Xie Zishu took a deep breath, tried to calm herself down, and then smiled and went forward, "fourth brother, young master Rong, why are you here? What a coincidence."

"Qiao?" Xie Wanjin looked at her from top to bottom for a while, slightly frowned and said, "this new year's festival is coming. There are people crowded in the street outside. Why are you running out? There are no people around. Where have you just gone?"

When he said the last sentence, his eyes fixed on Xie Xiaoliu, as if she had to think about what she said.

Xie Zishu felt more and more pressure in her heart, but she looked innocent and said in a soft voice, "I've been here all the time."

She was afraid that her fourth brother would not believe it, and then added, "there are too many people in the street, which crowded me and the people accompanying me. I looked for it for a while before I saw Xiaoxiao."

Xiaoxiao is the name of the accompanying little maid. As soon as she heard Miss Liu talking about her, she immediately came forward to help explain: "yes, fourth childe, that's what the Miss said."

Xie Zishu gave the little maid a look of "going back with heavy rewards". For a moment, she pretended to be pure and docile to her fourth brother.

Just at this time, several guards who had been separated also came to see Xie Wanjin and Rongsheng, and then said, "fourth childe, this thing today..."

"Needless to say." Xie Wanjin glanced at the people and motioned them to step back.

They quickly bowed their heads and retreated to one side.

The fourth childe approached Xie Zishu and asked in a low voice, "haven't you been anywhere else? Haven't you seen anyone else? Xie Xiaoliu."

"Ah." Xie Zishu answered with a guilty conscience, "I haven't been there or seen it."

"OK." Xie Wanjin nodded, gently rubbed the hairpin he had just obtained in Aoxue garden with his hand under his sleeve, and asked her slightly with peach eyes, "where is the Amethyst hairpin that the four brothers sent you not long ago?"

Xie Zishu's heart clicked. She knew that the hairpin that had just fallen off the eaves must have been picked up by the fourth brother.

Now that he has "criminal evidence" in hand, he must be holding his temper and waiting for her to admit her mistake. Maybe he even wants to train her.

no way!

You can't just wait to die!

Thinking like this, Xiao Liu turned his mind very fast. Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration and said to his fourth brother, "the Amethyst hairpin disappeared a few days ago... Maybe it's too rare and valuable to be stolen?"

"Stolen?" Xie Wanjin laughed angrily at her words. "How many guards are there in our family? What kind of thieves can steal in your boudoir? Xie Xiaoliu! If you don't make it clear to me today, you'll wait to go to the third brother for training!"

The only girl in the family was spoiled to be lawless.

The fourth childe had no other way to cure her except to pretend to say something about her.

Third brother is different.

Just moving out of his name can make Xiao Liu honest.

Xie Zishu was really frightened when she heard this, but she soon thought of what happened a few days ago and immediately said, "I don't know what kind of thief can steal in our house. Anyway, someone sneaked into the third brother's hidden bamboo garden a few days ago. The fourth brother asked me to ask the third brother who was in his house that night?"

The little girl looked innocent, as if she could ask immediately as long as Xie Wanjin nodded.

The fourth childe is very angry. The older she is, the more she knows how to be angry with him.

Are they free to ask about the third brother?

I'm not afraid of freezing to death.

Xie Wanjin raised his hand and rubbed the center of his eyebrows. He still didn't get better. He couldn't help turning his head and asked Rong Sheng, "brother Rong, do you have any medicine for people to be obedient when they take it? Give me two. I can't cure this little six."

"Yes." Rong Sheng answered and reached into his sleeve to take it.

"Young master Rong!" Xie Zishu quickly stopped, "my fourth brother is joking. Don't take it seriously."

Xie Wanjin slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "who said I was joking? I'm very serious! Brother Rong, come..."

"Fourth brother!" Xie Zishu softened her voice and shouted to him. She came forward and took Xie Wanjin's sleeve, shook it like a spoiled girl, and said softly, "fourth brother, I'm kidding you. How dare I ask the third brother?"

Xie Wanjin glanced at her and didn't have a good way: "talk well, what Jiao? Let go."

Xie Zishu slowly loosened his sleeve and continued to say softly, "what do you worry about? I know. As the saying goes, the third brother is in good order. The third brother and you and the fifth brother are not married, so it can't be me. What's more, I'm happy and happy now. I wish I could live like this all my life. I just hope the fourth brother won't see me at home in the future."

Hearing this, Xie Wanjin raised his eyebrows and said, "do you really think so?"

"Yes." Xie Zishu nodded heavily.

When Xie Wanjin heard what he wanted to hear, he was very happy. He raised his hand and knocked on the little girl's head, "no, I'm tired of watching you now. Go home quickly. Don't shake in front of me!"

That's what he said, but the corners of his mouth have risen.

Xie Zishu knew that she had escaped a disaster. She didn't care about this with her fourth brother. She blessed her body and said softly, "yes, I'll go home immediately after I buy the cloth."

Xie Wanjin immediately said, "what kind of cloth do you want to buy? Let someone send it to the house for you to choose."

"I've come out, and I'm not short of these steps." Xie Zishu insisted on choosing by herself, and turned around with the little maid and left.

Xie Wanjin couldn't resist her and stood there shouting "Xiao Liu."

Anxious to run, Xie Zishu turned around reluctantly and asked softly, "what else can I tell you?"

"Give this back to you." Xie Wanjin raised his hand and threw the Amethyst hairpin in his hand. "Put it away and don't lose it again."

Xie Zishu reached out and caught it. She was stunned for a moment before she said, "I know, fourth brother."

Before the sound fell, she hurried around and ran away.

Xie Wanjin stood in situ watching the girl's beautiful shadow, raised his hand and motioned to the bodyguards, "what are you still standing for? Keep up!"

"Yes, fourth childe!"

Everyone answered and followed.

Xie Wanjin stood on the street where people came and went. He suddenly felt some emotion, turned his head and said to Tong Rongsheng, "I suddenly feel that it's good for you to keep the night away so unruly and willful. At least you don't have to worry about being bullied."

Rong Sheng smiled faintly and said, "Li Li is a little willful, but it's not unruly."

"Tut." Xie Wanjin put his hand on Rong Sheng's shoulder and said with a smile, "I haven't said anything about her yet. Are you protecting her now?"

Rongsheng raised his eyes and looked at him, "I don't know who it is. He was eager to catch up with him. When he saw someone, he didn't even want to say important words."

Xie Wanjin choked.

After a while, the fourth childe patted Rongsheng on the shoulder and sighed helplessly, "it's not easy to be a brother!"

Two people are talking, not far away suddenly came a "Hou Ye!"

Xie Wanjin turned and looked. Ji Ling, holding a lot of brochures, came over at such a fast pace.

The fourth childe couldn't help laughing when he saw this man. "Lord Ji, you are very busy. Which house are you going to do big things today?"

Ji Ling released a hand, raised his sleeve and wiped the sweat on his forehead. He looked up and said with a smile: "I'm going to the first auxiliary adult today."

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