Xie Zishu stretched out her hand to get it back, but she didn't have time. She could only watch the hairpin fall through the branches and leaves.

Sitting not far away, Rong Sheng could not help narrowing his eyes when he heard the movement. Even if he pinched a falling plum as a concealed weapon, he sent it out, beat the Amethyst hairpin and embedded it in the plum blossom tree.

For a moment, the trees swayed and the flowers fell like rain.

Qin Mo immediately stood up and Lang said, "who's up? Don't hurry down!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and motioned to the servants in the house to catch people.

Xie Zishu didn't dare to go down and leaned closely with Zhao Xi. She whispered in some confusion, "what should I do?"

"Don't panic." Zhao Xi took Xie Zishu up, brushed her sleeves, lifted a few tiles, smashed them down at the bottom, and then flew away with the little girl from the other side.

The people in Qin's residence were hit all over their heads by the roof tiles, and there were cries of pain one after another.

Qin Mo lifted his sleeve and brushed the flying dust all over the sky. He coughed several times. He couldn't help but say, "come here, what are you doing so fast? I didn't say what to do with them? Can't you let them come down and say anything?"

"Who knows that after coming down, I'll have a word with you and be beaten by these people in your house?" Xie Wanjin said. Looking up, he saw that the Amethyst hairpin inserted in the plum blossom tree looked very familiar.

The fourth childe's complexion changed slightly. For fear that his family was wrong, he quickly got up and approached, stretched out his hand to pull out the hairpin and looked again.

The more he looked, the more stiff his face became.

Isn't this the one he gave to Xiao Liu not long ago?

The emperor can't find a second one in the capital anymore!

Qin Mo couldn't help walking forward and asked strangely, "brother Wan Jin, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly?"

Xie Wanjin ignored him, turned to Rong Sheng and shouted, "brother Rong."

Rongsheng immediately got up, walked over and asked in a low voice, "what's the matter?"

Xie Wanjin grabbed Rong Sheng's wrist and said, "chase!"

"OK." Rong Sheng didn't ask much, so he flew up and chased the man who had just left on the eaves.

Qin Mo was surprised and quickly looked up and shouted, "brother Wanjin, where are you going? You haven't drunk much wine yet!"

Xie Wanjin didn't have a good way: "don't drink!"

My sister doesn't know what's wrong and what wine to drink!

He was afraid of being tall. He leaned against Rongsheng's shoulder and didn't dare to look down, but he was really angry. He couldn't help muttering: "why did the Amethyst hairpin I gave to Xiao Liu suddenly appear here? Xiao Liu doesn't go out on weekdays. I arranged so many guards in the house and told her that if she went out, she would follow behind to protect her, so she wouldn't be tied at the foot of the emperor!"

There is only such a precious girl in the Xie family.

On weekdays, Xiao Liu frowns and wants his brothers to think more, let alone say anything.

Rong Sheng said faintly, "No."

When Xie Wanjin heard him say this, he gradually calmed down for a few minutes and thought, "it shouldn't be. No matter what, catch up and have a look first."

"Hold me tight."

Rong Sheng said this in a low voice, showed his outstanding lightness skills, swept over the eaves and chased after the noisy street.

Just now that man is also a good hand, and he doesn't hide in inaccessible places, but sticks in places where people come and go, which is difficult to find for a time.

Zhao Xi, who took the first step, jumped down from the eaves with Xie Zishu and stepped into the crowd in the street. Small vendors on both sides greeted passers-by to buy things.

The boy led Xie Zishu through it and stepped into a small alley. The noise around him gradually faded away.

Xie Zishu was relieved to see that no one came after her.

Zhao Xi raised her sleeve and wiped the fine sweat on her forehead. With a smile, she asked, "Why are you so afraid?"

"My fourth brother is the most vindictive. It would be terrible if you were seen by him!" Xie Zishu wondered why the little monk was not afraid at all.

Mingming's biggest worry is his life.

This man seems to be completely indifferent,

She looked at Zhao Xi for a long time and suddenly found that she was still held by him. Her cheeks were crimson and jumped out of Zhao Xi's arms like a rabbit.

The girl looked up at the eaves a step or two away from him. When she saw no one, she turned and looked back. Fortunately, there were only pedestrians in the street.

Xie Zishu said seriously, "I'm going back. If the people in the house can't find it for a long time, I'll be worried. You should go back quickly."

She turned and left.

Zhao Xi behind her suddenly stretched out her hand and pulled her back. "You haven't finished your words yet. What are you doing in such a hurry?"

"What do you want to say? Just say it." Xie Zishu bit her lip and whispered, "what are you always doing?"

Zhao Xi smiled and slowly released Xie Zishu's hand, but she didn't forget to say, "who makes you run faster than a rabbit, and you can't see a figure as soon as you let go? If you want to see you again next time, it will take some effort."

Xie Zishu smelled the speech, slightly annoyed and said, "who is the rabbit?"

Zhao Xi smiled without saying anything.

Xie Zishu felt that he had written the word "you are" on his forehead, and some students said, "do you say it or not? If not, I'll go."

She turned around and left. Suddenly, the teenager whispered behind her: "do you want to know something about your parents?"

Xie Zishu turned to see him. Her beautiful eyes were slightly bright. She hung her eyes for a moment and whispered, "I don't want to know."

Zhao Xi was surprised and said, "why?"

He knew that Yelv had a lot to do with little six and little seven, so before yongxue pass, he only abandoned the man's tendons and left his life to be taken into the imperial capital. He originally thought Xie Heng and Xie Yu would interrogate more and investigate the matter of that year.

The two brothers were never ordinary people, and they died that day.

There seems to be no intention of mentioning Jervois with little six and seven.

After thinking for a long time, Zhao Xi still wanted to ask her whether she wanted to know. Just now she looked at her face. Obviously, she wanted to know, but what she said was another meaning.

Xie Zishu lowered her eyes and looked at the rabbit embroidered on the toe of her shoe for a long time. Then she raised her eyes and looked at Zhao Xi. Her eyebrows and eyes were too soft to speak, and her tone was also soft. "What my parents and brother didn't want me to know is certainly not a good thing. Why should I ask for trouble?"

Zhao Xi was stunned at the speech, and then couldn't help laughing. She said in a low voice, "that's right."

The cold in the alley was threatening, the snow on the ground had not melted, and the light sunshine fell on the boy. As soon as he raised his lips, the cold north wind seemed to slow down a bit.

Xie Zishu looked at him for a moment and couldn't help but say softly, "little monk, don't worry about those things. I don't want to know or need to know."

Zhao Xi nodded and said, "OK."

As they were talking, Xie Zishu suddenly heard a noisy voice. The little maid shouted "Miss", as if there were four brothers and Rongsheng.

She was surprised and hurriedly said to Zhao Xi, "go back quickly. They are all looking for me. I have to hurry over."

Zhao Xi reached out and brushed away the plum blossom petals from her hair. In a warm voice, she said, "well, go over."

Xie Zishu raised her eyes and looked at the young man. Then she turned and ran out of the alley. She didn't get into the crowd. Without taking a few steps, the little maid hurried to her.

"Miss, where have you been?" the little maid panted, "but I'm worried to death."

Before Xie Zishu could speak, she saw the fourth brother and young master Rong coming from a distance

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