Xie Xuan smelled the speech, a handsome face stiffened, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Ye Zhiqiu, what are you talking nonsense?"

Ye Zhiqiu said positively: "I'm not talking nonsense. I'm very serious. Xie Xuan, you used to like to be alone. I can't get close to you. But if you feel too lonely, you want someone to pick you up with lanterns when it's dark, someone to hold an umbrella for you to go home when it rains, and someone to warm your bed with you after winter, it must be me!"

She didn't dare to think about these words at ordinary times, but when she said them now, it was very natural.

It seems that it should have been so general.

Xie Xuan stood in the garden with fallen leaves and said in a cold voice, "I don't want to."

Ye Zhiqiu immediately said, "no! You should think about it."

Xie Yu was speechless for a moment: "...."

Ye Zhiqiu was very flustered and his face was very nervous.

There are so many beauties in the world, many of whom are good-born, beautiful and gentle. Today, a Miss Qin emerges. Who knows whether there will be Miss Li and Miss Wang tomorrow

If you don't make your mind clear, I'm afraid there will be no plan in the future.

She hardly dared to open the mouth, summoned up the courage and continued: "you see, you don't have many familiar people except me. As the saying goes, it's better to be cooked than raw?"

"I've never heard such a saying," Xie retorted without giving face at all

Ye Zhiqiu immediately: "

She couldn't help thinking: is this the time to say this?

Why can't the three strings be popular at all?

Ye Zhiqiu took a deep breath, hardened his head and continued: "didn't you hear it now? In fact, these are not important. The important thing is that you think I look good now. Isn't it obvious that I'm more and more pleasing to the eye? There are so many people in the world. How many people can get into your eyes and still feel pleasing to the eye?"

The more she said it, the more she felt that she was very reasonable. The corners of her lips rose involuntarily and said with a smile: "thank you. Now you can stand here and listen to me. It's very different from before. Don't you realize it?"

Xie Yu was stunned.

Before ye Zhiqiu said this, he really didn't find it.

If someone else had been talking nonsense and nonsense in front of him, he would have been dragged down long ago and would never delay a moment more.

But now


When Xie Zhen thought of this, he suddenly woke up and said:

I had warned Ye Zhiqiu.

How did she get around it?

Damn it!

His eyes suddenly sank. A handsome face was as cold as frost. His tone was cold and said, "have you finished?"

Ye Zhiqiu felt bad when she saw this, but she still had the cheek to continue: "not yet, why don't... You listen to more?"

"No need." Xie Xuan refused directly and said in a very light tone: "I've been listening to your nonsense for so long just to remind you that if you think about your identity, you'll find your own way to death. I won't stop you. There's only one thing you should remember."

The more Ye Zhiqiu listened, the more he felt bad. He said so much that he didn't shake Xie's heart. At the moment, it seems that he doesn't like her more and more.

She was a little annoyed. She couldn't help lowering her head and asked softly, "what's the point?"

Xie Xuan said coldly, "don't make trouble for my eldest brother."

Hearing this, ye Zhiqiu suddenly didn't know what to say.

She opened her mouth. "I, actually... Forget it."

There is nothing more helpless than to try with all your courage and get hurt all over your head.

I couldn't say anything more. In the end, it all became "forget it".

"I have something else to do, so I won't accompany Lord Shoufu." Ye Zhiqiu said, hugging his fist and saluting Xie, trying to make his voice sound no different from usual.


She suddenly didn't want to listen to Xie Yu's cold words. After that, she turned and left without even waiting for the latter to speak.

Only a moment later, Xie Yu stood alone.

The garden was full of dead leaves. He looked at the rockery bonsai. Ye Zhiqiu's back soon disappeared out of sight.

Xie Yu suddenly felt a headache and couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.

Although western Chu and Dayan are now one country, women can also be officials, but ye Zhiqiu is not from Western Chu after all, not to mention that now she has military power, which is completely different from other officials.

If she recovers her daughter and doesn't talk about any crime, the military power in her hand will certainly be divided.

I really want her to marry and have children with ordinary women, and stay in the back house to embroider and run the family

Xie Xuan couldn't imagine such a picture at all.

A person's life is neither short nor long. Many things can never be completed. Ye Zhiqiu has never been vague about major right and wrong. Why can't he understand this?

What's more, people like him

It's not worth Ye Zhiqiu's liking at all.

Xie Yu reached out to catch a dead leaf flying towards him, looked down at it, and was slowly distracted.

In his opinion, the death of flowers, withered leaves and people is predestined by heaven and earth, which can not be changed. Only love is optional, not necessarily available to everyone. Like him, loneliness is the best arrangement in his life.

Over the past few years, many people have admired his so-called good face, but they have never used any heart to like the appearance, sound and color, nor for a long time. They come and go quickly.

His cold words and inhumanity made the so-called admirers dare not like it any more.

Only Ye Zhiqiu is different.

She said that what she liked was shallow, just love his face, and she just wanted to be famous.

But this is the one who is the most difficult and lasting.

However, after these words today, it should be completely cut off.

Xie Zhen thought like this. Suddenly, he accidentally crushed the dead leaves in his hand. As soon as the wind blew, the debris slipped away from his fingers.

In the twinkling of an eye, he fell into the pool and gradually disappeared with the running water.

He breathed and breathed for a moment. As soon as he was about to shout for plenty of food and clothing, he went back together. As soon as he turned around, he saw Ye Zhiqiu in ink back and walked quickly in front of him.

Xie Xuan was stunned. Before he could understand why the man came back, he heard Ye Zhiqiu clear his throat and said, "the street is crowded. I'll take you back."

She was so angry that she had to go back to her house no matter what.

But he turned around and thought, Xie Xiang is so good-looking. What if one or two people who don't look good appear in the street outside and tie him home to be the door-to-door son-in-law?

I can't get people, and I can't just let others get them.

So it's back.

Xie Xuan obviously didn't know what was thinking in her mind. She was stunned for a moment before she recovered as usual. Her face was very pale and said, "no need."

"Why not? Aren't you just afraid that I'll have any indiscriminate thoughts about you, so you have to draw a clear line like this?" Ye Zhiqiu didn't go back and forth in vain and thought about a lot of things.

The more clear she was in her heart, she knew that it was really impossible for her to be with Xie Yu. She cried and laughed in her heart, but had to pretend to be light and calm on her face. "The Ye Zhiqiu who loves you has just left. Now standing in front of you is your colleague, Mo Yi Hou Ye Wuji."

Xie Xuan heard this, his eyes changed slightly, and said to himself: what is this?

Ye Zhiqiu was secretly scolding himself: I'm so worthless!

She raised her hand and brushed away the dead leaves that fell on her shoulders. She said solemnly, "Ye Wuji is full of how to protect his family and country. She doesn't love Lord Shoufu at all. Sending you back is also to share your worries with your majesty. Let's go, Lord Shoufu."

Xie Xuan's thin lips were slightly open. He was speechless and closed again. He walked forward in a stuffy voice.

Ye Zhiqiu breathed a sigh of relief and quickly followed him and walked next to him.

Neither of them spoke again.

Ye Zhiqiu thought: forget it. In the future, you'd better look at it more, even if you make money. Don't think about what you have.

What Xie Yu ponders is: it seems that Miss Qin has a crush on Ye Zhiqiu. This matter must be handled as soon as possible.

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