When Wen Jiu saw Ye Zhiqiu so, his eyes showed a little surprise. Wen said, "it's not important whether you are greedy or not, but what's important is that you treat ah Yu..."

"Empress!" Ye Zhiqiu suddenly realized that he had been hiding for several years. He was still shaking out. For a time, he was embarrassed and clumsy. He had to shout warm wine, interrupt her first, and then think about it.

Wen Jiu is a sensible man. He knows very well and doesn't rush to ask questions.

When ye Da was in charge of the family on the shining mountain, the third childe was robbed to be the husband of the stronghold. The whole people of Feiyun stronghold regarded Xie Yu as the man in charge of the family. Ye Zhiqiu was full of him and didn't hide his love for him.

Later, when he went down the mountain, Xie Zhen recovered his identity. Ye Zhiqiu also followed Xie Heng to protect his family and country. No one mentioned the affair in Feiyun stronghold. They seemed to avoid suspicion in the open. Therefore, Wen Jiu only knew that ye Zhiqiu treated Xie Zhen very well. He thought that he could not be a husband and wife in the past and was also a friend who lived and died together, But I didn't know that ye Zhiqiu, such a careless person, would hide his love for Xie in the bottom of his heart for so long.

"Empress..." Ye Zhiqiu was silent for a long time, then shouted warm wine and whispered, "do you all think... I don't deserve Sanxian?"

Wen Jiu replied very seriously, "no, we are not worthy. Our leaflets are very good. What kind of people are not worthy?"

She was telling the truth. She didn't forget to continue: "outsiders say that our third childe is beautiful and young, so good that there is nothing in heaven and earth. In fact, only those who really get along with him know that he has a bad temper and is difficult to get along with. Otherwise, Dongfeng won't often worry that he will be single in the future."

But Shoufu university has a handsome face that can attract bees and butterflies no matter how cold it is, which is another matter.

Ye Zhiqiu raised her eyes and looked at Wen Jiu, as if she was thinking whether she could believe her words.

Warm wine bent his fingers and gently lit the table, and then added, "it's just that this marriage is the thing that needs fate most in the world."

Ye Zhiqiu seemed to suddenly understand something. Her eyes became more and more dim, and her voice lowered. "My mother wants to say that I don't have that fate with Sanxian, so I can't force it, can I?"

"Why don't you want something good?" Wenjiu suddenly didn't know what to say.

The little leaf she knew was always natural and easy. She could laugh when she started with others, but how could she feel low in the dust when she met Xie Yu.

Ye Zhiqiu said, "in the past, I always thought well, but until now I know that it's no use just thinking well. I have to live well."

Warm wine didn't speak at all.

Ye Zhiqiu said again, "if only I were a gentle and graceful lady of the boudoir. When I was in the waiting room, I would look at the three strings who were just about to get a wife. He wouldn't frown when he saw me. When he walked together, he would whisper some interesting poems and books..."

Wen Jiu listened and suddenly found that Xiaoye really envied Qin and asked Xia.

But she finally said, "but I won't be such a girl in my life."

Wen Jiu raised his hand and patted Ye Zhiqiu on the shoulder. Wen said in a soothing voice, "although ah Xuan has posted a post to Miss Qin, I see that Miss Qin has no intention of him. It must be impossible."

"Miss Qin can't be today, and there will be Miss Wang and Miss Li tomorrow." Ye Zhiqiu thinks a lot today, and his voice is stuffy. "He looks at each other more, and he will always find a favorite. Maybe he will get married soon. At that time, there will be a perfect combination of zither and harp, and two in three years..."

Wenjiu couldn't help laughing and interrupted, "wait! Your majesty asked you to read more, not when you're acid."

no kidding.

Although she listens to Xie Dongfeng say she wants to marry a daughter-in-law for the third childe every day, she really can't imagine Xie Yu's deep love for any girl. She still holds two for three years.

It's a great progress to be able to take a hand in the same family in three years.

Ye Zhiqiu did not think of these at all, and said with a bitter face, "madam, you still laugh at me!"

Wen Jiu endured and whispered, "OK, I don't laugh. You go on."

Ye Zhiqiu raised his hand and rubbed his face. After thinking for a while, he came up with a solution, "madam, can you tell your majesty that Sanxian will see those aristocratic family ladies after the new year?"

Wen Jiu was puzzled and said, "why?"

"Anyway, it's just a few days later." Ye Zhiqiu almost abandoned himself and said: "after the new year, I'll ask your majesty to go out of Beijing and go to any corner. Anyway, it's far from the imperial capital. It's best not to hear from him. In this way, I don't know who he sees, likes or wants to marry..."

She said, her voice getting lower and lower, with some hard to hide injury. "Even if I heard a little wind, I couldn't do anything thousands of miles away. When I came to Beijing in a few years, he had already become a relative. At that time, it might be said that all the children were around their knees, so I completely lost my heart."

Think of Mo Yi Hou's life and death for Dayan these years. He never asked his majesty for anything.

The same warm wine just asked Xie to see each other a few days later. He didn't even dare to ask for a little too much.

Wenjiu was a little sad for her for a moment, and asked softly, "Miss Qin should have given you advice? You are going to go out of Beijing in years, but you told her? You stopped singing as soon as the play started?"

"It's not too late." Ye Zhiqiu thought of Qin Wenxia's big head. "Sanxian is used to sulking. If you know that Qin Wenxia and I are angry with him, you'll only be so angry that you don't pay attention to me anymore. I'd better go far earlier."

Warm wine suddenly speechless: "...."

At the end of the day, I'm afraid there's no one like Ye Zhiqiu who can let Xie Yu do everything.

I was so sad that I wondered if the third childe would be angry.

If it were her, she would have left this awkward person and been busy making money.

After a while.

Ye Zhiqiu took up the tea cup and drank all the water in the cup. He said, "Qin asked Xia there. I'll find a chance to make it clear with her."

Warm wine nodded and said in a warm voice, "it's not urgent. Think about it again."

Ye Zhiqiu said "well", put the tea back on the stone table, got up and said, "madam, I have to take a few days off. I'll stay at home and think about it slowly. Please help me talk to your majesty."

"OK." warm wine and warm voice answered.

Ye Zhiqiu saluted and left. Wenjiu wanted to keep her for a few more words, but she didn't stay any more when she saw her restless appearance, so she went back.

However, ye Zhiqiu has just left here.

Not far away, Xie Heng came slowly and asked with a smile, "don't you mean that Xiaoye and Qin asked Xia came into the palace, where are the people?"

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