Ye Zhiqiu looked at him and said, "Why are you angry again?"

When she was in Feiyun stronghold before, she didn't see many people outside. When she first took the three strings up the mountain, she saw that he always had no expression and was extremely silent. She thought that people who were good-looking had such a strange habit that they couldn't explain clearly.

But ye Zhiqiu has been an official in the dynasty for several years. He has seen his Majesty's temper and the fourth childe Xie's ability to make friends with everyone. He has seen more of Qin Mo and Zhou Minghao's serious and joking in private. He has seen thousands of people and faces, but he still can't understand Xie's happiness and anger.

She was very distressed about it.

Today is the first time to ask so frankly.

Xie Xuan looked slightly stiff. After a while, he returned to his expressionless look. He asked coldly, "you ask me?"

"I don't ask you, who else can I ask?" Ye Zhiqiu looked around and said helplessly, "there is no one else here except you and me."

Seeing this, Xie Xuan couldn't help raising his hand and holding his forehead. In a low voice, he said, "Miss Qin's waiting room is the age of marriage. You're shaking around in front of her like this. What's not to provoke?"

Ye Zhiqiu heard more and more misty, "what's the matter with me like this?"

Xie Xuan was speechless when she asked.

He put his hands back to his sleeves, raised his eyes and looked at Ye Zhiqiu. After looking at it for a while, he said in a deep voice, "come with me."

With that, Xie Xuan turned and left.

"Where are you going?" Ye Zhiqiu asked and followed up quickly.

Xie Xuan didn't look back or answer. He bypassed a large rockery, walked through the trees, came to a pond, stood in front of the water, and said in a deep voice, "come forward."

Although Ye Zhiqiu didn't know what he was going to do, he obediently walked forward and stood on Xie Xuan's side.

She looked at Shoufu for a long time. She was stunned. She couldn't help asking, "what do you want me to do?"

"Bow your head." Xie Xuan was helpless. He held back his anger and said quietly as far as possible: "take care of your own appearance."

Ye Zhiqiu said "Oh" and looked down at his reflection in the water. He was dressed in ink clothes, his sleeves were tied neatly with his sleeves and wrists, his hair was well tied, and there was no messy movement on his face.

She thought: it looks good. There's nothing wrong to choose.

Sanxian, what the hell is this for me?

Ye Zhiqiu thought for a long time, but he didn't figure out why. He couldn't help looking back at Xie Xuan and whispered, "my dress is quite normal, and I'm not so ugly as to scare others, Miss Qin?"

Xie Yu almost laughed angrily when she heard the speech. Her voice was colder and colder, "ugly?"

As soon as ye Zhiqiu heard the voice, he felt bad:

There's only one word this time.


There must be a rage in the back.

Xie Yu didn't get angry. He just said in a cold voice, "you might as well have a good look again?"

"Good, good..."

Ye Zhiqiu answered and looked back at himself in the water, but he couldn't help muttering:

What the hell do you want me to see?

Can't you just say it?

What a hurry!

Xie Xuan stood on her side without expression and said in a very weak voice, "I'm afraid Hou Ye has some misunderstanding about his appearance."

Ye Zhiqiu said blankly, "what do you mean?"

Lord Shoufu was angry in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He asked faintly, "do you really know or don't you know?"

Ye Zhiqiu wanted to plunge into the pool and wake up, but now he can only harden his head and ask, "this... What should I know?"

Xie Xuan stared at her, her thin lips opened and closed, and said indifferently, "the best son-in-law in the imperial dream is the first, and the Hou leaves in ink are traceless."

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned and said, "what's the best son-in-law list in your dream? The first is me... People in the imperial capital are joking too strangely?"

Xie Xuan ignored her, and went on indifferently: "the head of the military officer is young and promising. He is upright and handsome. He has a long gun in all directions. He has no father, no mother, no brother, no long, no bad habits..."

"Wait!" Ye Zhiqiu felt dizzy more and more. He couldn't help interrupting, "are you praising me?"

After she asked, she seemed to feel sleepwalking and asked, "you just... You praised me for looking good? Am I dreaming?"

Xie Xuan didn't answer her.

It's not that he wants to praise ye Zhiqiu, but that's how the dream son-in-law list evaluates her.

In such a big imperial capital, there are countless young talents, but they are not as good-looking as her official position, and those with higher status than her, such as Shoufu adult, are expressionless and make people dare not get close.

It's well known in the city that Mr. Xie is romantic, not to mention.

Your majesty has only a wine. These people compare and compare, and unexpectedly let Ye Zhiqiu fall at the top of the list.

What hero is young, bright and elegant, tall and unassuming, smiles brightly and straightforwardly, and never flirts outside. Even if she is alone at home and has no parents and elders, she has an advantage.

Even Shoufu adults who don't like to listen to the rumors in the market don't listen less. It's just that ye Zhiqiu doesn't know anything.

She was also shocked by "Sanxian actually praised me for looking good". She stared at the water for a long time. Suddenly, she saw Xie Yu's appearance reflected in the water. The young Shoufu adult had a handsome face and wide sleeves were blown by the wind.

Standing together in the same outfit, she happens to be an elegant and steady, a neat and bold, and it happens that civil and military complement each other.

Two people stand side by side by the pool, with shadows in the water in pairs.

Thoughts change only in the blink of an eye.

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help whispering, "it looks like a good match."

Xie Yu's face turned black when he heard this, "what are you talking about?"

"See for yourself." Ye Zhiqiu suddenly wanted to sell with him. He raised his chin and motioned Xie to look at the water. He smiled slowly: "in fact, you and I are a good match."

Xie Yu frowned slightly and looked down at the water.

Just at this time, a cold wind blew, blowing countless dead leaves, and most of them fell into the pool water. The water surface rippled layers of ripples, which scattered the two people reflected, leaving only a pool of sparkling water.

Xie Xuan took back his eyes and said, "did you understand what I said?"

"I understand." Ye Zhiqiu nodded and said seriously, "you praise me for my good looks. Don't belittle yourself. I heard it clearly and understood it very well."

Xie Yu was slightly stunned. Looking at Ye Zhiqiu, a puzzled color slowly appeared in his eyes.

The latter came to Xie Yu and whispered to him, "you said you didn't want to get married, but didn't you say you didn't get married?"

Ye Zhiqiu said this. Without listening to Xie Yu's answer, he continued with a smile: "since I am the first son-in-law in the imperial capital's dream, and you know many of my benefits, don't look at those golden girls. How about looking at me more?"

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