Imperial capital, imperial palace.

Warm wine and drink tea in the imperial garden. Listen to the little maids around you. I'll talk about how beautiful Miss Qin is, how gentle and beautiful she is.

The third childe has been single until now. Xie Heng is anxious to get angry and warm the wine I'm worried. It's not easy to see someone who can make Xie Xuan see. Naturally, I have to meet him quickly.

The little waiter who sent the message went out for nearly an hour before he brought people over. When he came forward to reply, his face was quite delicate, "tell the empress, the marquis in ink and the Miss Qin family that Qin asked Xia to come together."

"Oh?" Wen Jiu couldn't help picking his eyes. He put his tea on the stone table and looked up.

Ye Zhiqiu, with his handsome eyebrows and eyes, walked side by side with a young lady with beautiful eyes full of spirit. They were half a head taller and looked very well matched.

The little maids around whispered, "isn't Miss Qin favored by Lord Shoufu? Why did she enter the palace with Lord Moyi?"

"Should Mo Yi Hou want to rob people with Lord Shoufu?"

"Something big is going to happen now..."

Warm wine took all these comments to his ears and coughed twice, indicating that everyone was silent.

Ye Zhiqiu and Qin asked Xia Qiqi to come forward and salute and say hello: "see the empress. The empress is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old."

"No gift. ” Wen Jiu raised his hand and motioned them to get up. He smiled and asked Ye Zhiqiu, "why did you come to this palace if you didn't go to your majesty today?"

Ye Zhiqiu looked a little unnatural when asked, "that... I..."

"The Marquis came with the minister's daughter." Qin asked Xia to help her take the words. Although she didn't dare to look directly at the warm wine, she spoke very smoothly. "The minister's daughter was nervous when she met her mother alone for the first time. Just as the Marquis was there, she asked him to come with her."

The warm wine intoned slightly and said, "I see."

Miss Qin said this quite naturally.

But that's why it makes people think about it I feel something's going on inside. Who is Moyi Hou?

To accompany you into the palace?

If you were another young minister, Wen Jiu would know that Qin asked Xia had a heart and had no intention of the third childe.

But ye Zhiqiu... Is a woman!

She looked at Ye Zhiqiu with complicated eyes for a while, and then looked again. Qin asked Xia, "what are you?"

Qin asked Xia, suddenly kneeling with his skirt, bowed his head and said, "I'm a courtier. I hope your mother can make it."

Wen Jiu was stunned. He didn't know what to say.

She looked at such a beautiful woman in front of her. She was very sad. She used to be worried and afraid because the third childe ordered to commit peach blossom. Now no one pressed her head and wanted to tell him about the marriage seriously, but why did the girl take a fancy to Ye Zhiqiu ?

Wenjiu especially wants to ask if you know that moyihou is a daughter.

But seeing ye Zhiqiu kneeling down with her, she quickly stretched out her hand to stop her and said, "if you have something to say, don't kneel."

Ye Zhiqiu said stiffly, "if I don't kneel and say this, I can't say it."

Wenjiu paused for a while and couldn't help laughing, "then you can talk later. Come on, send Miss Qin back to the house first. ”

"Empress!" Qin asked Xia. As soon as he heard this, he immediately raised his head, but when he saw a large number of maidens standing around, he lowered his voice and asked softly, "can you answer what my daughter asked?"

Wen Jiu said with a smile, "it's not urgent. Just go back and wait."

Qin asked Xia what else he wanted to ask, but he didn't dare to do it because of the prestige of the heavenly family.

Still warm wine saw the girl's mind, smiled and comforted: "the palace called you today just to see what you look like. There's nothing else. You can go back at ease."

Now she wants to know what Xiaoye is doing.

Can't you rob his lover without getting thanks?

Qin asked Xia Cheng's frightened salute and said, "I'm leaving."

Before leaving, he didn't forget to give ye Zhiqiu a look of "rely on you", so he turned and left the palace.

Wen Jiu waved his hand and signaled the left and right palace attendants to step down. After a while, only Ye Zhiqiu and her were left.

Wen Jiu said with a smile, "Why are you still standing there? Come and sit down."

Ye Zhiqiu not only didn't come over, but also stepped back two steps and said seriously, "Sanxian said he wouldn't let me be alone with my mother. It's bad if Yan Guan saw it."

Wenjiu took his sleeve and poured two cups of tea himself. He smiled and said slowly:“ Why did you come into the palace with Qin and Xia when you listened to him so much? "

Ye Zhiqiu touched his wrist and didn't speak.

Wen Jiu took up the tea cup and gently blew the hot air. He asked casually, "if I remember correctly, is the post that ah Yu sent to this Miss Qin family this afternoon? You are with her, and what about ah Yu?"

Ye Zhiqiu stood in place and recalled that when he left with Qin Wenxia, Sanxian's handsome face was almost frozen, and he was full of tangles.

She always couldn't hide things in front of warm wine. She couldn't manage so much. She immediately went over and sat down and said sadly, "I don't know. I guess she's angry."

Wen Jiu raised his eyes and looked at her. "Have a cup of tea and slowly say, what's the matter with you and Miss Qin?"

Ye Zhiqiu took up the tea lamp and drank the whole cup of tea like drinking. Then he picked up the teapot and poured himself another cup. He looked at the water rippling in the cup with low eyes and thought of what Qin asked Xia outside the peach forest.

After a while, she whispered, "I want to get married."

The warm wine smelled the speech, and the tea almost gushed out. Fortunately, there was no one else around. No one would say that the queen lost her manners.

It's more fortunate to hold back early. No one saw that Mo Yi Hou was suffering from love.

"Then what... You can get married, but you can't find a girl?" Wen Jiu raised his hand and touched Ye Zhiqiu's forehead. "Are you feeling unwell these days? Or have you forgotten that you are a girl after wearing men's clothes for a long time?"

Ye Zhiqiu took off her hand and said, "madam, I'm in good health, but I feel a little uncomfortable."

She was so sad that she couldn't say it, and she was afraid that Wenjiu wouldn't understand it. She added in a low voice: "in the past, she always wanted to see more three strings and two eyes, even if she made money, but she was dissatisfied after such a long time. She approached him a little and said a few more words. When she got some good color from him, she wanted to make him mine, mine alone!"

When ye Zhiqiu finished saying this, he suddenly realized that the person he was talking to was not quite right. In front of him, this was the Xie family.

In front of her, she said that she wanted to be her own. It seemed a little difficult to beat.

Ye Zhiqiu raised his hand, touched his forehead and asked in a low voice, "am I too greedy?"

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