In the evening, Wenjiu gave Qin a lot of jewelry and jade to ask Xia. The girl looks likable. It's really wonderful to close her eyes.

At the same time, he asked people to pick a lot of weapons and silver and send them to Lord Moyi's house. Xiao Ye likes to dance guns and stick. No one in the house can manage it. Silver is the most useful thing.

Wenjiu doesn't know how to comfort people, but when she was sad, it would be much better if she had silver. I think this move should also be useful to Xiaoye.

What she thought was very simple, but as soon as these rewards were sent out, the whole imperial capital exploded and speculated about the deep meaning of the empress's move.

Almost overnight, the whole city knew that the girl preferred by Lord Shoufu had been cut off by Lord Moyi. His majesty and empress not only didn't help their home, but also meant to complete Lord Moyi and Miss Qin.

These days, Xie Xuan can hear those people talking about him wherever he goes. Therefore, the expressionless chief assistant is often standing on the political hall. The colder the ground is, and even his majesty can't help asking all his ministers to go out and dress more in the cold.

The ministers did not dare to be angry or speak. They could only add two more coats silently, and then the discussion in groups became more and more vigorous.

But ye Zhiqiu began to ask for leave after that day. It's just that he didn't come to the court. In private, he hardly appeared in front of his colleagues.

They were very curious about what had happened to the head here, but they couldn't find Ye Zhiqiu to ask, and they didn't dare to gather together with Shoufu. They couldn't eat and sleep well one by one.

On the fifth day of Ye Zhiqiu's leave, Xie Yu still went out early and returned late, but his words became less and less.

Even Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Xie asked twice when they saw him, "ah Yu, do you really like the Miss Qin family?"

"No," Xie said

The two elders at home looked at him with pity and said to his face, "well, well, if you say no, you won't."

As a result, before he took a few steps to leave, he heard two elders muttering in a low voice: "ah Yu is hard mouth!"

"They are so angry that they say they don't like other girls!"

Xie Xuan thought it was really unclear.

He didn't mean anything to Qin asking Xia, but these individuals felt that he seemed to have been robbed of his daughter-in-law and humiliated.

Hidden bamboo garden can't go back. Xie Yu simply lives in his own house. Apart from others, he can at least be cleaner.

As a result, he stood alone in the corridor for a while. Unexpectedly, he could hear the little boy whispering, "it's not easy for our first auxiliary adult. After all these years, it's not easy to have a favorite person and be loved by the Moyi Hou."

"No, it's said that Miss Qin went into the palace with Mo Yi Hou and asked for an order to get married. It's a pity that our chief auxiliary, tieshuhua, was cut off with a sword."

Xie Yu held his forehead with a headache.

These days he seems to have fallen into a very strange curse. Everyone around him is mentioning Ye Zhiqiu.

There was also a rumor that he and ye Zhiqiu were like a couple. None of them bothered people this time.

Not far away, the well-dressed and well fed hurried over. Seeing this scene, one coughed heavily, and one waved away the gossip boys.

The two men stepped forward quickly, and the Fengyi looked a little unnatural and explained, "adults, they listen to the wind and rain. Don't take it to heart."

Foot food quickly echoed: "if the marriage between Lord Moyi and Miss Qin is really successful, your majesty and empress will certainly tell adults, don't you think so?"

Xie Xuan frowned more tightly when he heard the speech.

Fengyi stared at the food and whispered, "you really don't open which pot!"

The latter immediately: "

The strangest thing about this is that your majesty and empress were originally a family with chief Fu, but they didn't scold Lord Moyi for robbing Miss Qin. Instead, They rewarded a lot. They didn't even appease chief Fu. They took it for granted that it should happen like this.

There is more gossip in the market. Your majesty and your mother intend to complete the marquis in ink and Miss Qin family. Such a generous reward is to remind the chief auxiliary adult to stand aside.

These two people didn't listen to such words, but they didn't dare to listen to their own adults.

The master and servant were speechless at a time.

The howling north wind has cooled a lot.

Just at this time, Jiang has no time to pass not far away.

Fengyi whistled to attract her attention, and then raised her hand to signal her to come quickly.

Jiang wucai wondered what they were doing, but he came over quickly and called in a low voice, "sir?"

Xie Yu is so stuffy that he won't ask anything.

Feng Yi winked at her and asked, "has Miss Qin been staying at home these days? I don't seem to have heard that she has been walking with Mo Yi Hou, has she?"

Jiang Wu had no time to think about it and said sincerely: "I heard that Mo Yi Hou accompanied Miss Qin to the plum garden the day before yesterday. We went to the theatre together yesterday. Today it seems that we are picking jewelry in the Qianjin building..."

"How could it be!" Feng Yi handed her eyes. She couldn't see Miss Jiang's intention. Seeing that the handsome face of the chief assistant was almost black at the bottom of the pot, she had to interrupt: "you must have heard wrong!"

Sufficient food also reacted at this moment, and hurriedly said, "Miss Jiang doesn't go out all day. The news is inaccurate!"

As they said this, they secretly looked at Xie Yu's face.

I saw that Shoufu's face was like frost and surrounded by cold air. They couldn't stand the cold for those who followed him all the year round.

Only standing a little farther away, Jiang Wu had no time to look up at Xie Yu and still tell the truth: "I don't have to go out. I know it's because Mo Yi Hou and Miss Qin never avoid people when they meet. What they do together every day is known by the people of the whole imperial capital."

The voice of the words did not fall, and Xie ran away.

With plenty of food and clothing, he lowered his voice and said to Jiang wucai, "Miss Jiang, what's the matter with you today? How can you say these words to prick our adults' hearts?"

Mingjiang is usually quiet and intelligent. She has never been like this!

Jiang wucai stood in place and looked at Xie Xuan's hurried away back. His face was as usual and said, "if you want to hide it, you have to hide it."

There was plenty of food and clothing, and everyone was silent.

Nothing in this world has ever been able to hide from chief Fu.

What's more, the city is full of gossip. It's hard to know.

After a while, they suddenly recovered and asked loudly, "Sir, it's dark. Where are you going?"

Don't be angry. Go to find Moyi hou to settle accounts!

Abundant clothes and sufficient food looked at each other, and they saw the color of panic in each other's eyes.

Then Qi Qi, like stepping on the wind and fire wheel, hurried to catch up

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