, forthright!"

He finished drinking the wine in the bowl.

Seeing this, Xie Wanjin was very helpless. Even if he brought the wine, he said to Zhou Minghao, "fill it up! Have a good drink tonight! Anyway, there is no place I can't find in the world. If you don't return from Beijing, I'll let my eldest brother and third brother send someone to catch you back!"

When Zhou Minghao heard the speech, he was startled, and then said with a smile, "how dare you!"

Several people didn't mention Zhou Ling again. The fourth childe was angry and pulled Zhou Minghao to fight for wine.

Ye Zhiqiu was not spared. He drank the wine bowl by bowl.

Although it is not the best wine, there is wind, snow and close friends. A few bowls of turbid wine will burn in the stomach.

The cold wind sent snow all around. Xie Wanjin drank the wine and was hot. He raised his hand and met Rong Sheng's hand. He shook it very naturally and felt a little cold. He couldn't help getting up and took off his coat and covered Rong Sheng.

Zhou Minghao and ye Zhiqiu were stunned.

I've never seen the fourth childe take pity on beauty and spend money very generously for beauty. Have you ever seen him take care of any brother so carefully?

Rong Sheng, who was taken good care of, looked as usual and did not show any unnaturalness.

It's like this between them.

Xie Wanjin didn't think there was anything wrong until he saw the two people's dull expression. He quickly explained: "my brother Rong is afraid of the cold... I drink too much hot..."

"What you say is what you say." Zhou Minghao's face said, "I won't ask more." he just looked very funny with a swollen face like a pig's head. It happened that he made up a sentence very seriously, "I'm still cold. Brother ye, let's drink two more bowls of wine to see if we can get hot like him."

Ye Zhiqiu nodded and drank a bowl of hot wine.

After a while, she said, "it's not very cold after drinking, but it's far from hot."

Xie Wanjin said nonsense!

This is in the street. The shed is ventilated on all sides. Naturally, it can't compare with those warm pavilions.

He just took off his coat and gave brother Rong a reason. He didn't know whether he was really stupid or fake stupid. He had to think about it so thoroughly here!

The fourth childe became more and more angry. He gathered around Rong Sheng and whispered to him, "brother Rong, do you have any antidote?"

"Yes." Rong Sheng stretched out his sleeve and shot his finger into the fourth childe's wine bowl when the other two didn't pay attention.

The wind blows, the candle shakes, and the wine in the bowl ripples.

In a moment, everything was calm.

Xie Wanjin and Rong Sheng looked at each other, and both of them managed to keep smiling.

"Come on, since you feel cold, drink two more bowls. Let's not get drunk tonight!" the fourth childe picked up the wine bowl and drank it.

Ye Zhiqiu and Zhou Minghao at the same table quickly drank together.

This was never over from the beginning. Several people drank more and more.

Only Rong Sheng drank two mouthfuls from time to time, slowly and elegantly like a theater goer.

The fourth childe thought: I can't drink you!

What he said was very beautiful, "brother Zhou, we don't know when we can meet again when you leave. You'd better take care of yourself in the future. I'll give you another bowl!"

"Good!" no one can carry the good words from Mr. Xie's mouth. Zhou Minghao can't carry them tonight. He repeatedly said, "good! Drink!"

Seeing this, ye Zhiqiu drank several more bowls. Looking at the beauty of Xie Wanjin's jargon, she held it for a long time and said, "anyway, no matter where you go, if you encounter something, send a message to me. At the ends of the earth, I will always find a way to help you!"

"Good brother!" Zhou Minghao had drunk a lot of wine and obviously began to go up. Hearing Ye Zhiqiu's words, he couldn't help being moved to wet his eyes. He raised his hand, grabbed her shoulder and hugged someone in his arms. "It's enough to have you!"

"Hey, hey..." seeing this, Xie Wanjin couldn't help raising his hand and patting Zhou Minghao's face, "what are you doing?"

Not far away, a soft sedan came in the snow and stopped directly by the wine table.

A moment later, the car curtain opened, and Shoufu adult walked out slowly, looking at Zhou Minghao and ye Zhiqiu holding together without expression

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